output_landscape_module.f90 Source File

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~output_landscape_module.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~actions.f90 actions.f90 sourcefile~actions.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~aqu_pesticide_output.f90 aqu_pesticide_output.f90 sourcefile~aqu_pesticide_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_aqu_pest_output.f90 basin_aqu_pest_output.f90 sourcefile~basin_aqu_pest_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_ch_pest_output.f90 basin_ch_pest_output.f90 sourcefile~basin_ch_pest_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_ls_pest_output.f90 basin_ls_pest_output.f90 sourcefile~basin_ls_pest_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_output.f90 basin_output.f90 sourcefile~basin_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_res_pest_output.f90 basin_res_pest_output.f90 sourcefile~basin_res_pest_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_sw_init.f90 basin_sw_init.f90 sourcefile~basin_sw_init.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~calsoft_plant.f90 calsoft_plant.f90 sourcefile~calsoft_plant.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~calsoft_sum_output.f90 calsoft_sum_output.f90 sourcefile~calsoft_sum_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~cbn_zhang2.f90 cbn_zhang2.f90 sourcefile~cbn_zhang2.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~ch_cs_output.f90 ch_cs_output.f90 sourcefile~ch_cs_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~ch_pathogen_output.f90 ch_pathogen_output.f90 sourcefile~ch_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~ch_salt_output.f90 ch_salt_output.f90 sourcefile~ch_salt_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~cha_pesticide_output.f90 cha_pesticide_output.f90 sourcefile~cha_pesticide_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~conditions.f90 conditions.f90 sourcefile~conditions.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~cs_balance.f90 cs_balance.f90 sourcefile~cs_balance.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~cs_rain.f90 cs_rain.f90 sourcefile~cs_rain.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~cs_uptake.f90 cs_uptake.f90 sourcefile~cs_uptake.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_carbon_output.f90 hru_carbon_output.f90 sourcefile~hru_carbon_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_control.f90 hru_control.f90 sourcefile~hru_control.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_hyds.f90 hru_hyds.f90 sourcefile~hru_hyds.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_lte_output.f90 hru_lte_output.f90 sourcefile~hru_lte_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_lte_read.f90 hru_lte_read.f90 sourcefile~hru_lte_read.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_output.f90 hru_output.f90 sourcefile~hru_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_output_allo.f90 hru_output_allo.f90 sourcefile~hru_output_allo.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90 hru_pathogen_output.f90 sourcefile~hru_pathogen_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_pesticide_output.f90 hru_pesticide_output.f90 sourcefile~hru_pesticide_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~hydro_init.f90 hydro_init.f90 sourcefile~hydro_init.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~lcu_read_softcal.f90 lcu_read_softcal.f90 sourcefile~lcu_read_softcal.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~lsreg_output.f90 lsreg_output.f90 sourcefile~lsreg_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~lsu_output.f90 lsu_output.f90 sourcefile~lsu_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~lsu_read_elements.f90 lsu_read_elements.f90 sourcefile~lsu_read_elements.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~nut_nminrl.f90 nut_nminrl.f90 sourcefile~nut_nminrl.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~nut_nrain.f90 nut_nrain.f90 sourcefile~nut_nrain.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~nut_pminrl.f90 nut_pminrl.f90 sourcefile~nut_pminrl.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~nut_pminrl2.f90 nut_pminrl2.f90 sourcefile~nut_pminrl2.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~nut_solp.f90 nut_solp.f90 sourcefile~nut_solp.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~output_landscape_init.f90 output_landscape_init.f90 sourcefile~output_landscape_init.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_nup.f90 pl_nup.f90 sourcefile~pl_nup.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_pup.f90 pl_pup.f90 sourcefile~pl_pup.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~reg_read_elements.f90 reg_read_elements.f90 sourcefile~reg_read_elements.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~res_cs_output.f90 res_cs_output.f90 sourcefile~res_cs_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~res_pesticide_output.f90 res_pesticide_output.f90 sourcefile~res_pesticide_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~res_salt_output.f90 res_salt_output.f90 sourcefile~res_salt_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~rsd_decomp.f90 rsd_decomp.f90 sourcefile~rsd_decomp.