hyd_connect Subroutine

subroutine hyd_connect()


  • proc~~hyd_connect~~UsesGraph proc~hyd_connect hyd_connect module~basin_module basin_module proc~hyd_connect->module~basin_module module~constituent_mass_module constituent_mass_module proc~hyd_connect->module~constituent_mass_module module~gwflow_module gwflow_module proc~hyd_connect->module~gwflow_module module~hydrograph_module hydrograph_module proc~hyd_connect->module~hydrograph_module module~input_file_module input_file_module proc~hyd_connect->module~input_file_module module~organic_mineral_mass_module organic_mineral_mass_module proc~hyd_connect->module~organic_mineral_mass_module module~recall_module recall_module proc~hyd_connect->module~recall_module module~ru_module ru_module proc~hyd_connect->module~ru_module module~hydrograph_module->module~basin_module module~time_module time_module module~hydrograph_module->module~time_module module~carbon_module carbon_module module~organic_mineral_mass_module->module~carbon_module
 ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
 reads in the routing information from the watershed configuration
 input file (.fig) and calculates the number of subbasins, reaches, 
 and reservoirs

set first object number of each type for each hru or defining unit, set all subbasins that contain it determine subbasin the hrus are in and add subbasin area to basin area only have hrus set up - need to add other objects determine number of recieving units and set object numbers for outflow hyds all channels receive flow from modflow allocate zero arrays for constituents allocate receiving arrays allocate unit hyd for all incoming hyd's loop through again and set receiving dependencies if modflow object and set for all channels set all incoming channel object data to modflow for subbasins, set receiving objects for each element (need for parallelization order) if routing over ru - the hru frac is included loop through again to set command (object) sequence calculate drainage area to compare to input area - need reservoir surface area add receiving object for single objects add subbasin elements modflow - for all inflow objects add recieving for all channels from modflow compute object order for parallelization (similar to stream order) compute object order of highest receiving object and add 1 subbasin has to be in parallel order after elements in the subbasin write calculated and input drainage areas for all objects except hru's




proc~~hyd_connect~~CallsGraph proc~hyd_connect hyd_connect aqu2d_read aqu2d_read proc~hyd_connect->aqu2d_read dr_db_read dr_db_read proc~hyd_connect->dr_db_read gwflow_chan_read gwflow_chan_read proc~hyd_connect->gwflow_chan_read gwflow_read gwflow_read proc~hyd_connect->gwflow_read hyd_read_connect hyd_read_connect proc~hyd_connect->hyd_read_connect overbank_read overbank_read proc~hyd_connect->overbank_read recall_read recall_read proc~hyd_connect->recall_read recall_read_cs recall_read_cs proc~hyd_connect->recall_read_cs recall_read_salt recall_read_salt proc~hyd_connect->recall_read_salt ru_read ru_read proc~hyd_connect->ru_read ru_read_elements ru_read_elements proc~hyd_connect->ru_read_elements