module organic_mineral_mass_module use carbon_module, only: organic_flux implicit none type organic_mass real :: m = 0. !kg/ha |total object mass real :: c = 0. !kg/ha |carbon mass real :: n = 0. !kg/ha |organic nitrogen mass real :: p = 0. !kg/ha |organic phosphorus mass end type organic_mass type (organic_mass) :: orgz type organic_mixing_mass type (organic_mass) :: tot ! |total organic pool type (organic_mass) :: rsd ! |fresh residue-all plants in one pool - layer 1 = surface residue !! humus pools for old mineralization model (static carbon) type (organic_mass) :: hact ! |active humus for old mineralization model type (organic_mass) :: hsta ! |stable humus for old mineralization model !! organic pools used in CENTURY model type (organic_mass) :: hs ! |slow humus type (organic_mass) :: hp ! |passive humus type (organic_mass) :: microb ! |microbial biomass type (organic_mass) :: str ! |structural litter pool type (organic_mass) :: lig ! |lignin pool type (organic_mass) :: meta ! |metabolic litter pool type (organic_mass) :: man ! |manure pool type (organic_mass) :: water ! |water soluble end type organic_mixing_mass type (organic_mixing_mass) :: mix_org type clay_mass real :: m = 0. !kg or kg/ha |total object mass real :: nh4 = 0. !kg or kg/ha |ammonium mass end type clay_mass type sediment real :: m = 0. !kg or kg/ha |total object mass real :: sand = 0. !kg or kg/ha |sand mass real :: silt = 0. !kg or kg/ha |silt mass type (clay_mass) :: clay !kg or kg/ha |clay mass real :: gravel = 0. !kg or kg/ha |gravel mass end type sediment type mineral_nitrogen real :: no3 = 0. !kg/ha |nitrate dimensioned by layer real :: nh4 = 0. !kg/ha |ammonium dimensioned by layer end type mineral_nitrogen type (mineral_nitrogen) :: mnz type (mineral_nitrogen) :: mix_mn ! |mineral n pool used in tillage mixing type mineral_phosphorus real :: wsol = 0. !kg/ha |water soluble p dimensioned by layer real :: lab = 0. !kg/ha |labile p dimensioned by layer real :: act = 0. !kg/ha |active mineral p dimensioned by layer real :: sta = 0. !kg/ha |stable mineral p dimensioned by layer end type mineral_phosphorus type (mineral_phosphorus) :: mpz type (mineral_phosphorus) :: mix_mp ! |mineral p pool used in tillage mixing type soil_profile_mass character (len=16) :: name = "" real :: tot_mn = 0. ! |total mineral n pool (no3+nh4) in soil profile real :: tot_mp = 0. ! |mineral p pool (wsol+lab+act+sta) in soil profile real :: salt = 0. ! |total salt amount (kg/ha) in soil profile type (organic_mass) :: tot_org ! |total organics in soil profile real, dimension(:), allocatable :: sw !mm |soil water dimensioned by layer real, dimension(:), allocatable :: cbn !% |percent carbon type (sediment), dimension(:), allocatable :: sed ! |sediment dimensioned by layer type (mineral_nitrogen), dimension(:), allocatable :: mn ! |mineral n pool dimensioned by layer type (mineral_phosphorus), dimension(:), allocatable :: mp ! |mineral p humus pool dimensioned by layer !! tot and rsd used for both carbon methods type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: tot ! |total organic pool dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: rsd ! |fresh residue-all plants in one pool by layer - layer 1 = surface residue !! humus pools for old mineralization model (static carbon) type (organic_flux) :: org_flx_cum_tot ! |cumulative organic flux for soil profile type (organic_flux), dimension(:), allocatable :: org_flx_lr ! |organic flux by layer type (organic_flux), dimension(:), allocatable :: org_flx_cum_lr ! |cumulative organic flux by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: hact ! |active humus for old mineralization model dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: hsta ! |stable humus for old mineralization model dimensioned by layer !! organic pools used in CENTURY model type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: hs ! |slow humus dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: hp ! |passive humus dimensioned by layer !! rest are used in CENTURY model type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: microb ! |microbial biomass type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: str ! |structural litter pool dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: lig ! |lignin pool dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: meta ! |metabolic litter pool dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: man ! |manure pool dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: water ! |water soluble end type soil_profile_mass !soil profile object - dimensioned to number of hrus, using the hru pointer type (soil_profile_mass), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: soil1 type (soil_profile_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: soil1_init type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_tot ! |total organic pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_rsd ! |total fresh organic residue pool for profile (summed by lower layers) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_srsd ! |total fresh organic residue pool for surface type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_hact ! |total active humus pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_hsta ! |total stable huumus pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_hs ! |total slow humus pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_hp ! |total passive humus pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_microb ! |total microbial pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_str ! |total structural pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_lig ! |total lignin pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_meta ! |total metabolic pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_sstr ! |total structural pool for surface (summed by lower layers) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_slig ! |total lignin pool for suface (summed by lower layers) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_smeta ! |total metabolic pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_man ! |total manure pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_water ! |total dissolved pool for profile (summed by layer) type (organic_mass) :: soil_org_z ! |used to zero organic objects type (organic_mass) :: soil_prof_somc type (mineral_nitrogen) :: soil_prof_mn ! |mineral n pool (summed by layer) type (mineral_phosphorus) :: soil_prof_mp ! |mineral p pool (summed by layer) type (mineral_nitrogen) :: soil_mn_z type (mineral_phosphorus) :: soil_mp_z type (organic_mass) :: bsn_org_soil ! |total soil organics in basin type (organic_mass) :: bsn_org_pl ! |total plant organics in basin type (organic_mass) :: bsn_org_rsd ! |total residue organics in basin real :: bsn_mn = 0. ! |total mineral n pool (no3+nh4) in basin real :: bsn_mp = 0. ! |mineral p pool (wsol+lab+act+sta) in basin type (organic_mass) :: decomp ! |temporary storage for residue decomp type (organic_mass) :: pl_burn ! |residue and plant mass burned in fire type (organic_mass) :: rsd_meta ! |temporary storage for initial metabolic litter type (organic_mass) :: rsd_str ! |temporary storage for initial structural litter type plant_community_mass character(len=4) :: name = "" type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: tot !kg/ha |total biomass for individual plant in community type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: ab_gr !kg/ha |above ground biomass for individual plant in community type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: leaf !kg/ha |leaf mass for individual plant in community type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: stem !kg/ha |wood/stalk mass for individual plant in community type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: root !kg/ha |root mass for individual plant in community (by soil layer) type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: seed !kg/ha |seed (grain) mass for individual plant in community type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: yield_tot !kg/ha |running total sum of yield at harvest - ave annual print type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: yield_yr !kg/ha |running yearly sum of yield at harvest - yearly print type (organic_mass) :: tot_com !kg/ha |total biomass for entire community type (organic_mass) :: ab_gr_com !kg/ha |above ground mass for entire community type (organic_mass) :: leaf_com !kg/ha |leaf mass for entire community type (organic_mass) :: stem_com !kg/ha |wood/stalk mass for entire community type (organic_mass) :: root_com !kg/ha |root mass for entire community type (organic_mass) :: seed_com !kg/ha |seed (grain) mass for entire community end type plant_community_mass type (plant_community_mass), dimension (:), allocatable :: pl_mass type (plant_community_mass), dimension (:), allocatable :: pl_mass_init type (organic_mass) :: pl_yield !kg/ha |crop yield type (organic_mass) :: pl_mass_up !kg/ha |daily biomass and c increase; n and p uptake type (organic_mass) :: pl_residue type (organic_mass) :: harv_seed, harv_leaf, harv_stem, harv_left type (organic_mass) :: graz_plant, graz_seed, graz_leaf, graz_stem type (organic_mass) :: leaf_drop !kg/ha |organic mass of falling leaves type (organic_mass) :: abgr_drop !kg/ha |above ground that dies at dormancy type (organic_mass) :: stem_drop !kg/ha |stem that dies at dormancy type (organic_mass) :: seed_drop !kg/ha |seed that dies at dormancy type (organic_mass) :: plt_mass_z type mineral_mass real :: m = 0. !kg or kg/ha |total object mass real :: no3 = 0. !kg or kg/ha |nitrate mass real :: no2 = 0. !kg or kg/ha |nitrite mass real :: nh4 = 0. !kg or kg/ha |ammonium mass real :: po4 = 0. !kg or kg/ha |phosphate mass end type mineral_mass type organic_mineral_mass real :: vol = 0. type (organic_mass) :: hum type (organic_mass) :: hum_act type (mineral_mass) :: min end type organic_mineral_mass !hru will point diretly to herds - managed in schedule_ops and ultimately can be managed in conditional subroutine !herds are different from soil and plant in that they can move from hru to hru type animal_herds character(len=16) :: name = "" ! |herd name (small_dairy, ) integer :: num_tot = 0 ! |total number of animals in the herd type (organic_mass) :: herd_mass !kg |total mass of herd character(len=16), dimension(:), allocatable :: typ ! |animal type (points to animal.hrd) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: num ! |number of each type of animal type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: mass ! |mass of each type of animal type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: eat ! |biomass eaten by each type of animal type (organic_mineral_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: manure ! |manure from each type of animal end type animal_herds !fertilizer object type fertilizer_mass character (len=16) :: name = "" type (mineral_mass) :: org !soil matrix dimensioned by layer type (organic_mass) :: min !soil water dimensioned by layer end type fertilizer_mass !fertilizer object should be used as database input from fert.dat type (fertilizer_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: fert !dimension to number of fertilzers in database type (organic_mass) :: org_frt !dimension to number of manures in database !manure object should be used as database input from manure.dat type (organic_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: manure !dimension to number of manures in database type organic_mineral_hydrograph real :: flo = 0. !! m^3 |volume of water real :: sed = 0. !! metric tons |sediment type (organic_mass) :: org type (mineral_mass) :: min real :: chla = 0. !! kg |chlorophyll-a real :: cbod = 0. !! kg |carbonaceous biological oxygen demand real :: dox = 0. !! kg |dissolved oxygen real :: temp = 0. !! deg c |temperature real :: san = 0. !! tons |detached sand real :: sil = 0. !! tons |detached silt real :: cla = 0. !! tons |detached clay real :: sag = 0. !! tons |detached small ag real :: lag = 0. !! tons |detached large ag real :: grv = 0. !! tons |gravel end type organic_mineral_hydrograph type spatial_object_hydrographs character (len=16) :: name = "" !should match the object_connectivity object !water and soluble components type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin !inflow hydrograph for surface runon - sum of all inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin_sur !inflow hydrograph for surface flow - sum of all surface inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin_lat !inflow hydrograph for lateral soil flow - sum of all lateral inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin_til !inflow hydrograph for tile flow - sum of all tile inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin_aqu !inflow hydrograph for aquifer flow - sum of all aquifer inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hd !generated hydrograph (ie 1=tot, 2= recharge, 3=surf, etc) type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:,:),allocatable :: ts !subdaily hydrographs type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: tsin !inflow subdaily hydrograph !sediment (sorbed) in the water components type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hins !inflow hydrograph for surface runon - sum of all inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin_ssur !inflow hydrograph for surface flow - sum of all surface inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin_slat !inflow hydrograph for lateral soil flow - sum of all lateral inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hin_stil !inflow hydrograph for tile flow - sum of all tile inflow hyds type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hds !generated hydrograph (ie 1=tot, 2= recharge, 3=surf, etc) type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tss !subdaily hydrographs type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: tsins !inflow subdaily hydrograph !hydrograph output variables type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hin_d type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hin_m type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hin_y type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hin_a type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hout_m type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hout_y type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:),allocatable :: hout_a type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hdep_m type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hdep_y type (organic_mineral_hydrograph) :: hdep_a end type spatial_object_hydrographs !track spatial_object_hydrographs with ob - use same pointer type (spatial_object_hydrographs), dimension(:),allocatable :: obom !recall organic-mineral inputs type recall_organic_mineral_inputs character (len=16) :: name = "" integer :: num = 0 !number of elements integer :: typ = 0 !recall type - 1=day, 2=mon, 3=year character(len=13) :: filename = "" !filename !hyd_output units are in cms and mg/L type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: hd_om !export coefficients end type recall_organic_mineral_inputs type (recall_organic_mineral_inputs),dimension(:),allocatable:: rec_om !export coefficient and delivery ratio pesticides type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: exco_om !export coefficient and delivery ratio pesticides type (organic_mineral_hydrograph), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dr_om type routing_unit_elements_hydrographs character (len=16) :: name = "" !should match the object_connectivity object type (organic_mineral_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: hd end type routing_unit_elements_hydrographs !point to subbasin element objects - same as sub_elem type (routing_unit_elements_hydrographs), dimension(:), allocatable :: sub_e_hd type channel_surface_elements_hydrographs character (len=16) :: name = "" !should match the channel_surface_elements object type (organic_mineral_mass), dimension(:), allocatable :: hd end type channel_surface_elements_hydrographs !point to channel-surface objects - same as ch_sur type (channel_surface_elements_hydrographs), dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_sur_hd !objects needed for operators type (organic_mineral_mass) :: o_m1, o_m2, o_m3 type (mineral_phosphorus) :: pmin_m1, pmin_m2, pmin_m3 type (mineral_nitrogen) :: nmin_m1, nmin_m2, nmin_m3 !we may also need operators for organic and mineral operations interface operator (+) module procedure om_add1 end interface interface operator (+) module procedure org_flux_add1 end interface interface operator (-) module procedure om_subtract end interface interface operator (*) module procedure om_mult_const end interface interface operator (/) module procedure om_divide end interface interface operator (+) module procedure pmin_add end interface interface operator (*) module procedure nmin_mult_const end interface interface operator (+) module procedure nmin_add end interface interface operator (*) module procedure pmin_mult_const end interface contains !! add mineral n function nmin_add (nmin_m1, nmin_m2) result (nmin_m3) type (mineral_nitrogen), intent (in) :: nmin_m1 type (mineral_nitrogen), intent (in) :: nmin_m2 type (mineral_nitrogen) :: nmin_m3 nmin_m3%no3 = nmin_m1%no3 + nmin_m2%no3 nmin_m3%nh4 = nmin_m1%nh4 + nmin_m2%nh4 end function nmin_add !! multiply mineral n by a constant function nmin_mult_const (const, nmin_m1) result (nmin_m2) real, intent (in) :: const type (mineral_nitrogen), intent (in) :: nmin_m1 type (mineral_nitrogen) :: nmin_m2 nmin_m2%no3 = const * nmin_m1%no3 nmin_m2%nh4 = const * nmin_m1%nh4 end function nmin_mult_const function pmin_add (pmin_m1, pmin_m2) result (pmin_m3) type (mineral_phosphorus), intent (in) :: pmin_m1 type (mineral_phosphorus), intent (in) :: pmin_m2 type (mineral_phosphorus) :: pmin_m3 pmin_m3%wsol = pmin_m1%wsol + pmin_m2%wsol pmin_m3%lab = pmin_m1%lab + pmin_m2%lab pmin_m3%act = pmin_m1%act + pmin_m2%act pmin_m3%sta = pmin_m1%sta + pmin_m2%sta end function pmin_add !! multiply mineral n by a constant function pmin_mult_const (const, pmin_m1) result (pmin_m2) real, intent (in) :: const type (mineral_phosphorus), intent (in) :: pmin_m1 type (mineral_phosphorus) :: pmin_m2 pmin_m2%wsol = const * pmin_m1%wsol pmin_m2%lab = const * pmin_m1%lab pmin_m2%act = const * pmin_m1%act pmin_m2%sta = const * pmin_m1%sta end function pmin_mult_const !! add organic mass function om_add1 (o_m1, o_m2) result (o_m3) type (organic_mass), intent (in) :: o_m1 type (organic_mass), intent (in) :: o_m2 type (organic_mass) :: o_m3 o_m3%m = o_m1%m + o_m2%m o_m3%c = o_m1%c + o_m2%c o_m3%n = o_m1%n + o_m2%n o_m3%p = o_m1%p + o_m2%p end function om_add1 !! subtract organic mass function om_subtract (o_m1, o_m2) result (o_m3) type (organic_mass), intent (in) :: o_m1 type (organic_mass), intent (in) :: o_m2 type (organic_mass) :: o_m3 o_m3%m = o_m1%m - o_m2%m o_m3%c = o_m1%c - o_m2%c o_m3%n = o_m1%n - o_m2%n o_m3%p = o_m1%p - o_m2%p end function om_subtract !! multiply organic mass by a constant function om_mult_const (const, o_m1) result (o_m2) real, intent (in) :: const type (organic_mass), intent (in) :: o_m1 type (organic_mass) :: o_m2 o_m2%m = const * o_m1%m o_m2%c = const * o_m1%c o_m2%n = const * o_m1%n o_m2%p = const * o_m1%p end function om_mult_const !! divide organic mass by a constant function om_divide (o_m1, const) result (o_m2) type (organic_mass), intent (in) :: o_m1 real, intent (in) :: const type (organic_mass) :: o_m2 o_m2%m = o_m1%m / const o_m2%c = o_m1%c / const o_m2%n = o_m1%n / const o_m2%p = o_m1%p / const end function om_divide !! add org_flux function org_flux_add1 (org_flux1, org_flux2) result (org_flux3) type (organic_flux), intent (in) :: org_flux1 type (organic_flux), intent (in) :: org_flux2 type (organic_flux) :: org_flux3 org_flux3%cfmets1 = org_flux1%cfmets1 + org_flux2%cfmets1 org_flux3%cfstrs1 = org_flux1%cfstrs1 + org_flux2%cfstrs1 org_flux3%cfstrs2 = org_flux1%cfstrs2 + org_flux2%cfstrs2 org_flux3%efmets1 = org_flux1%efmets1 + org_flux2%efmets1 org_flux3%efstrs1 = org_flux1%efstrs1 + org_flux2%efstrs1 org_flux3%efstrs2 = org_flux1%efstrs2 + org_flux2%efstrs2 org_flux3%immmets1 = org_flux1%immmets1 + org_flux2%immmets1 org_flux3%immstrs1 = org_flux1%immstrs1 + org_flux2%immstrs1 org_flux3%immstrs2 = org_flux1%immstrs2 + org_flux2%immstrs2 org_flux3%mnrmets1 = org_flux1%mnrmets1 + org_flux2%mnrmets1 org_flux3%mnrstrs1 = org_flux1%mnrstrs1 + org_flux2%mnrstrs1 org_flux3%mnrstrs1 = org_flux1%mnrstrs2 + org_flux2%mnrstrs2 org_flux3%co2fmet = org_flux1%co2fmet + org_flux2%co2fmet org_flux3%co2fstr = org_flux1%co2fstr + org_flux2%co2fstr org_flux3%cfs1s2 = org_flux1%cfs1s2 + org_flux2%cfs1s2 org_flux3%cfs1s3 = org_flux1%cfs1s3 + org_flux2%cfs1s3 org_flux3%cfs2s1 = org_flux1%cfs2s1 + org_flux2%cfs2s1 org_flux3%cfs2s3 = org_flux1%cfs2s3 + org_flux2%cfs2s3 org_flux3%cfs3s1 = org_flux1%cfs3s1 + org_flux2%cfs3s1 org_flux3%efs1s2 = org_flux1%efs1s2 + org_flux2%efs1s2 org_flux3%efs1s3 = org_flux1%efs1s3 + org_flux2%efs1s3 org_flux3%efs2s1 = org_flux1%efs2s1 + org_flux2%efs2s1 org_flux3%efs2s3 = org_flux1%efs2s3 + org_flux2%efs2s3 org_flux3%efs3s1 = org_flux1%efs3s1 + org_flux2%efs3s1 org_flux3%imms1s2 = org_flux1%imms1s2 + org_flux2%imms1s2 org_flux3%imms1s3 = org_flux1%imms1s3 + org_flux2%imms1s3 org_flux3%imms2s1 = org_flux1%imms2s1 + org_flux2%imms2s1 org_flux3%imms2s3 = org_flux1%imms2s3 + org_flux2%imms2s3 org_flux3%imms3s1 = org_flux1%imms3s1 + org_flux2%imms3s1 org_flux3%mnrs1s2 = org_flux1%mnrs1s2 + org_flux2%mnrs1s2 org_flux3%mnrs1s3 = org_flux1%mnrs1s3 + org_flux2%mnrs1s3 org_flux3%mnrs2s1 = org_flux1%mnrs2s1 + org_flux2%mnrs2s1 org_flux3%mnrs2s3 = org_flux1%mnrs2s3 + org_flux2%mnrs2s3 org_flux3%mnrs3s1 = org_flux1%mnrs3s1 + org_flux2%mnrs3s1 org_flux3%co2fs1 = org_flux1%co2fs1 + org_flux2%co2fs1 org_flux3%co2fs2 = org_flux1%co2fs2 + org_flux2%co2fs2 org_flux3%co2fs3 = org_flux1%co2fs3 + org_flux2%co2fs3 end function org_flux_add1 end module organic_mineral_mass_module