hru_pathogen_output.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~hru_pathogen_output.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90 hru_pathogen_output.f90 sourcefile~basin_module.f90 basin_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~basin_module.f90 sourcefile~constituent_mass_module.f90 constituent_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~constituent_mass_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~output_ls_pathogen_module.f90 output_ls_pathogen_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~output_ls_pathogen_module.f90 sourcefile~plant_data_module.f90 plant_data_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~plant_data_module.f90 sourcefile~plant_module.f90 plant_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~plant_module.f90 sourcefile~time_module.f90 time_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~time_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~basin_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~time_module.f90

Source Code

      subroutine hru_pathogen_output(ihru)
      use output_ls_pathogen_module
      use plant_module
      use plant_data_module
      use time_module
      use basin_module
      use output_landscape_module
      use constituent_mass_module
      use hydrograph_module, only : sp_ob1, ob
      implicit none
      integer, intent (in) :: ihru             !            |
      integer :: ipath = 0                     !            |
      integer :: j = 0
      integer :: iob = 0
      real :: const = 0.
!!    ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
!!    this subroutine outputs HRU variables on daily, monthly and annual time steps

      j = ihru
      iob = sp_ob1%hru + j - 1
      !! print balance for each pathogen
      do ipath = 1, cs_db%num_paths
      hpathb_m(j)%path(ipath) = hpathb_m(j)%path(ipath) + hpath_bal(j)%path(ipath)

      !! daily print
        if (pco%day_print == "y" .and. pco%int_day_cur == pco%int_day) then
          if (pco%wb_hru%d == "y") then
             write (2790,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, hpath_bal(j)%path(ipath)   !! pathogen balance
             if (pco%csvout == "y") then
               write (2794,'(*(G0.3,:","))') time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, &
             end if
          end if
        end if
        !! check end of month
        if (time%end_mo == 1) then
          const = float (ndays(time%mo + 1) - ndays(time%mo))
          hpathb_m(j)%path(ipath) = hpathb_m(j)%path(ipath) // const
          !hwb_m(j) = hwb_m(j) // const
          !hwb_m(j)%cn = hwb_m(j)%cn / const
          !hwb_m(j)%snopack = hwb_m(j)%snopack / const
          !hwb_m(j)%sw = hwb_m(j)%sw / const
          !hwb_m(j)%sw_300 = hwb_m(j)%sw_300 / const
          hpathb_y(j)%path(ipath) = hpathb_y(j)%path(ipath) + hpathb_m(j)%path(ipath)

          !! monthly print
           if (pco%wb_hru%m == "y") then
             write (2791,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, hpathb_m(j)%path(ipath)
               if (pco%csvout == "y") then
                 write (2795,'(*(G0.3,:","))') time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, &
               end if
           end if
          hpathb_m(j)%path(ipath) = pathbz
        end if
        !! check end of year
        if (time%end_yr == 1) then
          hpathb_y(j)%path(ipath) = hpathb_y(j)%path(ipath) // 12.
          !hwb_y(j) = hwb_y(j) // 12.
          !hwb_y(j)%cn = hwb_y(j)%cn / 12.
          !hwb_y(j)%snopack = hwb_y(j)%snopack / 12.
          !hwb_y(j)%sw = hwb_y(j)%sw / 12.
          !hwb_y(j)%sw_300 = hwb_y(j)%sw_300 / 12.
          hpathb_a(j)%path(ipath) = hpathb_a(j)%path(ipath) + hpathb_y(j)%path(ipath)

          !! yearly print
           if (time%end_yr == 1 .and. pco%wb_hru%y == "y") then
             write (2792,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, hpathb_y(j)%path(ipath)
               if (pco%csvout == "y") then
                 write (2796,'(*(G0.3,:","))') time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, &
               end if
           end if
        end if
!!!!! average annual print
         if (time%end_sim == 1 .and. pco%wb_hru%a == "y") then
           hpathb_a(j)%path(ipath) = hpathb_a(j)%path(ipath) / time%yrs_prt
           write (2793,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, hpathb_a(j)%path(ipath)
           if (pco%csvout == "y") then
             write (2797,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, j, ob(iob)%gis_id, ob(iob)%name, hpathb_a(j)%path(ipath)
           end if
           hpathb_a(j)%path(ipath) = pathbz
         end if

      end do    !pathogen loop
100   format (4i6,2i8,2x,a,11e12.3)
!*** tu Wunused-label: 101   format (4i6,2i8,2x,a,11e12.3)
!*** tu Wunused-label: 102   format (4i6,2i8,2x,a,11e12.3)
!*** tu Wunused-label: 103   format (2i6,i8,4x,a,5x,11e12.3)
      end subroutine hru_pathogen_output