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~salt_balance.f90 salt_balance.f90 sourcefile~salt_balance.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~salt_rain.f90 salt_rain.f90 sourcefile~salt_rain.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~salt_roadsalt.f90 salt_roadsalt.f90 sourcefile~salt_roadsalt.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~salt_uptake.f90 salt_uptake.f90 sourcefile~salt_uptake.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~sq_snom.f90 sq_snom.f90 sourcefile~sq_snom.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~surface.f90 surface.f90 sourcefile~surface.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~swift_output.f90 swift_output.f90 sourcefile~swift_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_cs_output.f90 wet_cs_output.f90 sourcefile~wet_cs_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_read_hyd.f90 wet_read_hyd.f90 sourcefile~wet_read_hyd.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_salt_output.f90 wet_salt_output.f90 sourcefile~wet_salt_output.f90->sourcefile~output_landscape_module.f90

Source Code

      module output_landscape_module
      implicit none 
      type output_waterbal
        real :: precip = 0.           !mm H2O        |precipitation falling as rain and snow
        real :: snofall = 0.          !mm H2O        |precipitation falling as snow, sleet or freezing rain
        real :: snomlt = 0.           !mm H2O        |snow or melting ice
        real :: surq_gen = 0.         !mm H2O        |surface runoff generated from the landscape
        real :: latq = 0.             !mm H2O        |lateral soil flow
        real :: wateryld = 0.         !mm H2O        |water yield - sum of surface runoff, lateral soil flow and tile flow
        real :: perc = 0.             !mm H2O        |amt of water perc out of the soil profile & into the vadose zone
        real :: et = 0.               !mm H2O        |actual evapotranspiration from the soil
        real :: ecanopy = 0.          !mm H2O        |not reported
        real :: eplant = 0.           !mm H2O        |plant transpiration
        real :: esoil = 0.            !mm H2O        |soil evaporation
        real :: surq_cont = 0.        !mm H2O        |surface runoff leaving the landscape
        real :: cn = 0.               !none          |average curve number value for timestep
        real :: sw_init = 0.          !mm H2O        |initial soil water content of soil profile at start of time step
        real :: sw_final = 0.         !mm H2O        |final soil water content of soil profile at end of time step
        real :: sw = 0.               !mm H2O        |average soil water content of soil profile
        real :: sw_300 = 0.           !mm H2O        |final soil water content of upper 300 mm at end of time step
        real :: sno_init = 0.         !mm H2O        |initial soil water content of snow pack
        real :: sno_final = 0.        !mm H2O        |final soil water content of snow pack
        real :: snopack = 0.          !mm            |water equivalent in snow pack
        real :: pet = 0.              !mm H2O        |potential evapotranspiration
        real :: qtile = 0.            !mm H2O        |subsurface tile flow leaving the landscape
        real :: irr = 0.              !mm H2O        |irrigation water applied
        real :: surq_runon = 0.       !mm H2O        |surface runoff from upland landscape
        real :: latq_runon = 0.       !mm H2O        |lateral soil flow from upland landscape
        real :: overbank = 0.         !mm H2O        |overbank flooding from channels
        real :: surq_cha = 0.         !mm H2O        |surface runoff flowing into channels
        real :: surq_res = 0.         !mm H2O        |surface runoff flowing into reservoirs
        real :: surq_ls = 0.          !mm H2O        |surface runoff flowing onto the landscape
        real :: latq_cha = 0.         !mm H2O        |lateral soil flow into channels
        real :: latq_res = 0.         !mm H2O        |lateral soil flow into reservoirs
        real :: latq_ls = 0.          !mm H2O        |lateral soil flow into a landscape element
        real :: gwsoil = 0.           !mm H2O        |groundwater transferred to soil profile (when water table is in soil profile) !rtb gwflow
        real :: satex = 0.            !mm H2O        |saturation excess flow developed from high water table !rtb gwflow
        real :: satex_chan = 0.       !mm H2O        |saturation excess flow reaching main channel !rtb gwflow
        real :: delsw = 0.            !mm H2O        |change in soil water volume !rtb gwflow
        real :: lagsurf = 0.		  !mm H2O        |surface runoff in transit to channel
