hyd_stor_header Derived Type

type, public :: hyd_stor_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=17), public :: flo_stor = "         flo_stor"

m^3/s |water stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sed_stor = "       sed_stor"

metric tons |sediment stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: orgn_stor = "      orgn_stor"

kg N |organic N stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sedp_stor = "      sedp_stor"

kg P |organic P stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: no3_stor = "       no3_stor"

kg N |NO3-N stored at the end of time period

character(len=15), public :: solp_stor = "      solp_stor"

kg P |mineral (soluble P) stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: chla_stor = "      chla_stor"

kg |chlorophyll-a stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: nh3_stor = "       nh3_stor"

kg N |NH3-N (ammonium) stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: no2_stor = "       no2_stor"

kg N |NO2-N (nitrite) stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: cbod_stor = "      cbod_stor"

kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: dox_stor = "       dox_stor"

kg |dissolved oxygen stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: san_stor = "       san_stor"

tons |detached sand stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sil_stor = "       sil_stor"

tons |detached silt stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: cla_stor = "       cla_stor"

tons |detached clay stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: sag_stor = "       sag_stor"

tons |detached small ag stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: lag_stor = "       lag_stor"

tons |detached large ag stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: grv_stor = "       grv_stor"

tons |gravel stored at end of time period

character(len=15), public :: temp_stor = "           null"

deg c |water temperature