mgt_sched Subroutine

subroutine mgt_sched(isched)


plant one plant or entire community check to see if the crop is already growing plant if the crop is not growing don't plant if the crop is already growing begin and end monsoon initiation period if precip/pet ratio was not triggered during monsoon season - reset phenology harvest only operation sum yield and number of harvest to calc ave yields sum basin crop yields and area harvested sum regional crop yields for soft calibration kill operation harvest and kill operation sum yield and num. of harvest to calc ave yields sum basin crop yields and area harvested sum regional crop yields for soft calibration tillage operation date scheduled irrigation operation fertilizer operation pesticide operation

grazing operation fertilizer operation burning street sweeping (only if iurban=2) set drain depth for drainage water management added below changed plcur(ipl) to plcur(j) and plm(ipl) to plm(j) gsm 1/30/2018 set/adjust weir height

set weir height and adjust principal spillway storage and depth continuous irrigation to maintain surface ponding in rice fields Jaehak 2022 date scheduled irrigation operation for rice fields Puddling operation Jaehak 2022 xwalk with puddling ops names skip a year


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: isched


proc~~mgt_sched~~CallsGraph proc~mgt_sched mgt_sched cs_fert cs_fert proc~mgt_sched->cs_fert cs_fert_wet cs_fert_wet proc~mgt_sched->cs_fert_wet curno curno proc~mgt_sched->curno mgt_harvbiomass mgt_harvbiomass proc~mgt_sched->mgt_harvbiomass mgt_harvgrain mgt_harvgrain proc~mgt_sched->mgt_harvgrain mgt_harvresidue mgt_harvresidue proc~mgt_sched->mgt_harvresidue mgt_harvtuber mgt_harvtuber proc~mgt_sched->mgt_harvtuber mgt_killop mgt_killop proc~mgt_sched->mgt_killop mgt_newtillmix mgt_newtillmix proc~mgt_sched->mgt_newtillmix mgt_newtillmix_wet mgt_newtillmix_wet proc~mgt_sched->mgt_newtillmix_wet mgt_plantop mgt_plantop proc~mgt_sched->mgt_plantop mgt_transplant mgt_transplant proc~mgt_sched->mgt_transplant pest_apply pest_apply proc~mgt_sched->pest_apply pl_burnop pl_burnop proc~mgt_sched->pl_burnop pl_fert pl_fert proc~mgt_sched->pl_fert pl_fert_wet pl_fert_wet proc~mgt_sched->pl_fert_wet salt_fert salt_fert proc~mgt_sched->salt_fert salt_fert_wet salt_fert_wet proc~mgt_sched->salt_fert_wet