hydrograph_module Module

function to convert mass to concentration function to convert concentration to mass function to convert mass to concentration routines for hydrograph module routines for hydrograph module routines for hydrograph module routines for hydrograph module


  • module~~hydrograph_module~~UsesGraph module~hydrograph_module hydrograph_module module~basin_module basin_module module~hydrograph_module->module~basin_module module~time_module time_module module~hydrograph_module->module~time_module

Used by

  • module~~hydrograph_module~~UsedByGraph module~hydrograph_module hydrograph_module module~water_allocation_module water_allocation_module module~water_allocation_module->module~hydrograph_module proc~actions actions proc~actions->module~hydrograph_module proc~actions->module~water_allocation_module proc~allocate_parms allocate_parms proc~allocate_parms->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu2d_init aqu2d_init proc~aqu2d_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu2d_read aqu2d_read proc~aqu2d_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_1d_control aqu_1d_control proc~aqu_1d_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_cs_output aqu_cs_output proc~aqu_cs_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_initial aqu_initial proc~aqu_initial->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_pest_output_init aqu_pest_output_init proc~aqu_pest_output_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_pesticide_output aqu_pesticide_output proc~aqu_pesticide_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_read_elements aqu_read_elements proc~aqu_read_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_read_init aqu_read_init proc~aqu_read_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_read_init_cs aqu_read_init_cs proc~aqu_read_init_cs->module~hydrograph_module proc~aqu_salt_output aqu_salt_output proc~aqu_salt_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~aquifer_output aquifer_output proc~aquifer_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_aqu_pest_output basin_aqu_pest_output proc~basin_aqu_pest_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_aquifer_output basin_aquifer_output proc~basin_aquifer_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_ch_pest_output basin_ch_pest_output proc~basin_ch_pest_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_chanbud_output basin_chanbud_output proc~basin_chanbud_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_chanmorph_output basin_chanmorph_output proc~basin_chanmorph_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_channel_output basin_channel_output proc~basin_channel_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_ls_pest_output basin_ls_pest_output proc~basin_ls_pest_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_output basin_output proc~basin_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_read_objs basin_read_objs proc~basin_read_objs->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_recall_output basin_recall_output proc~basin_recall_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_res_pest_output basin_res_pest_output proc~basin_res_pest_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_reservoir_output basin_reservoir_output proc~basin_reservoir_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_sdchannel_output basin_sdchannel_output proc~basin_sdchannel_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~basin_sw_init basin_sw_init proc~basin_sw_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~cal_allo_init cal_allo_init proc~cal_allo_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~cal_parm_select cal_parm_select proc~cal_parm_select->module~hydrograph_module proc~cal_parmchg_read cal_parmchg_read proc~cal_parmchg_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~calhard_control calhard_control proc~calhard_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_control calsoft_control proc~calsoft_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_hyd calsoft_hyd proc~calsoft_hyd->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr calsoft_hyd_bfr proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_et calsoft_hyd_bfr_et proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_et->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_latq calsoft_hyd_bfr_latq proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_latq->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_perc calsoft_hyd_bfr_perc proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_perc->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_pet calsoft_hyd_bfr_pet proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_pet->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_surq calsoft_hyd_bfr_surq proc~calsoft_hyd_bfr_surq->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_plant calsoft_plant proc~calsoft_plant->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_read_codes calsoft_read_codes proc~calsoft_read_codes->module~hydrograph_module proc~calsoft_sed calsoft_sed proc~calsoft_sed->module~hydrograph_module proc~caltsoft_hyd caltsoft_hyd proc~caltsoft_hyd->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_cs_output ch_cs_output proc~ch_cs_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_pathogen_output ch_pathogen_output proc~ch_pathogen_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_rchinit ch_rchinit proc~ch_rchinit->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_read ch_read proc~ch_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_read_elements ch_read_elements proc~ch_read_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_read_orders_cal ch_read_orders_cal proc~ch_read_orders_cal->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_read_temp ch_read_temp proc~ch_read_temp->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_rtday ch_rtday proc~ch_rtday->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_rthr ch_rthr proc~ch_rthr->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_rtpath ch_rtpath proc~ch_rtpath->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_rtpest ch_rtpest proc~ch_rtpest->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_salt_output ch_salt_output proc~ch_salt_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_temp1 ch_temp1 proc~ch_temp1->module~hydrograph_module proc~ch_watqual4 ch_watqual4 proc~ch_watqual4->module~hydrograph_module proc~cha_pesticide_output cha_pesticide_output proc~cha_pesticide_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~channel_allo channel_allo proc~channel_allo->module~hydrograph_module proc~channel_control channel_control proc~channel_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~channel_om_output channel_om_output proc~channel_om_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~channel_output channel_output proc~channel_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~channel_surf_link channel_surf_link proc~channel_surf_link->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_clgen cli_clgen proc~cli_clgen->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_lapse cli_lapse proc~cli_lapse->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_pgen cli_pgen proc~cli_pgen->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_pgenhr cli_pgenhr proc~cli_pgenhr->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_precip_control cli_precip_control proc~cli_precip_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_rhgen cli_rhgen proc~cli_rhgen->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_slrgen cli_slrgen proc~cli_slrgen->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_staread cli_staread proc~cli_staread->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_tgen cli_tgen proc~cli_tgen->module~hydrograph_module proc~cli_wndgen cli_wndgen proc~cli_wndgen->module~hydrograph_module proc~climate_control climate_control proc~climate_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~cn2_init_all cn2_init_all proc~cn2_init_all->module~hydrograph_module proc~command command proc~command->module~hydrograph_module proc~conditions conditions proc~conditions->module~hydrograph_module proc~conditions->module~water_allocation_module proc~cs_balance cs_balance proc~cs_balance->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_cha_read cs_cha_read proc~cs_cha_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_divert cs_divert proc~cs_divert->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_divert->module~water_allocation_module proc~cs_hru_init cs_hru_init proc~cs_hru_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_irrig cs_irrig proc~cs_irrig->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_irrig->module~water_allocation_module proc~cs_rain cs_rain proc~cs_rain->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_rctn_aqu cs_rctn_aqu proc~cs_rctn_aqu->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_reactions_read cs_reactions_read proc~cs_reactions_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_sorb_aqu cs_sorb_aqu proc~cs_sorb_aqu->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_str_output cs_str_output proc~cs_str_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_uptake cs_uptake proc~cs_uptake->module~hydrograph_module proc~cs_uptake_read cs_uptake_read proc~cs_uptake_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~define_unit_elements define_unit_elements proc~define_unit_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~dr_path_read dr_path_read proc~dr_path_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~dr_read dr_read proc~dr_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~dr_read_hmet dr_read_hmet proc~dr_read_hmet->module~hydrograph_module proc~dr_read_om dr_read_om proc~dr_read_om->module~hydrograph_module proc~dr_read_pest dr_read_pest proc~dr_read_pest->module~hydrograph_module proc~dr_read_salt dr_read_salt proc~dr_read_salt->module~hydrograph_module proc~dr_ru dr_ru proc~dr_ru->module~hydrograph_module proc~dtbl_flocon_read dtbl_flocon_read proc~dtbl_flocon_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~dtbl_lum_read dtbl_lum_read proc~dtbl_lum_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~dtbl_res_read dtbl_res_read proc~dtbl_res_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~ero_eiusle ero_eiusle proc~ero_eiusle->module~hydrograph_module proc~ero_ovrsed ero_ovrsed proc~ero_ovrsed->module~hydrograph_module proc~ero_pkq ero_pkq proc~ero_pkq->module~hydrograph_module proc~erosion_output erosion_output