pl_graze Subroutine

subroutine pl_graze()


  • proc~~pl_graze~~UsesGraph proc~pl_graze pl_graze module~basin_module basin_module proc~pl_graze->module~basin_module module~carbon_module carbon_module proc~pl_graze->module~carbon_module module~fertilizer_data_module fertilizer_data_module proc~pl_graze->module~fertilizer_data_module module~hru_module hru_module proc~pl_graze->module~hru_module module~mgt_operations_module mgt_operations_module proc~pl_graze->module~mgt_operations_module module~organic_mineral_mass_module organic_mineral_mass_module proc~pl_graze->module~organic_mineral_mass_module module~plant_module plant_module proc~pl_graze->module~plant_module module~soil_module soil_module proc~pl_graze->module~soil_module module~organic_mineral_mass_module->module~carbon_module module~soil_module->module~carbon_module

graze only if adequate biomass in HRU set initial biomass before eating and trampling remove biomass eaten - assume evenly divided by biomass of plant later we can add preferences - by animal type or simply by n and p content remove biomass and organics from plant pools update remaining plant organic pools remove biomass trampled - assume evenly divided by biomass of plant remove biomass and organics from plant pools update remaining plant organic pools reset leaf area index and fraction of growing season assume lai doesn't start decreasing until 2,500 kg/ha at 1.0 lai per 1000 kg/ha plant loop

apply manure By Zhang for C/N cycling ===============================




proc~~pl_graze~~CallsGraph proc~pl_graze pl_graze amin1 amin1 proc~pl_graze->amin1