aqu_1d_control Subroutine

subroutine aqu_1d_control()


lag recharge from bottom of soil to water table ** disabled

add recharge to aquifer storage compute groundwater depth from surface compute flow and substract from storage set hydrograph flow from aquifer- convert mm to m3 compute seepage through aquifer and subtract from storage compute revap (deep root uptake from aquifer) and subtract from storage compute nitrate recharge into the aquifer compute nitrate return flow out of aquifer (kg/ha / mm) kg = (kg/ha / mm) * mm * ha compute NO3 lost in the aquifer compute nitrate seepage out of aquifer kg/ha = (kg/ha / mm) * mm compute mineral p flow (constant concentration) from aquifer - m^3 * ppm * 1000 kg/m^3 = 1/1000 temperature of aquifer flow compute fraction of flow to each channel in the aquifer if connected to aquifer - add flow find the first channel contributing set fractions for flow to each channel save hydrographs to distribute on following day compute pesticide transport and decay set initial pesticide at start of day add incoming pesticide to storage compute pesticide decay in the aquifer add decay to daughter pesticides compute pesticide in aquifer flow assume specific yield = upper limit (effective vs total porosity) and bulk density of 2.0 (ave of rock and soil - 2.65 and 1.35) mm = (mm/mm + (m^3/ton)*(ton/m^3)) * m * 1000. compute volume of flow through the layer - mm compute concentration in the flow return flow (1) and deep seepage (2) kg = kg/mm * mm set pesticide output variables - kg assume frsol = 1 (all soluble) all soluble - may add later compute outflow objects (flow to channels, reservoirs, or aquifer) if flow from hru is directly routed sum outflow to channels, reservoirs and other aquifers total ingoing and outgoing (retuen flow + percolation) for output to SWIFT




proc~~aqu_1d_control~~CallsGraph proc~aqu_1d_control aqu_1d_control amin1 amin1 proc~aqu_1d_control->amin1 cs_rctn_aqu cs_rctn_aqu proc~aqu_1d_control->cs_rctn_aqu cs_sorb_aqu cs_sorb_aqu proc~aqu_1d_control->cs_sorb_aqu salt_chem_aqu salt_chem_aqu proc~aqu_1d_control->salt_chem_aqu