        real :: laglatq = 0.          !mm H2O	     |lateral flow in transit to channel
        real :: lagsatex = 0.         !mm H2O	     |saturation excess flow in transit to channel
        real :: wet_evap = 0.         !mm H2O	     |evaporation from wetland surface
        real :: wet_out = 0.          !mm H2O	     |outflow (spill) from wetland
        real :: wet_stor = 0.         !mm H2O	     |volume stored in wetland at end of time period
      end type output_waterbal
      type (output_waterbal), pointer :: h
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable, target :: hwb_d
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hwb_m
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hwb_y
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hwb_a
      type (output_waterbal) :: hwbz
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltwb_d
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltwb_m
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltwb_y
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltwb_a
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruwb_d
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruwb_m
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruwb_y
      type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruwb_a
      type (output_waterbal) :: bwb_d
      type (output_waterbal) :: bwb_m
      type (output_waterbal) :: bwb_y
      type (output_waterbal) :: bwb_a
      type regional_output_waterbal
        type (output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: lum
      end type regional_output_waterbal
      type (regional_output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rwb_d
      type (regional_output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rwb_m
      type (regional_output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rwb_y
      type (regional_output_waterbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rwb_a
      type output_nutbal
        real :: grazn = 0.              !kg N/ha        |total nitrogen added to soil from grazing
        real :: grazp = 0.              !kg P/ha        |total phophorous added to soil from grazing
        real :: lab_min_p = 0.          !kg P/ha        |phosphoros moving from the labile mineral pool to the active mineral pool
        real :: act_sta_p = 0.          !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the active mineral pool to the stable mineral pool
        real :: fertn = 0.              !kg N/ha        |total nitrogen applied to soil
        real :: fertp = 0.              !kg P/ha        |total phosphorus applied to soil
        real :: fixn = 0.               !kg N/ha        |nitrogen added to plant biomass via fixation
        real :: denit = 0.              !kg N/ha        |nitrogen lost from nitrate pool by denitrification
        real :: act_nit_n = 0.          !kg N/ha        |nitrogen moving from active organic pool to nitrate pool
        real :: act_sta_n = 0.          !kg N/ha        |nitrogen moving from active organic pool to stable pool
        real :: org_lab_p = 0.          !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the organic pool to labile pool
        real :: rsd_nitorg_n = 0.       !kg N/ha        |nitrogen moving from the fresh organic pool (residue) to the nitrate (80%)
                                        !                   and active org (20%) pools
        real :: rsd_laborg_p = 0.       !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the fresh organic pool (residue) to the labile (80%)
                                        !                   and org (20%) pools
        real :: no3atmo = 0.            !kg N/ha        |nitrate added to the soil from atmospheric deposition
        real :: nh4atmo = 0.            !kg N/ha        |ammonia added to the soil from atmospheric deposition
        real :: nuptake = 0.            !kg N/ha        |plant nitrogen uptake
        real :: puptake = 0.            !kg N/ha        |plant phosphorus uptake
        real :: gwsoiln = 0.            !kg N/ha        |nitrate added to the soil from the aquifer (rtb gwflow)
        real :: gwsoilp = 0.            !kg P/ha        |Phos added to the soil from the aquifer (rtb gwflow)
      end type output_nutbal

      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hnb_d
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hnb_m
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hnb_y
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hnb_a
      type (output_nutbal) :: hnbz
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltnb_d
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltnb_m
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltnb_y
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltnb_a
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: runb_d
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: runb_m
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: runb_y
      type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: runb_a
