cli_tgen Subroutine

subroutine cli_tgen(iwgn)


  • proc~~cli_tgen~~UsesGraph proc~cli_tgen cli_tgen module~climate_module climate_module proc~cli_tgen->module~climate_module module~hydrograph_module hydrograph_module proc~cli_tgen->module~hydrograph_module module~time_module time_module proc~cli_tgen->module~time_module module~hydrograph_module->module~time_module module~basin_module basin_module module~hydrograph_module->module~basin_module

~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~ this subroutine generates temperature data when the user chooses to simulate or when data is missing for particular days in the weather file

~ ~ ~ INCOMING VARIABLES ~ ~ ~ name |units |definition ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j |none |HRU number pr_w(3,:,:) |none |proportion of wet days in month tmpmn(:,:) |deg C |avg monthly minimum air temperature tmpmx(:,:) |deg C |avg monthly maximum air temperature tmpstdmn(:,:)|deg C |standard deviation for avg monthly minimum air |temperature tmpstdmx(:,:)|deg C |standard deviation for avg monthly maximum air |temperature wgncur(1,:) |none |parameter which predicts impact of precip on |daily maximum air temperature wgncur(2,:) |none |parameter which predicts impact of precip on |daily minimum air temperature ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUBROUTINES/FUNCTIONS CALLED ~ ~ ~ Intrinsic: Abs

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: iwgn