sd_channel_sediment3 Subroutine

subroutine sd_channel_sediment3()


  • proc~~sd_channel_sediment3~~UsesGraph proc~sd_channel_sediment3 sd_channel_sediment3 module~climate_module climate_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~climate_module module~hru_module hru_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~hru_module module~hydrograph_module hydrograph_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~hydrograph_module module~reservoir_module reservoir_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~reservoir_module module~sd_channel_module sd_channel_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~sd_channel_module module~time_module time_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~time_module module~water_body_module water_body_module proc~sd_channel_sediment3->module~water_body_module module~hydrograph_module->module~time_module module~basin_module basin_module module~hydrograph_module->module~basin_module

calculate channel sed and nutrient processes if inflow > 0 Another eq from Peter - Qmax=Qmean(1+2.66Drainage Area^-.3) interpolate rating curve using peak rate use peakrate as flow rate add precip to inflow - km * m * 1000 m/km * ha/10000 m2 = ha m3 = 10. * mm * ha compute flood plain deposition deposit Particulate P and N in the floodplain trap nitrate and sol P in flood plain - when not simulating flood plain interactions? if flood plain link - fill wetlands to emergency fill wetland storage to emergency volume calculate overbank volume left to fill wetland add sediment deposition to calculate mm of deposition over the flood plain later calculate channel deposition based on fall velocity - SWRRB book assume particle size = 0.03 mm -- median silt size assume bankfull flow depth calc bank erosion calculate radius of curvature calc mass of sediment eroded -> t = bankcut (m) * depth (m) * lengthcut (m) * bd (t/m3) arc length = 0.33 * meander wavelength * sinuosity -> protected length calculate associated nutrients calculate bed erosion no downcutting below equilibrium slope calc critical shear and shear on bottom of channel Pa = N/m^2 * m * m/m critical shear function of d50 calc mass of sediment eroded -> t = m * width (m) * length (km) * 1000 m/km * bd (t/m3) calculate associated nutrients




proc~~sd_channel_sediment3~~CallsGraph proc~sd_channel_sediment3 sd_channel_sediment3 amax1 amax1 proc~sd_channel_sediment3->amax1 rcurv_interp_flo rcurv_interp_flo proc~sd_channel_sediment3->rcurv_interp_flo