      type (output_nutbal) :: bnb_d
      type (output_nutbal) :: bnb_m
      type (output_nutbal) :: bnb_y
      type (output_nutbal) :: bnb_a
      type regional_output_nutbal
        type (output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: lum
      end type regional_output_nutbal
      type (regional_output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rnb_d
      type (regional_output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rnb_m
      type (regional_output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rnb_y
      type (regional_output_nutbal), dimension (:), allocatable :: rnb_a
      type output_nutcarb_cycling
        real :: lab_min_p = 0.          !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the labile mineral pool to the active mineral pool
        real :: act_sta_p = 0.          !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the active mineral pool to the stable mineral pool
        real :: act_nit_n = 0.          !kg N/ha        |nitrogen moving from active organic pool to nitrate pool
        real :: act_sta_n = 0.          !kg N/ha        |nitrogen moving from active organic pool to stable pool
        real :: org_lab_p = 0.          !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the organic pool to labile pool
        real :: rsd_hs_c = 0.           !kg C/ha        |amt of carbon moving from the fresh org (residue) to soil slow humus 
        real :: rsd_nitorg_n = 0.       !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the organic pool to labile pool
        real :: rsd_laborg_p = 0.       !kg P/ha        |phosphorus moving from the fresh organic pool (residue) to the labile (80%)
                                                        !   and org (20%) pools
      end type output_nutcarb_cycling
      type (output_nutcarb_cycling), dimension (:), allocatable :: hcyl_d
      type (output_nutcarb_cycling), dimension (:), allocatable :: hcyl_m
      type (output_nutcarb_cycling), dimension (:), allocatable :: hcyl_y
      type (output_nutcarb_cycling), dimension (:), allocatable :: hcyl_a
      type (output_nutcarb_cycling) :: hycl_z
      type output_nutcarb_gain_loss
        real :: sedyld = 0.             !metric tons/ha |sediment yield leaving the landscape caused by water erosion
        real :: usle = 0.               !metric tons/ha |sediment erosion predicted with the USLE equation
        real :: sedorgc = 0.            !kg C/ha        |organic carbon in sediment
        real :: sedorgn = 0.            !kg N/ha        |organic nitrogen transported in sediment
        real :: sedorgp = 0.            !kg P/ha        |organic phosphorus transported in sediment
        real :: surqno3 = 0.            !kg N/ha        |nitrate NO3-N transported in surface runoff
        real :: latno3 = 0.             !kg N/ha        |nitrate NO3-N transported in lateral runoff
        real :: surqsolp = 0.           !kg P/ha        |soluble phosphorus transported in surface runoff
        real :: sedmin = 0.             !kg P/ha        |mineral phosphorus leaving the landscape transported in sediment
        real :: tileno3 = 0.            !kg N/ha        |nitrate NO3 in tile flow
        real :: no3atmo = 0.            !kg N/ha        |nitrate added to the soil from atmospheric deposition (rainfall+dry)
        real :: nh4atmo = 0.            !kg N/ha        |ammonia added to the soil from atmospheric deposition (rainfall+dry)
        real :: manurec = 0.            !kg C/ha        |amount of carbon applied to soil from manure
        real :: manuren = 0.            !kg N/ha        |amount of nitrogen applied to soil from manure
        real :: manurep = 0.            !kg P/ha        |amount of phosphrus applied to soil from manure
        real :: fertc = 0.              !kg C/ha        |amount of carbon applied to soil
        real :: fertn = 0.              !kg N/ha        |amount of nitrogen applied to soil
        real :: fertp = 0.              !kg P/ha        |amount of phophorus applied to soil
        real :: grazc_eat = 0.          !kg C/ha        |amount of carbon ate by animals in grazing
        real :: grazn_eat = 0.          !kg N/ha        |amount of nitrogen ate by animals in grazing
        real :: grazp_eat = 0.          !kg P/ha        |amount of phosphrus ate by animals in grazing
        real :: grazc_man = 0.          !kg C/ha        |amount of carbon in manure during grazing
        real :: grazn_man = 0.          !kg N/ha        |amount of nitrogen in manure during manually
        real :: grazp_man = 0.          !kg P/ha        |amount of phosphorus in manure during manually
        real :: fixn = 0.               !kg N/ha        |amount of nitrogen added to plant biomass via fixation
        real :: denit = 0.              !kg N/ha        |amount of nitrogen lost from nitrate pool by denit in soil profile
        real :: yieldc = 0.             !kg C/ha        |amount of carbon removed in yield
