mgt_operations_module Module

Used by

  • module~~mgt_operations_module~~UsedByGraph module~mgt_operations_module mgt_operations_module proc~actions actions proc~actions->module~mgt_operations_module proc~cal_allo_init cal_allo_init proc~cal_allo_init->module~mgt_operations_module proc~calsoft_read_codes calsoft_read_codes proc~calsoft_read_codes->module~mgt_operations_module proc~conditions conditions proc~conditions->module~mgt_operations_module proc~cs_fert cs_fert proc~cs_fert->module~mgt_operations_module proc~cs_fert_wet cs_fert_wet proc~cs_fert_wet->module~mgt_operations_module proc~dtbl_lum_read dtbl_lum_read proc~dtbl_lum_read->module~mgt_operations_module proc~dtbl_res_read dtbl_res_read proc~dtbl_res_read->module~mgt_operations_module proc~dtbl_scen_read dtbl_scen_read proc~dtbl_scen_read->module~mgt_operations_module proc~hru_control hru_control proc~hru_control->module~mgt_operations_module proc~hru_dtbl_actions_init hru_dtbl_actions_init proc~hru_dtbl_actions_init->module~mgt_operations_module proc~landuse_read landuse_read proc~landuse_read->module~mgt_operations_module proc~manure_allocation_read manure_allocation_read proc~manure_allocation_read->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_harvbiomass mgt_harvbiomass proc~mgt_harvbiomass->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_harvgrain mgt_harvgrain proc~mgt_harvgrain->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_harvtuber mgt_harvtuber proc~mgt_harvtuber->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_operatn mgt_operatn proc~mgt_operatn->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_chemapp mgt_read_chemapp proc~mgt_read_chemapp->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_fireops mgt_read_fireops proc~mgt_read_fireops->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_grazeops mgt_read_grazeops proc~mgt_read_grazeops->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_harvops mgt_read_harvops proc~mgt_read_harvops->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_irrops mgt_read_irrops proc~mgt_read_irrops->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_mgtops mgt_read_mgtops proc~mgt_read_mgtops->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_puddle mgt_read_puddle proc~mgt_read_puddle->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_read_sweepops mgt_read_sweepops proc~mgt_read_sweepops->module~mgt_operations_module proc~mgt_sched mgt_sched proc~mgt_sched->module~mgt_operations_module proc~pest_apply pest_apply proc~pest_apply->module~mgt_operations_module proc~pl_burnop pl_burnop proc~pl_burnop->module~mgt_operations_module proc~pl_fert pl_fert proc~pl_fert->module~mgt_operations_module proc~pl_fert_wet pl_fert_wet proc~pl_fert_wet->module~mgt_operations_module proc~pl_graze pl_graze proc~pl_graze->module~mgt_operations_module proc~plant_init plant_init proc~plant_init->module~mgt_operations_module proc~proc_cond proc_cond proc~proc_cond->module~mgt_operations_module proc~re_initialize re_initialize proc~re_initialize->module~mgt_operations_module proc~read_mgtops read_mgtops proc~read_mgtops->module~mgt_operations_module proc~salt_fert salt_fert proc~salt_fert->module~mgt_operations_module proc~salt_fert_wet salt_fert_wet proc~salt_fert_wet->module~mgt_operations_module proc~scen_read_bmpuser scen_read_bmpuser proc~scen_read_bmpuser->module~mgt_operations_module proc~scen_read_filtstrip scen_read_filtstrip proc~scen_read_filtstrip->module~mgt_operations_module proc~scen_read_grwway scen_read_grwway proc~scen_read_grwway->module~mgt_operations_module proc~structure_set_parms structure_set_parms proc~structure_set_parms->module~mgt_operations_module proc~water_allocation_read water_allocation_read proc~water_allocation_read->module~mgt_operations_module proc~wet_irrp wet_irrp proc~wet_irrp->module~mgt_operations_module proc~wetland_control wetland_control proc~wetland_control->module~mgt_operations_module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(irrigation_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: irrop_db
type(puddle_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: pudl_db
type(filtstrip_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: filtstrip_db
type(fire_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: fire_db
type(grwaterway_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: grwaterway_db
type(bmpuser_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: bmpuser_db
type(chemical_application_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: chemapp_db
type(harvest_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: harvop_db
type(harvest_operation), public :: harvop
type(harvest_operation), public :: hkop
type(grazing_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: grazeop_db
type(grazing_operation), public :: graze
type(streetsweep_operation), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: sweepop_db
type(streetsweep_operation), public :: sweepop
type(management_ops), public :: mgt
type(management_ops), public :: mgt1
type(management_ops), public, dimension(1) :: mgt2
type(management_schedule), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: sched

Derived Types

type, public ::  irrigation_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
real, public :: amt_mm = 25.4

mm |irrigation application amount

real, public :: eff = 0.

|irrigation in-field efficiency

real, public :: surq = 0.

frac |surface runoff ratio

real, public :: dep_mm = 0.

mm |depth of application for subsurface irrigation

real, public :: salt = 0.

mg/kg |concentration of total salt in irrigation

real, public :: no3 = 0.

mg/kg |concentration of nitrate in irrigation

real, public :: po4 = 0.

mg/kg |concentration of phosphate in irrigation

type, public ::  puddle_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
real, public :: wet_hc = 0.

mm/h |hydraulic conductivity of upper layer of soil after puddling

real, public :: sed = 0.

ppm |sediment concentration after puddling

real, public :: orgn = 0.

ppm |organic N concentration after puddling

real, public :: sedp = 0.

ppm |organic P concentration after puddling

real, public :: no3 = 0.