proc~erosion_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~et_act et_act proc~et_act->module~hydrograph_module proc~et_pot et_pot proc~et_pot->module~hydrograph_module proc~exco_read exco_read proc~exco_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~exco_read_hmet exco_read_hmet proc~exco_read_hmet->module~hydrograph_module proc~exco_read_om exco_read_om proc~exco_read_om->module~hydrograph_module proc~exco_read_path exco_read_path proc~exco_read_path->module~hydrograph_module proc~exco_read_pest exco_read_pest proc~exco_read_pest->module~hydrograph_module proc~exco_read_salt exco_read_salt proc~exco_read_salt->module~hydrograph_module proc~flow_dur_curve flow_dur_curve proc~flow_dur_curve->module~hydrograph_module proc~flow_hyd_ru_hru flow_hyd_ru_hru proc~flow_hyd_ru_hru->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_canl gwflow_canl proc~gwflow_canl->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_canl_out gwflow_canl_out proc~gwflow_canl_out->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_chan_read gwflow_chan_read proc~gwflow_chan_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_chem gwflow_chem proc~gwflow_chem->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_fpln gwflow_fpln proc~gwflow_fpln->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_gwet gwflow_gwet proc~gwflow_gwet->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_gwsw gwflow_gwsw proc~gwflow_gwsw->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_ppag gwflow_ppag proc~gwflow_ppag->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_read gwflow_read proc~gwflow_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_rech gwflow_rech proc~gwflow_rech->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_resv gwflow_resv proc~gwflow_resv->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_satx gwflow_satx proc~gwflow_satx->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_simulate gwflow_simulate proc~gwflow_simulate->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_soil gwflow_soil proc~gwflow_soil->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_tile gwflow_tile proc~gwflow_tile->module~hydrograph_module proc~gwflow_wetl gwflow_wetl proc~gwflow_wetl->module~hydrograph_module proc~hcsin_output hcsin_output proc~hcsin_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hcsout_output hcsout_output proc~hcsout_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_aquifer header_aquifer proc~header_aquifer->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_channel header_channel proc~header_channel->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_const header_const proc~header_const->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_cs header_cs proc~header_cs->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_hyd header_hyd proc~header_hyd->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_pest header_pest proc~header_pest->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_reservoir header_reservoir proc~header_reservoir->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_salt header_salt proc~header_salt->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_sd_channel header_sd_channel proc~header_sd_channel->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_snutc header_snutc proc~header_snutc->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_wetland header_wetland proc~header_wetland->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_write header_write proc~header_write->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_yield header_yield proc~header_yield->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_allo hru_allo proc~hru_allo->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_carbon_output hru_carbon_output proc~hru_carbon_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_control hru_control proc~hru_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_cs_output hru_cs_output proc~hru_cs_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_dtbl_actions_init hru_dtbl_actions_init proc~hru_dtbl_actions_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_fr_change hru_fr_change proc~hru_fr_change->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_hyds hru_hyds proc~hru_hyds->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_lte_output hru_lte_output proc~hru_lte_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_lte_read hru_lte_read proc~hru_lte_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_lum_init hru_lum_init proc~hru_lum_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_lum_init_all hru_lum_init_all proc~hru_lum_init_all->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_output hru_output proc~hru_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_output_allo hru_output_allo proc~hru_output_allo->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_pathogen_output hru_pathogen_output proc~hru_pathogen_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_pesticide_output hru_pesticide_output proc~hru_pesticide_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_read hru_read proc~hru_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_salt_output hru_salt_output proc~hru_salt_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hru_urban hru_urban proc~hru_urban->module~hydrograph_module proc~hrudb_init hrudb_init proc~hrudb_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~hyd_connect hyd_connect proc~hyd_connect->module~hydrograph_module proc~hyd_connect_out hyd_connect_out proc~hyd_connect_out->module~hydrograph_module proc~hyd_read_connect hyd_read_connect proc~hyd_read_connect->module~hydrograph_module proc~hyddep_output hyddep_output proc~hyddep_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hydin_output hydin_output proc~hydin_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hydout_output hydout_output proc~hydout_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~hydro_init hydro_init proc~hydro_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~lcu_read_softcal lcu_read_softcal proc~lcu_read_softcal->module~hydrograph_module proc~lsu_output lsu_output proc~lsu_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~lsu_read_elements lsu_read_elements proc~lsu_read_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~manure_allocation_read manure_allocation_read proc~manure_allocation_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~manure_demand_output manure_demand_output proc~manure_demand_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~manure_source_output manure_source_output proc~manure_source_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~mgt_newtillmix_wet mgt_newtillmix_wet proc~mgt_newtillmix_wet->module~hydrograph_module proc~mgt_sched mgt_sched proc~mgt_sched->module~hydrograph_module proc~nut_nrain nut_nrain proc~nut_nrain->module~hydrograph_module proc~nut_solp nut_solp proc~nut_solp->module~hydrograph_module proc~obj_output obj_output proc~obj_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~object_read_output object_read_output proc~object_read_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~om_water_init om_water_init proc~om_water_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~output_landscape_init output_landscape_init proc~output_landscape_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~overbank_read overbank_read proc~overbank_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~path_cha_res_read path_cha_res_read proc~path_cha_res_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~pathogen_init pathogen_init proc~pathogen_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~pest_cha_res_read pest_cha_res_read proc~pest_cha_res_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~pesticide_init pesticide_init proc~pesticide_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~pl_biomass_gro pl_biomass_gro proc~pl_biomass_gro->module~hydrograph_module proc~pl_dormant pl_dormant proc~pl_dormant->module~hydrograph_module proc~pl_fert_wet pl_fert_wet proc~pl_fert_wet->module~hydrograph_module proc~pl_leaf_senes pl_leaf_senes proc~pl_leaf_senes->module~hydrograph_module proc~pl_read_parms_cal pl_read_parms_cal proc~pl_read_parms_cal->module~hydrograph_module proc~pl_read_regions_cal pl_read_regions_cal proc~pl_read_regions_cal->module~hydrograph_module proc~pl_write_parms_cal pl_write_parms_cal proc~pl_write_parms_cal->module~hydrograph_module proc~plant_all_init plant_all_init proc~plant_all_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~plant_init plant_init proc~plant_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~proc_aqu proc_aqu proc~proc_aqu->module~hydrograph_module proc~proc_cal proc_cal proc~proc_cal->module~hydrograph_module proc~proc_cha proc_cha proc~proc_cha->module~hydrograph_module proc~proc_cond proc_cond proc~proc_cond->module~hydrograph_module proc~proc_hru proc_hru proc~proc_hru->module~hydrograph_module proc~proc_res proc_res proc~proc_res->module~hydrograph_module proc~re_initialize re_initialize proc~re_initialize->module~hydrograph_module proc~rec_read_elements rec_read_elements proc~rec_read_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~recall_cs recall_cs proc~recall_cs->module~hydrograph_module proc~recall_nut recall_nut proc~recall_nut->module~hydrograph_module proc~recall_output recall_output proc~recall_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~recall_read recall_read proc~recall_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~recall_read_cs recall_read_cs proc~recall_read_cs->module~hydrograph_module proc~recall_read_salt recall_read_salt proc~recall_read_salt->module~hydrograph_module proc~recall_salt recall_salt proc~recall_salt->module~hydrograph_module proc~reg_read_elements reg_read_elements proc~reg_read_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_allo res_allo proc~res_allo->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_control res_control proc~res_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_cs res_cs proc~res_cs->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_cs_output res_cs_output proc~res_cs_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_hydro res_hydro proc~res_hydro->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_hydro->module~water_allocation_module proc~res_initial res_initial proc~res_initial->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_nutrient res_nutrient proc~res_nutrient->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_objects res_objects proc~res_objects->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_pest res_pest