        real :: yieldn = 0.             !kg N/ha        |amount of nitrogen removed in yield
        real :: yieldp = 0.             !kg P/ha        |amount of phosphorus removed in yield
      end type output_nutcarb_gain_loss
      type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), dimension (:), allocatable :: hgl_d
      type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), dimension (:), allocatable :: hgl_m
      type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), dimension (:), allocatable :: hgl_y
      type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), dimension (:), allocatable :: hgl_a
      type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss) :: hgl_z

      type output_losses
        real :: sedyld = 0.         !metric tons/ha |sediment yield leaving the landscape caused by water erosion
        real :: sedorgn = 0.        !kg N/ha        |organic nitrogen transported in surface runoff
        real :: sedorgp = 0.        !kg P/ha        |organic phosphorus transported in surface runoff
        real :: surqno3 = 0.        !kg N/ha        |nitrate NO3-N transported in surface runoff
        real :: latno3 = 0.         !kg N/ha        |nitrate NO3-N transported in lateral runoff
        real :: surqsolp = 0.       !kg P/ha        |soluble phosphorus transported in surface runoff
        real :: usle = 0.           !metric tons/ha |sediment erosion predicted with the USLE equation
        real :: sedminp = 0.        !kg P/ha        |mineral phosphorus leaving the landscape transported in sediment
        real :: tileno3 = 0.        !kg N/ha        |nitrate NO3 in tile flow
        real :: lchlabp = 0.        !kg P/ha        |soluble P (labile) leaching past bottom soil layer
        real :: tilelabp = 0.       !kg N/ha        |soluble P (labile) NO3 in tile flow
        real :: satexn = 0.         !kg N/ha        | amt of NO3-N in saturation excess surface runoff in HRU for the day
      end type output_losses
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hls_d
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hls_m
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hls_y
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hls_a
      type (output_losses) :: hlsz
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltls_d
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltls_m
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltls_y
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltls_a
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruls_d
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruls_m
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruls_y
      type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: ruls_a
      type (output_losses) :: bls_d
      type (output_losses) :: bls_m
      type (output_losses) :: bls_y
      type (output_losses) :: bls_a
      type regional_output_losses
        type (output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: lum
      end type regional_output_losses
      type (regional_output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: rls_d
      type (regional_output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: rls_m
      type (regional_output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: rls_y
      type (regional_output_losses), dimension (:), allocatable :: rls_a
      type output_plantweather
        real :: lai = 0.                   !m**2/m**2     |average leaf area index during timestep
        real :: bioms = 0.                 !kg/ha         |average total plant biomass during timestep 
        real :: yield = 0.                 !kg/ha         |harvested biomass yield (dry weight) during timestep
        real :: residue = 0.               !kg/ha         |average surface residue cover during timestep
        real :: sol_tmp = 0.               !deg C         |average temperature of soil layer 2 during timestep
        real :: strsw = 0.                 !days          |limiting water (drought) stress
        real :: strsa = 0.                 !days          |excess water (aeration) stress
        real :: strstmp = 0.               !days          |temperature stress      
        real :: strsn = 0.                 !days          |nitrogen stress
        real :: strsp = 0.                 !days          |phosphorus stress
        real :: strss = 0.                 !days          |salinity stress
        real :: nplnt = 0.                 !kg N/ha       |plant uptake of nitrogen
        real :: percn = 0.                 !kg N/ha       |nitrate NO3-N leached from bottom of soil profile
        real :: pplnt = 0.                 !kg P/ha       |plant uptake of phosphorus
        real :: tmx = 0.                   !deg C         |average maximum temperature during timestep
        real :: tmn = 0.                   !deg C         |average minimum temperature during timestep
        real :: tmpav = 0.                 !deg C         |average of daily air temperature during timestep