ppm |NO3-N concentration after puddling

real, public :: solp = 0.

ppm |mineral (soluble P) concentration after puddling

real, public :: nh3 = 0.

ppm |NH3 concentration after puddling

real, public :: no2 = 0.

ppm |NO2 concentration after puddling

type, public ::  filtstrip_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: vfsi = 0
real, public :: vfsratio = 0.
real, public :: vfscon = 0.
real, public :: vfsch = 0.

type, public ::  fire_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
real, public :: cn2_upd = 0.
real, public :: fr_burn = 0.

type, public ::  grwaterway_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: grwat_i = 0.
real, public :: grwat_n = 0.
real, public :: grwat_spcon = 0.
real, public :: grwat_d = 0.
real, public :: grwat_w = 0.
real, public :: grwat_l = 0.
real, public :: grwat_s = 0.

type, public ::  bmpuser_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: bmp_flag = 0
real, public :: bmp_sed = 0.
real, public :: bmp_pp = 0.
real, public :: bmp_sp = 0.
real, public :: bmp_pn = 0.
real, public :: bmp_sn = 0.
real, public :: bmp_bac = 0.

type, public ::  bmpuser_operation1


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: bmp_flag = 0
real, public :: surf_flo = 0.
real, public :: surf_sed = 0.
real, public :: surf_pp = 0.
real, public :: surf_sp = 0.
real, public :: surf_pn = 0.
real, public :: surf_sn = 0.
real, public :: surf_bac = 0.
real, public :: sub_flo = 0.
real, public :: sub_sed = 0.
real, public :: sub_pp = 0.
real, public :: sub_sp = 0.
real, public :: sub_pn = 0.
real, public :: sub_sn = 0.
real, public :: sub_bac = 0.
real, public :: tile_flo = 0.
real, public :: tile_sed = 0.
real, public :: tile_pp = 0.
real, public :: tile_sp = 0.
real, public :: tile_pn = 0.
real, public :: tile_sn = 0.
real, public :: tile_bac = 0.

type, public ::  chemical_application_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
character(len=40), public :: form = " "
character(len=40), public :: op_typ = " "
real, public :: app_eff = 0.
real, public :: foliar_eff = 0.
real, public :: inject_dep = 0.
real, public :: surf_frac = 0.
real, public :: drift_pot = 0.
real, public :: aerial_unif = 0.

type, public ::  harvest_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
character(len=40), public :: typ = ""
real, public :: hi_ovr = 0.
real, public :: eff = 0.
real, public :: bm_min = 0

type, public ::  grazing_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
character(len=40), public :: fertnm = " "
integer, public :: manure_id = 0
real, public :: eat = 0.

(kg/ha)/day |dry weight of biomass removed by grazing daily

real, public :: tramp = 0.

(kg/ha)/day |dry weight of biomass removed by trampling daily

real, public :: manure = 0.

(kg/ha)/day |dry weight of manure deposited

real, public :: biomin = 0.

kg/ha |minimum plant biomass for grazing

type, public ::  streetsweep_operation


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
real, public :: eff = 0.

none |removal efficiency of sweeping operation

real, public :: fr_curb = 0.

none |availability factor, the fraction of the curb length that is sweepable

type, public ::  management_ops1


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
character(len=40), public :: op = ""

operation code 4-digit char name 1 pcom - establish plant community
2 plnt - plant
3 harv - harvest only
4 kill - Kill
5 hvkl - Harvest and kill
6 till - Tillage 7 irrm - Irrigation manual 8 irra - Irrigation auto 9 rel ?? REMOVE? 10 fert - Fertilizer 11 frta - Fertilizer auto 12 frtc - Fertilizer continuous 13 pest - Pesticide application 14 pstc - Pesticide continuous 15 graz - Grazing
16 burn - Burn
17 swep - Street Sweep
18 prtp - Print plant vars 19 mons - ?? REMOVE ?? 20 skip - Skip to end of the year

integer, public :: mon = 0
integer, public :: day = 0
integer, public :: jday = 0
integer, public :: year = 0
real, public :: husc = 0.
character(len=40), public :: op_char = ""
character(len=40), public :: op_plant = ""
integer, public :: op1 = 0
integer, public :: op2 = 0

|none |plant number in community for hu scheduling

real, public :: op3 = 0

|none |application amount (mm or kg/ha)

integer, public :: op4 = 0

|none |

type, public ::  management_ops


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
character(len=40), public :: op = ""

operation code 4-digit char name plnt; autoplnt - plant harv; autoharv - harvest only kill; autokill - kill hvkl; autohk - harvest and kill till; autotill - tillage irr; autoirr - irrigation fert; autofert - fertlizer pest; pestauto - pesticide application graz; autograz - grazing burn; autoburn - burn swep; autoswep - street sweep prtp - print plant vars skip - skip to end of the year

integer, public :: mon = 0
integer, public :: day = 0
integer, public :: jday = 0
integer, public :: year = 0
real, public :: husc = 0.
character(len=40), public :: op_char = ""
character(len=40), public :: op_plant = ""
integer, public :: op1 = 0
integer, public :: op2 = 0

|none |plant number in community for hu scheduling

real, public :: op3 = 0

|none |application amount (mm or kg/ha)

integer, public :: op4 = 0

|none |fert and pest type-point to fert and pest db

type, public ::  management_schedule


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: num_ops = 0
integer, public :: num_autos = 0
integer, public :: first_op = 0
type(management_ops), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: mgt_ops
character(len=40), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: auto_name
character(len=40), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: auto_crop
integer, public :: auto_crop_num = 0
integer, public, dimension (:), allocatable :: num_db
integer, public :: irr = 0