soils_init.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~soils_init.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~soils_init.f90 soils_init.f90 sourcefile~basin_module.f90 basin_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~basin_module.f90 sourcefile~constituent_mass_module.f90 constituent_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~constituent_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_module.f90 hru_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~hru_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~maximum_data_module.f90 maximum_data_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~maximum_data_module.f90 sourcefile~organic_mineral_mass_module.f90 organic_mineral_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~organic_mineral_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~plant_module.f90 plant_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~plant_module.f90 sourcefile~septic_data_module.f90 septic_data_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~septic_data_module.f90 sourcefile~soil_data_module.f90 soil_data_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~soil_data_module.f90 sourcefile~soil_module.f90 soil_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~soil_module.f90 sourcefile~time_module.f90 time_module.f90 sourcefile~soils_init.f90->sourcefile~time_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~basin_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~time_module.f90

Source Code

      subroutine soils_init
      use hru_module, only : hru, wfsh, ihru, isep, iseptic, i_sep
      use soil_module
      use plant_module
      use maximum_data_module
      use soil_data_module
      use organic_mineral_mass_module
      use constituent_mass_module
      use hydrograph_module, only : sp_ob
      use time_module
      use basin_module
      use septic_data_module
      implicit none  
      integer :: msoils = 0       !none          !ending of loop
      integer :: isol = 0         !none          |counter
      integer :: mlyr = 0         !none          |max number of soil layers
      integer :: j = 0            !none          |counter
      integer :: nly = 0          !              |end of loop
      integer :: ly = 0           !none          |counter
      real :: dep_new1 = 0.       !mm            |depth of top of septic layer
      real :: dep_new2 = 0.       !mm            |depth of bottom of septic layer
      !!Section 1
      !!this section sets, allocates, and initializes the original soil database
      msoils = Max(0,db_mx%soil)
      allocate (sol(0:msoils))
      do isol = 1, msoils
        sol(isol)%s%snam = soildb(isol)%s%snam
        if (soildb(isol)%ly(1)%z > 19.5) then
          sol(isol)%s%nly = soildb(isol)%s%nly + 1    !add 10 mm layer
          sol(isol)%s%nly = soildb(isol)%s%nly
        end if
        sol(isol)%s%hydgrp = soildb(isol)%s%hydgrp
        sol(isol)%s%zmx = soildb(isol)%s%zmx                      
        sol(isol)%s%anion_excl = soildb(isol)%s%anion_excl
        sol(isol)%s%crk = soildb(isol)%s%crk                  
        sol(isol)%s%texture = soildb(isol)%s%texture
        mlyr = sol(isol)%s%nly
        allocate (sol(isol)%ly(mlyr))
        allocate (sol(isol)%phys(mlyr))
        !!set first 10 mm layer
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%d = 10.
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%bd = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%bd
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%awc = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%awc
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%k = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%k
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%clay = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%clay
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%silt = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%silt
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%sand = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%sand
        sol(isol)%phys(1)%rock = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%rock
        sol(isol)%ly(1)%alb = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%alb
        sol(isol)%ly(1)%usle_k = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%usle_k
        sol(isol)%ly(1)%ec = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%ec
        sol(isol)%ly(1)%cal = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%cal
        sol(isol)%ly(1)%ph = soildb(isol)%ly(1)%ph
        !!set remaining layers
        if (soildb(isol)%ly(1)%z > 19.5) then
          do j = 2, mlyr
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%d = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%z
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%bd = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%bd
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%awc = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%awc
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%k = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%k
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%clay = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%clay
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%silt = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%silt
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%sand = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%sand
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%rock = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%rock
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%alb = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%alb
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%usle_k = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%usle_k
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%ec = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%ec
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%cal = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%cal
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%ph = soildb(isol)%ly(j-1)%ph
          end do
          !!1st layer < 20 mm so dont add 10 mm  layer
          do j = 2, mlyr
