swr_percmain Subroutine

subroutine swr_percmain()


  • proc~~swr_percmain~~UsesGraph proc~swr_percmain swr_percmain module~basin_module basin_module proc~swr_percmain->module~basin_module module~gwflow_module gwflow_module proc~swr_percmain->module~gwflow_module module~hru_module hru_module proc~swr_percmain->module~hru_module module~hydrograph_module hydrograph_module proc~swr_percmain->module~hydrograph_module module~septic_data_module septic_data_module proc~swr_percmain->module~septic_data_module module~soil_module soil_module proc~swr_percmain->module~soil_module module~hydrograph_module->module~basin_module module~time_module time_module module~hydrograph_module->module~time_module
~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
this subroutine is the master soil percolation component.

name        |units         |definition
name        |units         |definition
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
new water table depth  equations   01/2009
  c           |none          |a factor used to convert airvol to wtd
dg          |mm            |soil layer thickness in HRU
new water table depth  equations   01/2009
latq(:)     |mm H2O        |total lateral flow in soil profile for the 
                           |day in HRU
lyrtile     |mm H2O        |drainage tile flow in soil layer for day
new water table depth  equations   01/2009
  ne_p        |mm/hr         |effective porosity in HRU for all soil profile layers 
  ne_w        |mm/hr         |effective porosity in HRU for soil layers above wtd 
new water table depth  equations   01/2009
qtile       |mm H2O        |drainage tile flow in soil profile for the day
sepday      |mm H2O        |micropore percolation from soil layer
sepbtm(:)   |mm H2O        |percolation from bottom of soil profile for
                           |the day in HRU
sw_excess   |mm H2O        |amount of water in excess of field capacity
                           |stored in soil layer on the current day
new water table depth  equations   01/2009
new water table depth  equations   01/2009
wt_shall    |mm H2O        |shallow water table height above bottom of soil profile
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  w2          |mm            |
  y1          |mm            |dummy variable for wat
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

initialize water entering first soil layer ht1%flo is infiltration from overland flow routing calculate crack flow add water moving into soil layer from overlying layer septic tank inflow to biozone layer J.Jeong

determine gravity drained water in layer initialize variables for current layer calculate tile flow (lyrtile), lateral flow (latlyr) and percolation (sepday) summary calculations redistribute soil water if above saturation (high water table) update soil profile water compute shallow water table depth and tile flow drainmod tile equations 08/11/2006 drainmod wt_shall equations 10/23/2006 drainmod wt_shall equations 10/23/2006

Start Daniel"s tile equations modifications 01/2006 drainmod tile equations compute tile flow using drainmod tile equations compute tile flow using existing tile equations End Daniel"s tile equations modifications 01/2006

update soil profile water after tile drainage update soil profile water




proc~~swr_percmain~~CallsGraph proc~swr_percmain swr_percmain amin1 amin1 proc~swr_percmain->amin1 gwflow_soil gwflow_soil proc~swr_percmain->gwflow_soil swr_drains swr_drains proc~swr_percmain->swr_drains swr_origtile swr_origtile proc~swr_percmain->swr_origtile swr_percmacro swr_percmacro proc~swr_percmain->swr_percmacro swr_percmicro swr_percmicro proc~swr_percmain->swr_percmicro swr_satexcess swr_satexcess proc~swr_percmain->swr_satexcess