proc~res_pest->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_pesticide_output res_pesticide_output proc~res_pesticide_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_read res_read proc~res_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_read_elements res_read_elements proc~res_read_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_rel_conds res_rel_conds proc~res_rel_conds->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_salt res_salt proc~res_salt->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_salt_output res_salt_output proc~res_salt_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_sediment res_sediment proc~res_sediment->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_weir_release res_weir_release proc~res_weir_release->module~hydrograph_module proc~res_weir_release->module~water_allocation_module proc~reservoir_output reservoir_output proc~reservoir_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~rls_routeaqu rls_routeaqu proc~rls_routeaqu->module~hydrograph_module proc~rls_routesoil rls_routesoil proc~rls_routesoil->module~hydrograph_module proc~rls_routesurf rls_routesurf proc~rls_routesurf->module~hydrograph_module proc~rls_routetile rls_routetile proc~rls_routetile->module~hydrograph_module proc~ru_cs_output ru_cs_output proc~ru_cs_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~ru_output ru_output proc~ru_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~ru_read ru_read proc~ru_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~ru_read_elements ru_read_elements proc~ru_read_elements->module~hydrograph_module proc~ru_salt_output ru_salt_output proc~ru_salt_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_balance salt_balance proc~salt_balance->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_cha_read salt_cha_read proc~salt_cha_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_chem_aqu salt_chem_aqu proc~salt_chem_aqu->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_hru_init salt_hru_init proc~salt_hru_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_irrig salt_irrig proc~salt_irrig->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_irrig->module~water_allocation_module proc~salt_rain salt_rain proc~salt_rain->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_roadsalt salt_roadsalt proc~salt_roadsalt->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_uptake salt_uptake proc~salt_uptake->module~hydrograph_module proc~salt_uptake_read salt_uptake_read proc~salt_uptake_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_chanbud_output sd_chanbud_output proc~sd_chanbud_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_chanmorph_output sd_chanmorph_output proc~sd_chanmorph_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_control2 sd_channel_control2 proc~sd_channel_control2->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_control3 sd_channel_control3 proc~sd_channel_control3->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_control3->module~water_allocation_module proc~sd_channel_nutrients sd_channel_nutrients proc~sd_channel_nutrients->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_output sd_channel_output proc~sd_channel_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_read sd_channel_read proc~sd_channel_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3 sd_channel_sediment3 proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_surf_link sd_channel_surf_link proc~sd_channel_surf_link->module~hydrograph_module proc~sd_hydsed_read sd_hydsed_read proc~sd_hydsed_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~sim_initday sim_initday proc~sim_initday->module~hydrograph_module proc~soil_nutcarb_write soil_nutcarb_write proc~soil_nutcarb_write->module~hydrograph_module proc~soils_init soils_init proc~soils_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~sq_canopyint sq_canopyint proc~sq_canopyint->module~hydrograph_module proc~sq_greenampt sq_greenampt proc~sq_greenampt->module~hydrograph_module proc~sq_snom sq_snom proc~sq_snom->module~hydrograph_module proc~structure_init structure_init proc~structure_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~surface surface proc~surface->module~hydrograph_module proc~swift_output swift_output proc~swift_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~swr_drains swr_drains proc~swr_drains->module~hydrograph_module proc~swr_percmain swr_percmain proc~swr_percmain->module~hydrograph_module proc~swr_satexcess swr_satexcess proc~swr_satexcess->module~hydrograph_module proc~time_conc_init time_conc_init proc~time_conc_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~topohyd_init topohyd_init proc~topohyd_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~treat_read_om treat_read_om proc~treat_read_om->module~hydrograph_module proc~treat_read_om->module~water_allocation_module proc~unit_hyd_ru_hru unit_hyd_ru_hru proc~unit_hyd_ru_hru->module~hydrograph_module proc~varinit varinit proc~varinit->module~hydrograph_module proc~wallo_control wallo_control proc~wallo_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~wallo_control->module~water_allocation_module proc~wallo_demand wallo_demand proc~wallo_demand->module~hydrograph_module proc~wallo_demand->module~water_allocation_module proc~wallo_transfer wallo_transfer proc~wallo_transfer->module~hydrograph_module proc~wallo_transfer->module~water_allocation_module proc~wallo_treatment wallo_treatment proc~wallo_treatment->module~hydrograph_module proc~wallo_treatment->module~water_allocation_module proc~wallo_withdraw wallo_withdraw proc~wallo_withdraw->module~hydrograph_module proc~wallo_withdraw->module~water_allocation_module proc~water_allocation_output water_allocation_output proc~water_allocation_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~water_allocation_output->module~water_allocation_module proc~water_allocation_read water_allocation_read proc~water_allocation_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~water_allocation_read->module~water_allocation_module proc~wet_all_initial wet_all_initial proc~wet_all_initial->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_cs wet_cs proc~wet_cs->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_cs_output wet_cs_output proc~wet_cs_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_fp_init wet_fp_init proc~wet_fp_init->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_initial wet_initial proc~wet_initial->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_irrp wet_irrp proc~wet_irrp->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_read wet_read proc~wet_read->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_salt wet_salt proc~wet_salt->module~hydrograph_module proc~wet_salt_output wet_salt_output proc~wet_salt_output->module~hydrograph_module proc~wetland_control wetland_control proc~wetland_control->module~hydrograph_module proc~wetland_output wetland_output proc~wetland_output->module~hydrograph_module program~main main program~main->module~hydrograph_module proc~header_water_allocation header_water_allocation proc~header_water_allocation->module~water_allocation_module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: mhyd = 0
integer, public :: mcmd = 0
integer, public :: inum2 = 0
integer, public :: jrch = 0
integer, public :: jrchq = 0
integer, public :: mrte = 0
integer, public :: ihout = 0
integer, public :: iwst = 0
integer, public :: isdch = 0
integer, public :: icmd = 0
integer, public :: ich = 0
integer, public :: mobj_out = 0
integer, public :: isd_chsur = 0
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: rcv_sum
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: dfn_sum
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: elem_cnt
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: defunit_num
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: ru_seq
real, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: hyd_km2
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: ob_order
real, public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: rchhr
real, public, allocatable :: wyld_rto(:)
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hd
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: rec_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: rec_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: rec_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: rec_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: srec_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: srec_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: srec_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: srec_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ru_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ru_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ru_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ru_a
type(hyd_output), public :: brec_d
type(hyd_output), public :: brec_m
type(hyd_output), public :: brec_y
type(hyd_output), public :: brec_a
type(hyd_output), public :: bru_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bru_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bru_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bru_a
type(hyd_output), public :: binhyd_d
type(hyd_output), public :: hz
type(hyd_output), public :: dr1
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hcnst
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hhr
type(hyd_output), public :: ht1
type(hyd_output), public :: ht2
type(hyd_output), public :: ht3
type(hyd_output), public :: ht4
type(hyd_output), public :: ht5
type(hyd_output), public :: delrto
type(hyd_output), public :: fp_dep
type(hyd_output), public :: ch_dep
type(hyd_output), public :: bank_ero
type(hyd_output), public :: bed_ero
type(hyd_output), public :: ch_trans
type(hyd_sep), public :: hdsep1
type(hyd_sep), public :: hdsep2
type(hyd_sep), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_stor_hdsep
real, public, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hyd_sep_array
character(len=16), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: om_init_name
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, target :: aqu
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, target :: res
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, target :: wet
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: res_om_init
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_om_init
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_seep_day
type(hyd_output), public :: resz
type(hyd_output), public, pointer :: wbody