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%d = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%z
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%bd = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%bd
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%awc = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%awc
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%k = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%k
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%clay = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%clay
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%silt = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%silt
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%sand = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%sand
            sol(isol)%phys(j)%rock = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%rock
            sol(isol)%ly(1)%alb = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%alb
            sol(isol)%ly(1)%usle_k = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%usle_k
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%ec = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%ec
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%cal = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%cal
            sol(isol)%ly(j)%ph = soildb(isol)%ly(j)%ph
          end do
        end if
      end do
      do isol = 1, msoils
        call soil_phys_init(isol)          !! initialize soil physical parameters
      end do
      !!Section 2
      !!this section sets hru soils to appropriate soil database
      do ihru = 1, sp_ob%hru
        !! allocate soil layers
        isol = hru(ihru)%dbs%soil
        wfsh(ihru) = 10. * Exp(6.5309 - 7.32561* sol(isol)%phys(1)%por +            &
            3.809479 * sol(isol)%phys(1)%por**2+0.001583 *                          &
            sol(isol)%phys(1)%clay **2 + 0.000344 * sol(isol)%phys(1)%sand*         &
            sol(isol)%phys(1)%clay - 0.049837 * sol(isol)%phys(1)%por *             &
            sol(isol)%phys(1)%sand + 0.001608*sol(isol)%phys(1)%por ** 2 *          &
            sol(isol)%phys(1)%sand ** 2+0.001602*sol(isol)%phys(1)%por ** 2 *       &
            sol(isol)%phys(1)%clay**2-0.0000136*sol(isol)%phys(1)%sand ** 2         &
            * sol(isol)%phys(1)%clay-0.003479*sol(isol)%phys(1)%clay ** 2 *         &
            sol(isol)%phys(1)%por - 0.000799 * sol(isol)%phys(1)%sand ** 2 *        & 
        soil(ihru) = sol(isol)%s
        nly = soil(ihru)%nly
        allocate (soil(ihru)%ly(nly))
        allocate (soil(ihru)%phys(nly))
        !! set hru soils to appropriate database soil layers
        do ly = 1, nly
          soil(ihru)%phys(ly) = sol(isol)%phys(ly)
          soil(ihru)%ly(ly) = sol(isol)%ly(ly)
        end do
        !! create a biozone layer in septic HRUs
        isep = iseptic(ihru)
        dep_new1 = 0.
        dep_new2 = 0.
        if (sep(isep)%opt /= 0) then 
          dep_new1 = 0.
          dep_new2 = 0.
	      if (sep(isep)%z + sep(isep)%thk > soil(ihru)%phys(nly)%d) then
            i_sep(ihru) = nly + 1
            dep_new1 = sep(isep)%z - sep(isep)%thk
            dep_new2 = 0.
            do ly = 2, nly
              if (sep(isep)%z < soil(ihru)%phys(ly)%d) then
                i_sep(ihru) = ly + 1
                if (abs(sep(isep)%z - soil(ihru)%phys(ly)%d) > 25.4) then
                  dep_new1 = sep(isep)%z
                  dep_new2 = sep(isep)%z + sep(isep)%thk
                  dep_new1 = 0.
                  soil(ihru)%phys(ly)%d = sep(isep)%z
                end if
                if (abs(sep(isep)%z - soil(ihru)%phys(ly-1)%d) < 25.4) then
                  dep_new1 = sep(isep)%z + sep(isep)%thk
                  dep_new2 = 0.
                end if
              end if
            end do
          end if
          if (dep_new1 > 1.e-6) call layersplit (dep_new1)
          if (dep_new2 > 1.e-6) call layersplit (dep_new2)
        end if       ! sep(isep)%opt /= 0
        !! allocate soil1 arrays - carbon/nutrients
        nly = soil(ihru)%nly
        !allocate (cs_soil(ihru)%ly(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%sw(nly), source = 0.)
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%cbn(nly), source = 0.)
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%sed(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%mn(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%mp(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%tot(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%hact(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%hsta(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%rsd(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%str(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%lig(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%meta(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%hs(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%hp(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%microb(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%man(nly))
        allocate (soil1(ihru)%water(nly))

        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%sw(nly), source = 0.)
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%cbn(nly), source = 0.)
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%sed(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%mn(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%mp(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%tot(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%hact(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%hsta(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%rsd(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%str(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%lig(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%meta(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%hs(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%hp(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%microb(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%man(nly))
        allocate (soil1_init(ihru)%water(nly))
      end do

      end subroutine soils_init