object_output Derived Type

type, public :: object_output


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=3), public :: name = ""
character(len=3), public :: obtyp = ""

object type: hru,hlt,hs,rxc,dr,out,sdc

integer, public :: obtypno = 0

object type number: 1=hru, 2=hru_lte, 3=channel

character(len=6), public :: hydtyp = ""

hydrograph type: tot,rhg,sur,lat,til

integer, public :: objno = 0

object number

integer, public :: hydno = 0

code computes from hydtyp

character(len=26), public :: filename = ""

file with hydrograph output from the object

integer, public :: unitno = 6100

filename unit number