used for reservoir and wetlands

type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: om_init_water
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_om_water_init
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: fp_om_water_init
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_stor
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: fp_stor
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: tot_stor
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_stor
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_stor_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_stor_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_stor_a
type(hyd_output), public :: chaz
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_in_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_in_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_in_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_in_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_trap
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_in_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_in_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_in_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_in_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_out_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_out_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_out_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: res_out_a
type(hyd_output), public :: bres
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_out_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_out_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_out_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bres_out_a
type(hyd_output), public :: resmz
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_in_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_in_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_in_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_in_a
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_in_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_in_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_in_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_in_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_out_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_out_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_out_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: wet_out_a
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_out_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_out_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_out_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bwet_out_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_in_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_in_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_in_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_in_a
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_stor_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_stor_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_stor_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_stor_a
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_in_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_in_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_in_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_in_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_out_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_out_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_out_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ch_out_a
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_out_d
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_out_m
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_out_y
type(hyd_output), public :: bch_out_a
type(hyd_output), public :: chomz
type(object_output), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: ob_out
type(channel_floodplain_water_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: ch_fp_wb
type(timestep), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ts
type(water_temperature_data), public :: w_temp
integer, public :: fdc_npts = 27
real, public, dimension (27) :: fdc_p = (/.1, .5, 1., 2., 3., 5., 10., 15., 20., 25., 30., 35., 40., 45., 50., 55., 60., 65., 70., 75., 80., 85., 90., 95., 97., 98., 99./)
integer, public, dimension (27) :: fdc_days = (/1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 18, 37, 55, 73, 91, 110, 128, 146, 164, 182, 201, 219, 237, 256, 274, 292, 310, 329, 347, 354, 358, 361/)
real, public, dimension (27) :: fdc_n = 0.
real, public, dimension (27) :: fdc_norm_mean = 0.
type(object_connectivity), public, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ob
type(irrigation_water_transfer), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: irrig
type(recall_hydrograph_inputs), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: recall
type(spatial_objects), public :: sp_ob
type(spatial_objects), public :: sp_ob1
type(object_total_hydrographs), public :: hd_tot
type(routing_unit_data), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ru_def
type(routing_unit_elements), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ru_elem
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ielem_ru
type(channel_surface_elements), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_sur
type(geomorphic_baseflow_channel_data), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_cha
type(channel_aquifer_elements), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: aq_ch
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: dr
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: trt
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: exco
type(hyd_header), public :: hyd_hdr
type(hyd_stor_header), public :: hyd_stor_hdr
type(hyd_in_header), public :: hyd_in_hdr
type(hyd_out_header), public :: hyd_out_hdr
type(hyd_inout_header), public :: hyd_inout_hdr
type(wtmp_out_header), public :: wtmp_hdr
type(sed_hyd_header), public :: sd_hyd_hdr
type(sd_hyd_header_units), public :: sd_hyd_hdr_units
type(sol_header), public :: sol_hdr
type(plant_header), public :: plt_hdr
type(flood_plain_header), public :: fp_hdr
type(ch_watbod_header), public :: ch_wbod_hdr
type(ch_watbod_header_units), public :: ch_wbod_hdr_units
type(ch_watbod_inoutheader), public :: ch_wbod_inouthdr
type(ch_watbod_inoutheader_units), public :: ch_wbod_inouthdr_units
type(hyd_header_units1), public :: hyd_hdr_units1
type(hyd_header_units3), public :: hyd_hdr_units3
type(hydinout_header_units1), public :: hydinout_hdr_units1
type(wtmp_header_units), public :: wtmp_units
type(hyd_header_units), public :: hyd_hdr_units
type(hyd_header_units2), public :: hyd_hdr_units2
type(hyd_header_time), public :: hyd_hdr_time
type(rec_header_time), public :: rec_hdr_time
type(hyd_header_obj), public :: hyd_hdr_obj
type(output_flow_duration_header), public :: fdc_hdr
type(calibration_header), public :: calb_hdr
type(calibration2_header), public :: calb2_hdr
type(calibration3_header), public :: calb3_hdr
type(output_checker_header), public :: chk_hdr
type(output_checker_unit), public :: chk_unit
type(hru_swift_header), public :: hru_swift_hdr


public interface operator (+)

  • public function hydout_add(hyd1, hyd2) result(hyd3)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1
    type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd2

    Return Value type(hyd_output)

public interface operator (-)

public interface operator (**)

public interface operator (.add.)

  • public function hydout_add_const(const, hyd1) result(hyd2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real, intent(in) :: const
    type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1

    Return Value type(hyd_output)

public interface operator (*)

  • public function hydout_mult_const(const, hyd1) result(hyd2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real, intent(in) :: const
    type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1

    Return Value type(hyd_output)

public interface operator (/)

  • public function hydout_div_const(hyd1, const) result(hyd2)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1
    real, intent(in) :: const

    Return Value type(hyd_output)

public interface operator (//)

Derived Types

type, public ::  hyd_output


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: flo = 0.

m^3 |volume of water

real, public :: sed = 0.

metric tons |sediment

real, public :: orgn = 0.

kg N |organic N

real, public :: sedp = 0.

kg P |organic P

real, public :: no3 = 0.

kg N |NO3-N

real, public :: solp = 0.

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

real, public :: chla = 0.

kg |chlorophyll-a

real, public :: nh3 = 0.

kg N |NH3

real, public :: no2 = 0.

kg N |NO2

real, public :: cbod = 0.

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

real, public :: dox = 0.

kg |dissolved oxygen

real, public :: san = 0.

tons |detached sand

real, public :: sil = 0.

tons |detached silt

real, public :: cla = 0.

tons |detached clay

real, public :: sag = 0.

tons |detached small ag

real, public :: lag = 0.

tons |detached large ag

real, public :: grv = 0.

tons |gravel

real, public :: temp = 0.

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  hyd_sep


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: flo_surq = 0.

m3 |volume of water from surface runoff

real, public :: flo_latq = 0.

m3 |volume of water from surface runoff

real, public :: flo_gwsw = 0.

m3 |volume of water from groundwater discharge

real, public :: flo_swgw = 0.

m3 |volume of water from stream seepage

real, public :: flo_satex = 0.

m3 |volume of water from saturation excess (high water table; from gwflow module)

real, public :: flo_satexsw = 0.

m3 |volume of water from saturation excess (saturated profile)

real, public :: flo_tile = 0.

m3 |volume of water from tile flow

type, public ::  object_output


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=3), public :: name = ""
character(len=3), public :: obtyp = ""

object type: hru,hlt,hs,rxc,dr,out,sdc

integer, public :: obtypno = 0

object type number: 1=hru, 2=hru_lte, 3=channel

character(len=6), public :: hydtyp = ""

hydrograph type: tot,rhg,sur,lat,til

integer, public :: objno = 0

object number

integer, public :: hydno = 0

code computes from hydtyp

character(len=26), public :: filename = ""

file with hydrograph output from the object

integer, public :: unitno = 6100

filename unit number


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: inflo = 0.

m3 | inflow

real, public :: outflo = 0.

m3 | outflow

real, public :: tl = 0.

m3 | transmission losses

real, public :: ev = 0.

m3 | evaporation

real, public :: ch_stor_init = 0.

m3 | channel storage at start of time step

real, public :: ch_stor = 0.

m3 | channel storage at end of time step

real, public :: fp_stor_init = 0.

m3 | flood plain storage at start of time step (all flood plain storage above wetland emergency volume)

real, public :: fp_stor = 0.

m3 | flood plain storage at end of time step

real, public :: tot_stor_init = 0.

m3 | total channel + wetland storage at start of time step

real, public :: tot_stor = 0.

m3 | total channel + wetland storage at end of time step

real, public :: wet_stor_init = 0.

m3 | wetland flood plain storage at start of time step

real, public :: wet_stor = 0.

m3 | wetland flood plain storage at end of time step

type, public ::  timestep


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hh

type, public ::  sorted_duration_curve


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: val = 0.
integer, public :: next = 0

type, public ::  duration_curve_points


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: min = 1.e10
real, public :: max = 0.
real, public :: mean = 0
real, public, dimension (27) :: p = 0.

type, public ::  water_temperature_data


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = ""
real, public :: sno_mlt = 1.
real, public :: gw = .97
real, public :: sur_lat = 1.
integer, public :: airlag_d = 6
real, public :: hex_coef1 = .67
real, public :: hex_coef2 = 1.16

type, public ::  flow_duration_curve


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: mfe = 1
integer, public :: mle = 1
type(duration_curve_points), public :: p_md
type(duration_curve_points), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: yr

type, public ::  inflow_unit_hyds


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: uh
real, public, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: hyd_flo

type, public ::  flashiness_index


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: sum_q_q1 = 0.
real, public :: sum_q = 0.
real, public :: q_prev = 0.
real, public :: index = 0.

