lai decline for annuals - if dlai < phuacc < 1 compute leaf biomass drop
lai decline for temperature based perennials use 15 day senescence period assume 15 day senescence and leaf drop logistic decline rate - Strauch and Volk
compute leaf biomass drop forest -- total tree n_conc = 1.75%; leaf = 2.25%, falling leaf = 50%2.25% = 1.12% --> 1.12/1.75 = 0.68 lai decline for moisture based perennials - use f(P/PET) to estimate drought stress linear lai decline based on soil moisture (max loss at p/pet=0.1, min loss at p/pet=0.5) daily turnover - from monthly turnover rate assume an lai-biomass relationship - linear with slope = 0.0002 LAI/leaf biomass(kg/ha) *should be plant parm in plants.plt compute leaf biomass drop forest -- total tree n_conc = 1.75%; leaf = 2.25%, falling leaf = 50%2.25% = 1.12% --> 1.12/1.75 = 0.68 update plant and residue masses update individual masses update total community masses