pl_dormant.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~pl_dormant.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~pl_dormant.f90 pl_dormant.f90 sourcefile~climate_module.f90 climate_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_dormant.f90->sourcefile~climate_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_module.f90 hru_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_dormant.f90->sourcefile~hru_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_dormant.f90->sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~organic_mineral_mass_module.f90 organic_mineral_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_dormant.f90->sourcefile~organic_mineral_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~plant_data_module.f90 plant_data_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_dormant.f90->sourcefile~plant_data_module.f90 sourcefile~plant_module.f90 plant_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_dormant.f90->sourcefile~plant_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_module.f90 basin_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~basin_module.f90 sourcefile~time_module.f90 time_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~time_module.f90 sourcefile~carbon_module.f90 carbon_module.f90 sourcefile~organic_mineral_mass_module.f90->sourcefile~carbon_module.f90

Source Code

      subroutine pl_dormant

!!    ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
!!    this subroutine checks the dormant status of the different plant types

      use climate_module
      use hydrograph_module
      use plant_data_module
      use organic_mineral_mass_module
      use hru_module, only : hru, dormhr, ipl, ihru
      use plant_module

      implicit none

      integer :: j = 0              !none          |HRU number
      integer :: idp = 0            !              |
      integer :: iob = 0            !              |
      integer :: iwgn = 0           !              |
      integer :: ly = 0             !              |soil layer number
      real :: rto = 0.              !              |
      real :: lai_init = 0.         !
      real :: lai_drop = 0.

      j = ihru
      idp = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idplt
      iob = hru(j)%obj_no
      iwst = ob(iob)%wst
      iwgn = wst(iwst)%wco%wgn

      !! check for beginning of dormant season
      if (pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idorm == "n" .and. wst(iwst)%weat%daylength - dormhr(j) < wgn_pms(iwgn)%daylmn) then

        !! beginning of temperature based perennial dormant period - above ground senescence
        if (pldb(idp)%typ == "perennial") then
          pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idorm = "y"
          !! add dead stem mass to residue pool
          rto = pldb(idp)%bm_dieoff
          stem_drop = rto * pl_mass(j)%stem(ipl)
          !! drop lai to minimum if not already
          lai_init = pcom(j)%plg(ipl)%lai
          pcom(j)%plg(ipl)%lai = pldb(idp)%alai_min
          !! compute leaf biomass drop
          if (lai_init > 0.001) then
            lai_drop = (lai_init - pcom(j)%plg(ipl)%lai) / lai_init
            lai_drop = 0.
          end if
          lai_drop = max (0., lai_drop)
          lai_drop = amin1 (1., lai_drop)
          leaf_drop%m = rto * lai_drop * pl_mass(j)%leaf(ipl)%m
          leaf_drop%n = leaf_drop%m * pcom(j)%plm(ipl)%n_fr
          leaf_drop%n = max (0., leaf_drop%n)
          leaf_drop%p = leaf_drop%m * pcom(j)%plm(ipl)%p_fr
          leaf_drop%p = max (0., leaf_drop%p)
          !! add all seed/fruit mass to residue pool
          seed_drop = pl_mass(j)%seed(ipl)
          abgr_drop = stem_drop + leaf_drop + seed_drop

          !! add all seed/fruit mass to residue pool
          pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl) = pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl) - abgr_drop
          pl_mass(j)%ab_gr(ipl) = pl_mass(j)%ab_gr(ipl) - abgr_drop
          pl_mass(j)%stem(ipl) = pl_mass(j)%stem(ipl) - stem_drop
          pl_mass(j)%leaf(ipl) = pl_mass(j)%leaf(ipl) - leaf_drop
          pl_mass(j)%seed(ipl) = plt_mass_z
          soil1(j)%rsd(1) = soil1(j)%rsd(1) + abgr_drop
          if (bsn_cc%cswat == 2) then
            soil1(j)%meta(ly) = soil1(j)%meta(ly) + 0.85 * abgr_drop
            soil1(j)%str(ly) = soil1(j)%str(ly) + 0.15 * abgr_drop
            soil1(j)%lig(ly) = soil1(j)%lig(ly) + 0.12 * abgr_drop  ! 0.12 = 0.8 * 0.15 -> lig = 80%str
          end if
        end if

        !! beginning of cool season annual dormant period
        if (pldb(idp)%typ == "cold_annual") then
          if (pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc < 0.75) then
            pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idorm = "y"
            pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%strsw = 1.
          end if 
        end if
      end if

      !! check if end of dormant period
      if (pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idorm == "y" .and. wst(iwst)%weat%daylength - dormhr(j) >=   &
                                                                wgn_pms(iwgn)%daylmn) then
        if (pldb(idp)%typ == "perennial") then
          !! end of perennial dormant period
          pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idorm = "n"
          pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc = 0.
          pcom(j)%plg(ipl)%d_senes = 0
        end if

        !! end of cool season annual dormant period
        if (pldb(idp)%typ == "cold_annual") then
          pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idorm = "n"
          pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc = 0.
        end if

      end if

      end subroutine pl_dormant