type, public ::  object_connectivity


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = "default"
character(len=8), public :: typ = " "
integer, public :: nhyds = 0
real, public :: lat = 0.
real, public :: long = 0.
real, public :: elev = 100.
real, public :: plaps = 0.
real, public :: tlaps = 0.
real, public :: area_ha = 80.
integer, public :: sp_ob_no = 1
real, public :: area_ha_calc = 80.
integer, public :: props = 1
character(len=50), public :: wst_c = ""
integer, public :: wst = 1
integer, public :: constit = 0
integer, public :: props2 = 0
character(len=16), public :: ruleset = ""
integer, public :: flo_dtbl = 0
integer, public :: num = 1
integer(kind=8), public :: gis_id = 0
integer, public :: fired = 0
integer, public :: cmd_next = 0
integer, public :: cmd_prev = 0
integer, public :: cmd_order = 0
integer, public :: src_tot = 0
integer, public :: rcv_tot = 0
integer, public :: dfn_tot = 0
integer, public :: ru_tot = 0
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: ru
integer, public :: elem = 0
integer, public :: flood_ch_lnk = 0
integer, public :: flood_ch_elem = 0
integer, public :: flood_frac = 0
character(len=3), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: obtyp_out
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obtypno_out
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obj_out
character(len=3), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: htyp_out
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: ihtyp_out
real, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: frac_out
character(len=8), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obtyp_in
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obtypno_in
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obj_in
character(len=3), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: htyp_in
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ihtyp_in
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: frac_in
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: rcvob_inhyd
type(flow_duration_curve), public :: fdc
type(sorted_duration_curve), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: fdc_ll
type(sorted_duration_curve), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: fdc_lla
type(flashiness_index), public :: flash_idx
type(hyd_output), public :: hin
type(hyd_output), public :: hin_sur
type(hyd_output), public :: hin_lat
type(hyd_output), public :: hin_til
type(hyd_output), public :: hin_aqu
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hd
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hd_aa
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ts
type(inflow_unit_hyds), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hin_uh
real, public, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: uh
real, public, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hyd_flo
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: tsin
type(hyd_output), public :: trans
type(hyd_output), public :: hin_tot
type(hyd_output), public :: hout_tot
type(hyd_output), public :: conc_prev
real, public :: demand = 0.
integer, public :: day_cur = 0
integer, public :: day_max = 0
real, public :: peakrate = 0.
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hin_d
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hin_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hin_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hin_a
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hout_m
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hout_y
type(hyd_output), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: hout_a
type(hyd_output), public :: hdep_m
type(hyd_output), public :: hdep_y
type(hyd_output), public :: hdep_a
type(hyd_sep), public :: hdsep
type(hyd_sep), public :: hdsep_in
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obj_subs

type, public ::  water_rights_elements


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: num = 0
character(len=16), public :: ob_typ = ""
integer, public :: ob_num = 0
character(len=16), public :: irr_typ = ""
integer, public :: irr_no = 0
real, public :: amount = 0.
integer, public :: rights = 0

type, public ::  irrigation_water_transfer


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: demand = 0.
real, public :: applied = 0.
real, public :: runoff = 0.
real, public :: eff = 1.
real, public :: frac_surq = 0.
real, public :: no3 = 0.
real, public :: salt = 0.
type(hyd_output), public :: water

type, public ::  recall_hydrograph_inputs


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=25), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: num = 0
integer, public :: typ = -1
character(len=25), public :: filename = ""
type(hyd_output), public, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: hd
real, public, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: hyd_flo
integer, public :: start_yr = 0

start year of point source file

integer, public :: end_yr = 0

end year of point source file

type, public ::  spatial_objects


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: objs = 0
integer, public :: hru = 0
integer, public :: hru_lte = 0
integer, public :: ru = 0
integer, public :: gwflow = 0
integer, public :: aqu = 0
integer, public :: chan = 0
integer, public :: res = 0
integer, public :: recall = 0
integer, public :: exco = 0
integer, public :: dr = 0
integer, public :: canal = 0
integer, public :: pump = 0
integer, public :: outlet = 0
integer, public :: chandeg = 0
integer, public :: aqu2d = 0
integer, public :: herd = 0
integer, public :: wro = 0

type, public ::  object_total_hydrographs


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: hru = 5
integer, public :: hru_lte = 5
integer, public :: ru = 5
integer, public :: gwflow = 1
integer, public :: aqu = 2
integer, public :: chan = 3
integer, public :: res = 2
integer, public :: recall = 1
integer, public :: exco = 2
integer, public :: dr = 2
integer, public :: pump = 1
integer, public :: outlet = 1
integer, public :: chandeg = 3
integer, public :: aqu2d = 2
integer, public :: herd = 1
integer, public :: wro = 1

type, public ::  routing_unit_data


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: num_tot = 0
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: num

type, public ::  routing_unit_elements


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: obj = 1
character(len=3), public :: obtyp = ""
integer, public :: obtypno = 0
real, public :: frac = 0
character(len=16), public :: dr_name = ""
type(hyd_output), public :: dr

type, public ::  channel_surface_elements


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: num = 0
integer, public :: chnum = 0
integer, public :: resnum = 0
character(len=3), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obtyp
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: obtypno
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: wid
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: dep
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: flood_volmx
type(hyd_output), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: hd


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: area = 0.
real, public :: len = 0.
real, public :: len_left = 0.
real, public :: flo_fr = 0.

type, public ::  channel_aquifer_elements


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: num_tot = 0
integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: num
real, public :: len_tot = 0.
type(hyd_output), public :: hd
type(geomorphic_baseflow_channel_data), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ch

type, public ::  hyd_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=17), public :: flo = "              flo"

ha-m |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed = "            sed"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn = "           orgn"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp = "           sedp"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3 = "            no3"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp = "           solp"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla = "           chla"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3 = "            nh3"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2 = "            no2"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod = "           cbod"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox = "            dox"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: san = "            san"

tons |detached sand

character(len=15), public :: sil = "            sil"

tons |detached silt

character(len=15), public :: cla = "            cla"

tons |detached clay

character(len=15), public :: sag = "            sag"

tons |detached small ag

character(len=15), public :: lag = "            lag"

tons |detached large ag

character(len=15), public :: grv = "            grv"

tons |gravel

character(len=15), public :: temp = "           null"

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  hyd_stor_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=17), public :: flo_stor = "         flo_stor"

m^3/s |water stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sed_stor = "       sed_stor"

metric tons |sediment stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: orgn_stor = "      orgn_stor"

kg N |organic N stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sedp_stor = "      sedp_stor"

kg P |organic P stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: no3_stor = "       no3_stor"

kg N |NO3-N stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: solp_stor = "      solp_stor"

kg P |mineral (soluble P) stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: chla_stor = "      chla_stor"

kg |chlorophyll-a stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: nh3_stor = "       nh3_stor"

kg N |NH3-N (ammonium) stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: no2_stor = "       no2_stor"

kg N |NO2-N (nitrite) stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: cbod_stor = "      cbod_stor"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: dox_stor = "       dox_stor"

kg |dissolved oxygen stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: san_stor = "       san_stor"

tons |detached sand stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sil_stor = "       sil_stor"

tons |detached silt stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: cla_stor = "       cla_stor"

tons |detached clay stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sag_stor = "       sag_stor"

tons |detached small ag stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: lag_stor = "       lag_stor"

tons |detached large ag stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: grv_stor = "       grv_stor"

tons |gravel stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: temp_stor = "           null"

deg c |water temperature

type, public ::  hyd_in_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo_in = "         flo_in"

m^3/s |water in

character(len=15), public :: sed_in = "         sed_in"

metric tons |sediment in

character(len=15), public :: orgn_in = "        orgn_in"

kg N |organic N in

character(len=15), public :: sedp_in = "        sedp_in"

kg P |organic P in

character(len=15), public :: no3_in = "         no3_in"

kg N |NO3-N (nitrate) in

character(len=15), public :: solp_in = "        solp_in"

kg P |mineral (soluble P) in

character(len=15), public :: chla_in = "        chla_in"

kg |chlorophyll-a in

character(len=15), public :: nh3_in = "         nh3_in"

kg N |NH3-N (ammonium) in

character(len=15), public :: no2_in = "         no2_in"

kg N |NO2-N (nitrate) in

character(len=15), public :: cbod_in = "        cbod_in"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand in

character(len=15), public :: dox_in = "         dox_in"

kg |dissolved oxygen in

character(len=15), public :: san_in = "         san_in"

tons |detached sand in

character(len=15), public :: sil_in = "         sil_in"

tons |detached silt in

character(len=15), public :: cla_in = "         cla_in"

tons |detached clay in

character(len=15), public :: sag_in = "         sag_in"

tons |detached small ag in

character(len=15), public :: lag_in = "         lag_in"

tons |detached large ag in

character(len=15), public :: grv_in = "         grv_in"

