! nbs added 7-20-23 set ht1 to incoming daily hydrograph zero outgoing flow and sediment - ht2 zero daily in/out morphology and sediment budget output add water transfer adjust precip and temperature for elevation using lapse rates if connected to aquifer - add flow add aquifer flow to inflow set inflow hyds for printing zero outgoing flow and sediment - ht2 route constituents call mike winchell's new routine for pesticide routing
don't route constituents if flow is zero compute max flow depth and corresponding travel time during day compute channel water quality new nutrient channel transformations - overrides qual2e route constituents call mike winchell's new routine for pesticide routing
total outgoing to output to SWIFT route pathogens Variable Storage Coefficent method - sc=2dt/(2ttime+dt) - ttime=(in2+out1)/2 travel time > timestep -- then all incoming is stored and frac of stored is routed travel time < timestep -- route all stored and frac of incoming check decision table for flow control - water diversion check decision table for water allocation set outflow hyd to ht2 after diverting water calculate stream temperature set constituents for routing output channel organic-mineral channel sediment budget for output channel nutrient budget for output output channel morphology output flow to channel morphology set pesticide output variables set values for recharge hydrograph - should be trans losses