calsoft_plant Subroutine

subroutine calsoft_plant()


if yields are greater than 20% low use actual value for epco and not change in value like other parms assume starting at 1.0 - don't see large change until 0.25 so linear decrease from 0.25 set upper and lower limits for following iterations re-initialize all objects re-initialize all objects re-initialize all objects re-initialize all objects re-initialize all objects re-initialize all objects re-initialize all objects




proc~~calsoft_plant~~CallsGraph proc~calsoft_plant calsoft_plant amin1 amin1 proc~calsoft_plant->amin1 calsoft_plant_zero calsoft_plant_zero proc~calsoft_plant->calsoft_plant_zero re_initialize re_initialize proc~calsoft_plant->re_initialize time_control time_control proc~calsoft_plant->time_control