hru_hyds Subroutine

subroutine hru_hyds()


~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
this subroutine summarizes data for subbasins with multiple HRUs and
prints the daily output.hru file

assign reach loadings for subbasin zero out hydrograph storage locations surface runoff hydrograph (3) rtb gwflow - hydrograph separation (surface runoff) rtb gwflow - hydrograph separation (saturation excess runoff) wtmp qdr m3/d sedyld sedorgn sedorgp & sedminps surqno3 & latno3 & no3gw surqsolp & sedminpa chl_a NH3 NO2 cbodu doxq & soxy

detached sand detached silt detached clay detached small aggregates detached large aggregates

recharge flow recharge nitrate

lateral flow rtb gwflow - hydrograph separation tile flow tile flow nitrate

set subdaily hydrographs set previous and next days for adding previous and translating to next hhsurfq from sq_greenampt - mm translate the hydrogrpah by time of concentration - no attenuation move to next days hydrograph shift current day hydrograph use unit hydrograph and daily runoff set to total runoff needed when summing incoming in command




proc~~hru_hyds~~CallsGraph proc~hru_hyds hru_hyds float float proc~hru_hyds->float flow_hyd_ru_hru flow_hyd_ru_hru proc~hru_hyds->flow_hyd_ru_hru min1 min1 proc~hru_hyds->min1