tons |gravel in

character(len=15), public :: temp_in = "           null"

deg c |temperature in

type, public ::  hyd_out_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo_out = "        flo_out"

m^3/s |water out

character(len=15), public :: sed_out = "        sed_out"

metric tons |sediment out

character(len=15), public :: orgn_out = "       orgn_out"

kg N |organic N out

character(len=15), public :: sedp_out = "       sedp_out"

kg P |organic P out

character(len=15), public :: no3_out = "        no3_out"

kg N |NO3-N out

character(len=15), public :: solp_out = "       solp_out"

kg P |mineral (soluble P) out

character(len=15), public :: chla_out = "       chla_out"

kg |chlorophyll-a out

character(len=15), public :: nh3_out = "        nh3_out"

kg N |NH3-N (ammonium) out

character(len=15), public :: no2_out = "        no2_out"

kg N |NO2-N (nitrite) out

character(len=15), public :: cbod_out = "       cbod_out"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand out

character(len=15), public :: dox_out = "        dox_out"

kg |dissolved oxygen out

character(len=15), public :: san_out = "        san_out"

tons |detached sand out

character(len=15), public :: sil_out = "        sil_out"

tons |detached silt out

character(len=15), public :: cla_out = "        cla_out"

tons |detached clay out

character(len=15), public :: sag_out = "        sag_out"

tons |detached small ag out

character(len=15), public :: lag_out = "        lag_out"

tons |detached large ag out

character(len=15), public :: grv_out = "        grv_out"

tons |gravel out

character(len=15), public :: temp_out = "           null"

deg c |temperature out

type, public ::  hyd_inout_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo_in = "         flo_in"

m^3/s |water in

character(len=15), public :: flo_out = "        flo_out"

m^3/s |water out

character(len=15), public :: sed_in = "         sed_in"

metric tons |sediment in

character(len=15), public :: sed_out = "        sed_out"

metric tons |sediment out

character(len=15), public :: orgn_in = "        orgn_in"

kg N |organic N in

character(len=15), public :: orgn_out = "       orgn_out"

kg N |organic N out

character(len=15), public :: sedp_in = "        sedp_in"

kg P |organic P in

character(len=15), public :: sedp_out = "       sedp_out"

kg P |organic P out

character(len=15), public :: no3_in = "         no3_in"

kg N |NO3-N (nitrate) in

character(len=15), public :: no3_out = "        no3_out"

kg N |NO3-N out

character(len=15), public :: solp_in = "        solp_in"

kg P |mineral (soluble P) in

character(len=15), public :: solp_out = "       solp_out"

kg P |mineral (soluble P) out

character(len=15), public :: chla_in = "        chla_in"

kg |chlorophyll-a in

character(len=15), public :: chla_out = "       chla_out"

kg |chlorophyll-a out

character(len=15), public :: nh3_in = "         nh3_in"

kg N |NH3-N (ammonium) in

character(len=15), public :: nh3_out = "        nh3_out"

kg N |NH3-N (ammonium) out

character(len=15), public :: no2_in = "         no2_in"

kg N |NO2-N (nitrate) in

character(len=15), public :: no2_out = "        no2_out"

kg N |NO2-N (nitrite) out

character(len=15), public :: cbod_in = "        cbod_in"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand in

character(len=15), public :: cbod_out = "       cbod_out"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand out

character(len=15), public :: dox_in = "         dox_in"

kg |dissolved oxygen in

character(len=15), public :: dox_out = "        dox_out"

kg |dissolved oxygen out

type, public ::  wtmp_out_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: water_temp = "     water_temp"

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  sed_hyd_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo_in = "         flo_in"

m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: flo_out = "        flo_out"

m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed_in = "         sed_in"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: sed_out = "        sed_out"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn_in = "        orgn_in"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: orgn_out = "       orgn_out"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp_in = "        sedp_in"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: sedp_out = "       sedp_out"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3_in = "         no3_in"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: no3_out = "        no3_out"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp_in = "        solp_in"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: solp_out = "       solp_out"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla_in = "        chla_in"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: chla_out = "       chla_out"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3_in = "         nh3_in"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: nh3_out = "        nh3_out"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2_in = "         no2_in"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: no2_out = "        no2_out"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod_in = "        cbod_in"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: cbod_out = "       cbod_out"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox_in = "         dox_in"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: dox_out = "        dox_out"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: temp_in = "        temp_in"

deg c |temperature

character(len=15), public :: temp_out = "       temp_out"

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  sd_hyd_header_units


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo_in = "          m^3/s"

avg daily m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: flo_out = "          m^3/s"

avg daily m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed_in = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: sed_out = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn_in = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: orgn_out = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp_in = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: sedp_out = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3_in = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: no3_out = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp_in = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: solp_out = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla_in = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: chla_out = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3_in = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: nh3_out = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2_in = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: no2_out = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod_in = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: cbod_out = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox_in = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: dox_out = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: temp_in = "           degc"

deg c |temperature

character(len=15), public :: temp_out = "           degc"

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  sol_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: layer1 = "        st_mm_1"

mm H2O |plant name

character(len=15), public :: layer2 = "        st_mm_2"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 2

character(len=15), public :: layer3 = "        st_mm_3"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 3

character(len=15), public :: layer4 = "        st_mm_4"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 4

character(len=15), public :: layer5 = "        st_mm_5"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 5

character(len=15), public :: layer6 = "        st_mm_6"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 6

character(len=15), public :: layer7 = "        st_mm_7"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 7

character(len=15), public :: layer8 = "        st_mm_8"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 8

character(len=15), public :: layer9 = "        st_mm_9"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 9

character(len=15), public :: layer10 = "       st_mm_10"

mm H2O |amt of water stored in layer 10

type, public ::  plant_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=17), public :: name = "     name        "

none |plant name

character(len=15), public :: growing = "growing"

none |plant growing

character(len=15), public :: dormant = "dormant"

none |plant dormant

character(len=15), public :: lai = "lai"

none |leaf area index

character(len=15), public :: can_hgt = "can_hgt"

m |canopy height

character(len=15), public :: root_dep = "root_dep"

m |root depth

character(len=15), public :: phuacc = "phuacc"

0-1 |accumulated heat units

character(len=15), public :: tot_m = "tot_m"

kg/ha |total biomass

character(len=15), public :: ab_gr_m = "ab_gr_m"

kg/ha |above ground biomass

character(len=15), public :: leaf_m = "leaf_m"

kg/ha |leaf biomass

character(len=15), public :: root_m = "root_m"

kg/ha |root biomass

character(len=15), public :: stem_m = "stem_m"

kg/ha |stem biomass

character(len=15), public :: seed_m = "seed_m"

kg/ha |seed biomass

type, public ::  flood_plain_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: inflo = "        inflo"

m3 | inflow

character(len=15), public :: outflo = "       outflo"

m3 | outflow

character(len=15), public :: dormant = "      dormant"

m3 | evaporation

character(len=15), public :: tl = "           tl"

m3 | transmission losses

character(len=15), public :: ev = "           ev"

m3 | evaporation

character(len=15), public :: ch_stor_init = " ch_stor_init"

m3 | channel storage at start of time step

character(len=15), public :: ch_stor = "      ch_stor"

m3 | channel storage at end of time step

character(len=15), public :: fp_stor_init = " fp_stor_init"

m3 | flood plain storage at start of time step (all flood plain storage above wetland emergency volume)

character(len=15), public :: fp_stor = "      fp_stor"

m3 | flood plain storage at end of time step

character(len=15), public :: tot_stor_init = "tot_stor_init"

m3 | total channel + wetland storage at start of time step

character(len=15), public :: tot_stor = "     tot_stor"

m3 | total channel + wetland storage at end of time step

character(len=15), public :: wet_stor_init = "wet_stor_init"

m3 | wetland flood plain storage at start of time step

character(len=15), public :: wet_stor = "     wet_stor"

