subroutine cs_rctn_aqu !rtb cs !! ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~ !! this subroutine updates constituent concentrations based on chemical reactions in groundwater use hydrograph_module, only : ob,icmd use aquifer_module use constituent_mass_module use cs_data_module use organic_mineral_mass_module use cs_module use cs_aquifer implicit none integer :: n = 0 integer :: iaq = 0 real :: conc_old real :: conc_new real :: conc_rg real :: k_rg real :: phi_value real :: gw_volume = 0. real :: mass_seo4_before = 0. real :: mass_seo3_before = 0. real :: mass_seo4_after = 0. real :: mass_seo3_after = 0. real :: cs_mass_kg = 0. dimension conc_old(3),conc_new(3),conc_rg(3),k_rg(4,3),phi_value(3) !aquifer ID iaq = ob(icmd)%num !volume of groundwater in the aquifer gw_volume = (aqu_d(iaq)%stor/1000.)*(ob(icmd)%area_ha*10000.) !m3 of groundwater mass_seo4_before = 0. mass_seo4_after = 0. mass_seo3_before = 0. mass_seo3_after = 0. !retrieve the current (daily) selenium groundwater concentration conc_old(1) = cs_aqu(iaq)%csc(1) !mg/L conc_old(2) = cs_aqu(iaq)%csc(2) !mg/L cs_mass_kg = aqu_d(iaq)%no3_st * ob(icmd)%area_ha !kg if(gw_volume > 0) then conc_old(3) = (cs_mass_kg * 1000.) / gw_volume !g/m3 = mg/L else conc_old(3) = 0. endif !retrieve the current mass concentrations mass_seo4_before = cs_aqu(iaq)%cs(1) !kg mass_seo3_before = cs_aqu(iaq)%cs(2) !kg !calculate the change in species concentrations using the 4th-order Runge-Kutta scheme. !for each slope, the Runge-Kutta slopes will be calculated using the R-K concentrations. !K1 (first slope) conc_rg(1) = conc_old(1) conc_rg(2) = conc_old(2) conc_rg(3) = conc_old(3) call se_reactions_aquifer(iaq,conc_rg,k_rg,1) !K2 (second slope) conc_rg(1) = conc_old(1) + (0.5*1*k_rg(1,1)) conc_rg(2) = conc_old(2) + (0.5*1*k_rg(1,2)) conc_rg(3) = conc_old(3) + (0.5*1*k_rg(1,3)) call se_reactions_aquifer(iaq,conc_rg,k_rg,2) !K3 (third slope) conc_rg(1) = conc_old(1) + (0.5*1*k_rg(2,1)) conc_rg(2) = conc_old(2) + (0.5*1*k_rg(2,2)) conc_rg(3) = conc_old(3) + (0.5*1*k_rg(2,3)) call se_reactions_aquifer(iaq,conc_rg,k_rg,3) !K4 (fourth slope) conc_rg(1) = conc_old(1) + (1*k_rg(3,1)) conc_rg(2) = conc_old(2) + (1*k_rg(3,2)) conc_rg(3) = conc_old(3) + (1*k_rg(3,3)) call se_reactions_aquifer(iaq,conc_rg,k_rg,4) !calculate new concentration do n=1,3 !calculate the increment, then the new concentration phi_value(n) = (1./6.) * (k_rg(1,n) + (2*k_rg(2,n)) + (2*k_rg(3,n)) + k_rg(4,n)) conc_new(n) = conc_old(n) + (phi_value(n)*1) enddo !store new concentration values cs_aqu(iaq)%csc(1) = conc_new(1) cs_aqu(iaq)%csc(2) = conc_new(2) aqu_d(iaq)%no3_st = (conc_new(3)/1000.)*gw_volume / ob(icmd)%area_ha !kg of no3-n per ha !convert to kg cs_aqu(iaq)%cs(1) = (cs_aqu(iaq)%csc(1)*gw_volume) / 1000. cs_aqu(iaq)%cs(2) = (cs_aqu(iaq)%csc(2)*gw_volume) / 1000. !check mass after chemical reactions mass_seo4_after = cs_aqu(iaq)%cs(1) !kg mass_seo3_after = cs_aqu(iaq)%cs(2) !kg !store mass balance terms acsb_d(iaq)%cs(1)%rctn = mass_seo4_after - mass_seo4_before !kg acsb_d(iaq)%cs(2)%rctn = mass_seo3_after - mass_seo3_before !kg return end ! cs_rctn_aqu !rate laws for Se chemical reduction (seo4 --> seo3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine se_reactions_aquifer(iaq,conc_rg,k_rg,k_slope) use cs_data_module implicit none integer :: iaq integer :: k_slope integer :: kk = 0 real :: conc_rg real :: k_rg real :: cseo4 = 0. real :: cseo3 = 0. real :: no3inhib = 0. real :: seo4red = 0. real :: dseo4 = 0. real :: dseo3 = 0. real :: dno3 = 0. real :: cno3 = 0. real :: o2 = 0. real :: o2red = 0. real :: no3red = 0. real :: yseo4_o2 = 0. real :: yseo4_no3 = 0. real :: se_prod_o2 = 0. real :: se_prod_no3 = 0. real :: ko2a = 0. real :: kno3 = 0. real :: sseratio = 0. dimension conc_rg(3),k_rg(4,3) !get concentration of SeO4 and SeO3 cseo4 = conc_rg(1) cseo3 = conc_rg(2) cno3 = conc_rg(3) !concentration of dissolved oxygen (O2) (specified in selenium input file) o2 = cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%oxy_aqu !rate law for selenate reduction no3inhib = cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%se_ino3 / (cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%se_ino3 + cno3) seo4red = cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%kseo4 * cseo4 * no3inhib !rate law for oxygen reduction and nitrate reduction, in the presence of shale yseo4_o2 = 315.84 / 224.0 yseo4_no3 = 789.6 / 196.0 no3red = 0. se_prod_o2 = 0. se_prod_no3 = 0. do kk=1,num_geol_shale !reduction of o2 ko2a = cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%ko2a(kk) o2red = ko2a * o2 * cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%shale(kk) !reduction of no3 kno3 = cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%kno3a(kk) no3red = no3red + (kno3 * cno3 * cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%shale(kk)) !total selenium released from the shale (via oxidation) sseratio = cs_rct_aqu(iaq)%sseratio(kk) se_prod_o2 = se_prod_o2 + (o2red * yseo4_o2 * (1/sseratio)) se_prod_no3 = se_prod_no3 + (no3red * yseo4_no3 * (1/sseratio)) enddo !change in seo4 and seo3 dseo4 = (se_prod_o2 + se_prod_no3) - seo4red dseo3 = seo4red !all of reduced seo4 becomes seo3 dno3 = no3red * (-1) !store change in concentrations k_rg(k_slope,1) = dseo4 k_rg(k_slope,2) = dseo3 k_rg(k_slope,3) = dno3 return end !se_reactions_aquifer