module plant_data_module implicit none character(len=40), dimension (:), allocatable :: plts_bsn !none |plant names simulated in current run character(len=25), dimension(:), allocatable :: pl_class !none |plant class - row crop, tree, grass, etc type plant_db character(len=40) :: plantnm = "" !none |crop name character(len=18) :: typ = "" !none |plant category ! |warm_annual ! |cold_annual ! |warm_annual_tuber ! |cold_annual_tuber ! |perennial character(len=18) :: trig = "" !none |phenology trigger ! |moisture_gro ! |temp_gro real :: nfix_co = 0. !none |n fixation coefficient (0.5 legume; 0 non-legume) integer :: days_mat = 110 !days |days to maturity - if zero use hu for entire growing season real :: bio_e = 15.0 !(kg/ha/(MJ/m**2) |biomass-energy ratio real :: hvsti = 0.76 !(kg/ha)/(kg/ha) |harvest index: crop yield/aboveground biomass real :: blai = 5.0 !none |max (potential) leaf area index real :: frgrw1 = 0.05 !none |fraction of the growing season corresponding to the ! | 1st point on optimal leaf area development curve real :: laimx1 = 0.05 !none |frac of max leaf area index corresponding to the ! | 1st point on optimal leaf area development curve real :: frgrw2 = 0.4 !none |fraction of the growing season corresponding to the ! | 2nd point on optimal leaf area development curve real :: laimx2 = 0.95 !none |fraction of max leaf area index corresponding to the ! | 2nd point on optimal leaf area development curve real :: dlai = 0.99 !none |frac of growing season when leaf are declines real :: dlai_rate = 1. !none |exponent that governs lai decline rate real :: chtmx = 6.0 !m |maximum canopy height real :: rdmx = 3.5 !m |maximum root depth real :: t_opt = 30. !deg C |optimal temp for plant growth real :: t_base = 10. !deg C |minimum temp for plant growth real :: cnyld = 0.0015 !kg N/kg yld |frac of nitrogen in yield real :: cpyld = 0.0003 !kg P/kg yld |frac of phosphorus in yield real :: pltnfr1 = 0.006 !kg N/kg biomass |nitrogen uptake parm #1 real :: pltnfr2 = 0.002 !kg N/kg biomass |nitrogen uptake parm #2 real :: pltnfr3 = 0.0015 !kg N/kg/biomass |nitrogen uptake parm #3 real :: pltpfr1 = 0.0007 !kg P/kg/biomass |phoshorus uptake parm #1 real :: pltpfr2 = 0.0004 !kg P/kg/biomass |phoshorus uptake parm #2 real :: pltpfr3 = 0.0003 !kg P/kg/biomass |phoshorus uptake parm #3 real :: wsyf = 0.01 !(kg/ha)/(kg/ha) |value of harvest index bet 0 and HVSTI real :: usle_c = 0.001 !none |minimum value of the USLE C factor for water erosion real :: gsi = 0.002 !m/s |maximum stomatal conductance real :: vpdfr = 4. !kPa |vapor pressure deficit at which GMAXFR is valid real :: gmaxfr = 0.75 !none |fraction of max stomatal conductance that is ! achieved at the vapor pressue deficit defined by VPDFR real :: wavp = 8. !none |rate of decline in radiation use efficiency real :: co2hi = 660. !uL CO2/L air |CO2 concentration higher than the ambient corresponding ! to the 2nd point on radiation use efficiency curve real :: bioehi = 16. !(kg/ha)/(MJ/m**2) |biomass-energy ratio when plant is in an environment with ! CO2 level equal to the value of CO2HI. real :: rsdco_pl = 0.05 !none |plant residue decomposition coeff real :: alai_min = 0.75 !m**2/m**2 |min LAI during winter dormant period real :: laixco_tree = 0.3 !none |coefficient to estimate max lai during tree growth integer :: mat_yrs = 10 !years |years to maturity real :: bmx_peren = 1000. !metric tons/ha |max biomass for forest real :: ext_coef = 0.65 ! |light extinction coefficient real :: leaf_tov_min = 12. !months |perennial leaf turnover rate with minimum stress (complete turnover in 12 mon) real :: leaf_tov_max = 3. !months |perennial leaf turnover rate with maximum stress (complete turnover in 3 mon) real :: bm_dieoff = 0. !frac |above ground biomass that dies off at dormancy !real :: leaf_frac_mx !frac |max fraction of above ground biomass that is leaf (assume constant over life of perennial) real :: rsr1 = 0. !frac |initial root to shoot ratio at the beg of growing season real :: rsr2 = 0. !frac |root to shoot ratio at the end of the growing season real :: pop1 = 0. !plants/m^2 |plant population corresponding to the 1st point on the ! population lai curve real :: frlai1 = 0. !frac |frac of max leaf area index corresponding to the 1st ! point on the leaf area development curve real :: pop2 = 0. !plants/m^2 |plant population corresponding to the 2nd point on the ! population lai curve real :: frlai2 = 0. !frac |frac of max leaf area index corresponding to the 2nd ! point on the leaf area development curve real :: frsw_gro = .5 !frac |30 day sum of P-PET to initiate growth of tropical ! plants during monsoon season - pcom()%plcur()%iseason real :: aeration = 0.2 ! |aeration stress factor real :: rsd_pctcov = 0. ! |residue factor for percent cover equation real :: rsd_covfac = 0. ! |residue factor for surface cover (C factor) equation !character(len=45) :: desc = "unknown" end type plant_db type (plant_db), dimension(:),allocatable, target, save :: pldb type (plant_db), pointer :: pl_db type plant_cp real :: popsc1 = 0. real :: popsc2 = 0. real :: leaf1 = 0. !none |1st shape parameter for leaf area real :: leaf2 = 0. !none |2nd leaf parameter for leaf area real :: ruc1 = 0. !none |1st shape parameter for radiation use efficiency equation real :: ruc2 = 0. !none |2nd shape parameter for radiation use efficiency equation real :: nup1 = 0. !none |1st shape parameter for plant N uptake equation real :: nup2 = 0. !none |2nd shape parameter for plant N uptake equation real :: pup1 = 0. !none |1st shape parameter for plant P uptake equation real :: pup2 = 0. !none |2nd shape parameter for plant P uptake equation real :: gmaxfr = 0. !none |fraction of max stomatal conductance that is ! achieved at the vapor pressue deficit defined by VPDFR real :: vpdfr = 0. !kPa |vapor pressure deficit at which GMAXFR is valid real :: cvm = 0. !frac |fraction of the maximum leaf area index corresponding ! to the second point of the optimal leaf area dev curve real :: vpd2 = 0. !kPa |vapor pressure deficit corresponding to the second point ! on the stomatal conductance curve end type plant_cp type (plant_cp), dimension(:),allocatable, target, save :: plcp type (plant_cp), pointer :: pl_cp type plant_init_db character(len=40) :: cpnm = "frsd" integer :: db_num = 1 ! |plant object character(len=1) :: igro = "y" ! |land cover status ! |n = no land cover growing ! |y = land cover growing real :: lai = 0. !m**2/m**2 |leaf area index real :: bioms = 0. !kg/ha |land cover/crop biomass real :: phuacc = 0. ! |frac of plant heat unit acc. real :: pop = 0. real :: fr_yrmat = 1. !years |fraction of current year of growth to years to maturity real :: rsdin = 10000. !kg/ha |initial residue cover end type plant_init_db type plant_community_db character(len=40) :: name = "frsd_frsd" integer :: plants_com = 1 integer :: rot_yr_ini = 1 type (plant_init_db), dimension(:), allocatable :: pl end type plant_community_db type (plant_community_db), dimension(:), allocatable :: pcomdb type plant_transplant_db character(len=40) :: name = "frsd" real :: lai = 0. !m**2/m**2 |leaf area index real :: bioms = 0. !kg/ha |land cover/crop biomass real :: phuacc = 0. !frac |frac of plant heat unit acc. real :: fr_yrmat = 0.05 !years |fraction of current year of growth to years to maturity real :: pop = 0. !plants/m^2 |plant population end type plant_transplant_db type (plant_transplant_db), dimension(:), allocatable :: transpl end module plant_data_module