m3 | wetland flood plain storage at end of time step

type, public ::  ch_watbod_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=6), public :: day = "  jday"
character(len=6), public :: mo = "   mon"
character(len=6), public :: day_mo = "   day"
character(len=6), public :: yrc = "    yr"
character(len=9), public :: isd = "     unit"
character(len=9), public :: id = "   gis_id"
character(len=15), public :: name = "   name        "
character(len=15), public :: area_ha = '          area'
character(len=15), public :: precip = '        precip'
character(len=15), public :: evap = '          evap'
character(len=15), public :: seep = '          seep'

type, public ::  ch_watbod_header_units


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=6), public :: day = "      "
character(len=6), public :: mo = "      "
character(len=6), public :: day_mo = "      "
character(len=6), public :: yrc = "      "
character(len=9), public :: isd = "         "
character(len=9), public :: id = "         "
character(len=15), public :: name = "              "
character(len=15), public :: area_ha = '            ha'
character(len=15), public :: precip = '           m^3'
character(len=15), public :: evap = '           m^3'
character(len=15), public :: seep = '           m^3'

type, public ::  ch_watbod_inoutheader


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=6), public :: day = "  jday"
character(len=6), public :: mo = "   mon"
character(len=6), public :: day_mo = "   day"
character(len=6), public :: yrc = "    yr"
character(len=9), public :: id = "  unit"
character(len=9), public :: gis_id = " gis_id"
character(len=15), public :: name = "   name        "

type, public ::  ch_watbod_inoutheader_units


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=6), public :: day = "      "
character(len=6), public :: mo = "      "
character(len=6), public :: day_mo = "      "
character(len=6), public :: yrc = "      "
character(len=9), public :: id = "         "
character(len=9), public :: gis_id = "         "
character(len=15), public :: name = "              "

type, public ::  hyd_header_units1


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo = "          m^3/s"

m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: san = "           tons"

tons |detached sand

character(len=15), public :: sil = "           tons"

tons |detached silt

character(len=15), public :: cla = "           tons"

tons |detached clay

character(len=15), public :: sag = "           tons"

tons |detached small ag

character(len=15), public :: lag = "           tons"

tons |detached large ag

character(len=15), public :: grv = "           tons"

tons |gravel

character(len=15), public :: temp = "               "

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  hyd_header_units3


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo = "            m^3"

m^3 |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: san = "           tons"

tons |detached sand

character(len=15), public :: sil = "           tons"

tons |detached silt

character(len=15), public :: cla = "           tons"

tons |detached clay

character(len=15), public :: sag = "           tons"

tons |detached small ag

character(len=15), public :: lag = "           tons"

tons |detached large ag

character(len=15), public :: grv = "           tons"

tons |gravel

character(len=15), public :: temp = "               "

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  hydinout_header_units1


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: flo_in = " av daily m^3/s"

avg daily m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: flo_out = " av daily m^3/s"

avg daily m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed_in = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: sed_out = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn_in = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: orgn_out = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp_in = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: sedp_ouy = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3_in = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: no3_out = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp_in = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: solp_out = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla_in = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: chla_out = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3_in = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: nh3_out = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2_in = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: no2_out = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod_in = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: cbod_out = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox_in = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: dox_out = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

type, public ::  wtmp_header_units


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=15), public :: wtmp = "           degc"

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  hyd_header_units


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=11), public :: day = "           "
character(len=12), public :: mo = "            "
character(len=12), public :: day_mo = "            "
character(len=13), public :: yrc = "            "
character(len=12), public :: name = "            "
character(len=6), public :: otype = "      "
character(len=17), public :: flo = "            m^3/s"

m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: san = "           tons"

tons |detached sand

character(len=15), public :: sil = "           tons"

tons |detached silt

character(len=15), public :: cla = "           tons"

tons |detached clay

character(len=15), public :: sag = "           tons"

tons |detached small ag

character(len=15), public :: lag = "           tons"

tons |detached large ag

character(len=15), public :: grv = "           tons"

tons |gravel

character(len=15), public :: temp = "           degc"

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  hyd_header_units2


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=11), public :: day = "           "
character(len=12), public :: mo = "            "
character(len=12), public :: day_mo = "            "
character(len=13), public :: yrc = "            "
character(len=12), public :: name = "            "
character(len=6), public :: otype = "      "
character(len=13), public :: iotyp = "            "
character(len=9), public :: iotypno = "         "
character(len=8), public :: hydio = "        "
character(len=8), public :: objno = "        "
character(len=17), public :: flo = "            m^3/s"

m^3/s |volume of water

character(len=15), public :: sed = "           tons"

metric tons |sediment

character(len=15), public :: orgn = "            kgN"

kg N |organic N

character(len=15), public :: sedp = "            kgP"

kg P |organic P

character(len=15), public :: no3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=15), public :: solp = "            kgP"

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=15), public :: chla = "             kg"

kg |chlorophyll-a

character(len=15), public :: nh3 = "            kgN"

kg N |NH3

character(len=15), public :: no2 = "            kgN"

kg N |NO2

character(len=15), public :: cbod = "             kg"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand

character(len=15), public :: dox = "             kg"

kg |dissolved oxygen

character(len=15), public :: san = "           tons"

tons |detached sand

character(len=15), public :: sil = "           tons"

tons |detached silt

character(len=15), public :: cla = "           tons"

tons |detached clay

character(len=15), public :: sag = "           tons"

tons |detached small ag

character(len=15), public :: lag = "           tons"

tons |detached large ag

character(len=15), public :: grv = "           tons"

tons |gravel

character(len=15), public :: temp = "           degc"

deg c |temperature

type, public ::  hyd_header_time


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=11), public :: day = "       jday"
character(len=12), public :: mo = "         mon"
character(len=12), public :: day_mo = "         day"
character(len=13), public :: yrc = "          yr"
character(len=12), public :: name = "  name      "
character(len=6), public :: otype = "  type"

type, public ::  rec_header_time


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=11), public :: day = "       jday"
character(len=12), public :: mo = "         mon"
character(len=12), public :: day_mo = "         day"
character(len=13), public :: yrc = "          yr"
character(len=12), public :: name = "name        "
character(len=6), public :: blank = "      "

type, public ::  hyd_header_obj


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=13), public :: iotyp = "   objtyp   "
character(len=9), public :: iotypno = "  typ_no "
character(len=8), public :: hydio = "hyd_typ "
character(len=8), public :: objno = "fraction"

type, public ::  output_flow_duration_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=11), public :: obtyp = "ob_typ     "
character(len=12), public :: props = "    props   "
character(len=12), public :: area = "    area_ha "
character(len=12), public :: f_idx = "  flash_idx "
character(len=13), public :: mean = "      mean "
character(len=11), public :: max = "       max "
character(len=18), public :: p01 = "       p.1 "
character(len=13), public :: p05 = "       p.5 "
character(len=19), public :: p1 = "        p1 "
character(len=15), public :: p2 = "        p2 "
character(len=15), public :: p3 = "        p3 "
character(len=15), public :: p5 = "        p5 "
character(len=15), public :: p10 = "       p10 "
character(len=15), public :: p15 = "       p15 "
character(len=15), public :: p20 = "       p20 "
character(len=15), public :: p25 = "       p25 "
character(len=15), public :: p30 = "       p30 "
character(len=15), public :: p35 = "       p35 "
character(len=15), public :: p40 = "       p40 "
character(len=15), public :: p45 = "       p45 "
character(len=15), public :: p50 = "       p50 "
character(len=15), public :: p55 = "       p55 "
character(len=15), public :: p60 = "       p60 "
character(len=15), public :: p65 = "       p65 "
character(len=15), public :: p70 = "       p70 "
character(len=15), public :: p75 = "       p75 "
character(len=15), public :: p80 = "       p80 "
character(len=15), public :: p85 = "       p85 "
character(len=15), public :: p90 = "       p90 "
character(len=15), public :: p95 = "       p95 "
character(len=15), public :: p97 = "       p97 "
character(len=15), public :: p98 = "       p98 "
character(len=15), public :: p99 = "       p99 "
character(len=11), public :: min = "       min "

type, public ::  calibration_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = "     name      "
character(len=12), public :: ha = "     ha     "
character(len=12), public :: nbyr = "   nbyr     "
character(len=12), public :: prec = "   precip   "
character(len=16), public :: meas = "     name      "
character(len=12), public :: srr = "    srr     "
character(len=12), public :: lfr = "    lfr     "
character(len=12), public :: pcr = "    pcr     "
character(len=12), public :: etr = "    etr     "
character(len=12), public :: tfr = "    tfr     "
character(len=12), public :: sed = "    sed     "
character(len=12), public :: orgn = "   orgn     "
character(len=12), public :: orgp = "   orgp     "
character(len=12), public :: no3 = "    no3     "
character(len=12), public :: solp = "   solp     "
character(len=16), public :: aa = "   name     "
character(len=12), public :: srr_aa = "    srr     "
character(len=12), public :: lfr_aa = "    lfr     "
character(len=12), public :: pcr_aa = "    pcr     "
character(len=12), public :: etr_aa = "    etr     "
character(len=12), public :: tfr_aa = "    tfr     "
character(len=12), public :: sed_aa = "    sed     "
character(len=12), public :: orgn_aa = "   orgn     "
character(len=12), public :: orgp_aa = "   orgp     "
character(len=12), public :: no3_aa = "    no3     "
character(len=12), public :: solp_aa = "   solp     "
character(len=12), public :: cn_prm_aa = "     cn     "
character(len=12), public :: esco = "   esco     "
character(len=12), public :: lat_len = "lat_len     "
character(len=12), public :: petco = "  petco     "
character(len=12), public :: slope = "  slope     "
character(len=12), public :: tconc = "  tconc     "
character(len=12), public :: etco = "   etco     "
character(len=12), public :: perco = "  perco     "
character(len=12), public :: revapc = "  revapc    "
character(len=12), public :: cn3_swf = " cn3_swf    "

type, public ::  calibration2_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = "       name "
character(len=12), public :: dakm2 = "     da_km2 "
character(len=12), public :: cn2 = "        cn2 "
character(len=12), public :: tc = "     tc_min "
character(len=12), public :: soildep = " soildep_mm "
character(len=12), public :: perco_co = "   perco_co "
character(len=12), public :: slope = "  slope_m/m "
character(len=12), public :: slopelen = "   slplen_m "
character(len=12), public :: etco = "       etco "
character(len=12), public :: sy = "      sy_mm "
character(len=12), public :: abf = "        abf "
character(len=12), public :: revapc = "     revapc "
character(len=12), public :: percc = "      percc "
character(len=12), public :: sw = "    sw_frac "
character(len=12), public :: gw = "      gw_mm "
character(len=12), public :: gwflow = "  gwflow_mm "
character(len=12), public :: gwdeep = "  gwdeep_mm "
character(len=12), public :: snow = "    snow_mm "
character(len=12), public :: xlat = "       xlat "
character(len=12), public :: itext = "      itext "
character(len=12), public :: tropical = "   tropical "
character(len=12), public :: igrow1 = "  igrow1_jd "
character(len=12), public :: igrow2 = "  igrow2_jd "
character(len=12), public :: plant = "      plant "
character(len=12), public :: ipet = "       ipet "
character(len=12), public :: irr = "        irr "
character(len=12), public :: irrsrc = "     irrsrc "
character(len=12), public :: tdrain = "  tdrain_hr "
character(len=12), public :: uslek = "      uslek "
character(len=12), public :: uslec = "      uslec "
character(len=12), public :: uslep = "      uslep "
character(len=12), public :: uslels = "     uslels "

type, public ::  calibration3_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: name = "       name "
character(len=12), public :: chgtyp = "    chg_typ "
character(len=12), public :: val = "        val "
character(len=12), public :: conds = "      conds "
character(len=12), public :: lyr1 = "       lyr1 "
character(len=12), public :: lyr2 = "       lyr2 "
character(len=12), public :: year1 = "      year1 "
character(len=12), public :: year2 = "      year2 "
character(len=12), public :: day1 = "       day1 "
character(len=12), public :: day2 = "       day2 "
character(len=12), public :: objtot = "    obj_tot "

type, public ::  output_checker_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: sname = "                "
character(len=16), public :: hydgrp = "                "
character(len=12), public :: zmx = "       zmx  "
character(len=12), public :: usle_k = "     usle_k "
character(len=12), public :: sumfc = "      sumfc "
character(len=12), public :: sumul = "      sumul "
character(len=12), public :: usle_p = "     usle_p "
character(len=12), public :: usle_ls = "    usle_ls "
character(len=12), public :: esco = "       esco "
character(len=12), public :: epco = "       epco "
character(len=12), public :: cn3_swf = "    cn3_swf "
character(len=12), public :: perco = "      perco "
character(len=12), public :: latq_co = "    latq_co "
character(len=12), public :: tiledrain = "  tiledrain "

type, public ::  output_checker_unit


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: sname = "sname           "
character(len=16), public :: hydgrp = "hydgrp          "
character(len=12), public :: zmx = "       (mm) "
character(len=12), public :: usle_k = "            "
character(len=12), public :: sumfc = "       (mm) "
character(len=12), public :: sumul = "       (mm) "
character(len=12), public :: usle_p = "            "
character(len=12), public :: usle_ls = "            "
character(len=12), public :: esco = "            "
character(len=12), public :: epco = "            "
character(len=12), public :: cn3_swf = "            "
character(len=12), public :: perco = "            "
character(len=12), public :: latq_co = "            "
character(len=16), public :: tiledrain = "0=notile;1=tile;"

type, public ::  hru_swift_header_base


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: sed = "sed "

metric tons |sediment

character(len=16), public :: orgn = "orgn "

kg N |organic N

character(len=16), public :: sedp = "sedp "

kg P |organic P

character(len=16), public :: no3 = "no3 "

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=16), public :: solp = "solp "

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=16), public :: nh3 = "nh3 "

kg N |NH3

character(len=16), public :: no2 = "no2 "

kg N |NO2

type, public ::  hru_swift_header_baseunit


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: unitsed = "tons "

metric tons |sediment

character(len=16), public :: unitorgn = "kgN "

kg N |organic N

character(len=16), public :: unitsedp = "kgP "

kg P |organic P

character(len=16), public :: unitno3 = "kgN "

kg N |NO3-N

character(len=16), public :: unitsolp = "kgP "

kg P |mineral (soluble P)

character(len=16), public :: unitnh3 = "kgN "

kg N |NH3

character(len=16), public :: unitno2 = "kgN "

kg N |NO2

type, public ::  hru_swift_header_base2


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=17), public :: flo = "flo "

ha-m |volume of water

type(hru_swift_header_base), public :: base

type, public ::  hru_swift_header_baseunit2


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: unitflo = "m^3 "

m^3 |volume of water

type(hru_swift_header_baseunit), public :: base

type, public ::  hru_swift_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=17), public :: hd_type(5) = ["total_flow       ", "percolation      ", "surface_runoff   ", "lateral_flow     ", "tile_flow        "]
type(hru_swift_header_base), public :: exco
type(hru_swift_header_baseunit), public :: exco_unit
type(hru_swift_header_base2), public :: dr
type(hru_swift_header_baseunit2), public :: dr_unit


public function hydout_add(hyd1, hyd2) result(hyd3)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd2

Return Value type(hyd_output)

public function hydout_subtract(hyd1, hyd2) result(hyd3)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd2

Return Value type(hyd_output)

public function hydout_mult(hyd1, hyd2) result(hyd3)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd2

Return Value type(hyd_output)

public function hydout_add_const(const, hyd1) result(hyd2)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in) :: const
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1

Return Value type(hyd_output)

public function hydout_mult_const(const, hyd1) result(hyd2)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in) :: const
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1

Return Value type(hyd_output)

public function hydout_div_const(hyd1, const) result(hyd2)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1
real, intent(in) :: const

Return Value type(hyd_output)

public function hydout_div_conv(hyd1, hyd2) result(hyd3)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd1
type(hyd_output), intent(in) :: hyd2

Return Value type(hyd_output)


public subroutine hyd_convert_conc_to_mass(hyd1)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(inout) :: hyd1

public subroutine res_convert_mass(hyd1, pvol)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(inout) :: hyd1
real, intent(in) :: pvol

public subroutine hyd_convert_mass_to_conc(hyd1)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(hyd_output), intent(inout) :: hyd1