        real :: solrad = 0.                !MJ/m^2        |average solar radiation during timestep
        real :: wndspd = 0.                !m/s           |average windspeed during timestep
        real :: rhum = 0.                  !none          |average relative humidity during timestep
        real :: phubase0 = 0.              !deg c/deg c   |base zero potential heat units
        real :: lai_max = 0.               !m**2/m**2     |maximum leaf area index during timestep
        real :: bm_max = 0.                !kg/ha         |maximum total plant biomass during timestep
        real :: bm_grow = 0.               !kg/ha         |total plant biomass growth during timestep
        real :: c_gro = 0.                 !kg/ha         |total plant carbon growth during timestep
      end type output_plantweather
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hpw_d
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hpw_m
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hpw_y
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hpw_a
      type (output_plantweather) :: hpwz
      type(output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltpw_d
      type(output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltpw_m
      type(output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltpw_y
      type(output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: hltpw_a
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rupw_d
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rupw_m
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rupw_y
      type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rupw_a
      type (output_plantweather) :: bpw_d
      type (output_plantweather) :: bpw_m
      type (output_plantweather) :: bpw_y
      type (output_plantweather) :: bpw_a
      type regional_output_plantweather
        type (output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: lum
      end type regional_output_plantweather
      type (regional_output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rpw_d
      type (regional_output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rpw_m
      type (regional_output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rpw_y
      type (regional_output_plantweather), dimension (:), allocatable :: rpw_a
      type output_waterbal_header
        character (len=5) :: day         =  " jday"
        character (len=6) :: mo          =  "   mon"
        character (len=6) :: day_mo      =  "   day"
        character (len=6) :: yrc         =  "    yr"
        character (len=8) :: isd         =  "    unit"
        character (len=8) :: id          =  "  gis_id"
        character (len=16) :: name       =  "  name          "
        character (len=14) :: precip     =  "        precip"
        character (len=12) :: snofall    =  "     snofall"
        character (len=12) :: snomlt     =  "      snomlt"
        character (len=12) :: surq_gen   =  "    surq_gen"
        character (len=12) :: latq       =  "        latq"
        character (len=12) :: wateryld   =  "    wateryld"
        character (len=12) :: perc       =  "        perc"
        character (len=12) :: et         =  "          et"
        character (len=12) :: ecanopy    =  "     ecanopy"
        character (len=12) :: eplant     =  "      eplant"
        character (len=12) :: esoil      =  "       esoil"
        character (len=12) :: surq_cont  =  "   surq_cont"
        character (len=12) :: cn         =  "          cn"
        character (len=12) :: sw_init    =  "     sw_init"
        character (len=12) :: sw_final   =  "    sw_final"
        character (len=12) :: sw_ave     =  "      sw_ave"
        character (len=12) :: sw_300     =  "      sw_300"
        character (len=12) :: sno_init   =  "    sno_init"
        character (len=12) :: sno_final  =  "   sno_final"
        character (len=12) :: snopack    =  "     snopack"
        character (len=12) :: pet        =  "         pet"
        character (len=12) :: qtile      =  "       qtile"
        character (len=12) :: irr        =  "         irr"
        character (len=12) :: surq_runon =  "  surq_runon"
        character (len=12) :: latq_runon =  "  latq_runon"
        character (len=12) :: overbank   =  "    overbank"
        character (len=12) :: surq_cha   =  "    surq_cha"
        character (len=12) :: surq_res   =  "    surq_res"
        character (len=12) :: surq_ls    =  "     surq_ls"
        character (len=12) :: latq_cha   =  "    latq_cha"
        character (len=12) :: latq_res   =  "    latq_res"
        character (len=12) :: latq_ls    =  "     latq_ls"
        character (len=12) :: gwsoilq    =  "     gwsoilq"
        character (len=12) :: satex      =  "       satex"
        character (len=12) :: satex_chan =  "  satex_chan"
        character (len=12) :: sw_change  =  "   sw_change"
        character (len=12) :: lagsurf    =  "     lagsurf"
        character (len=12) :: laglatq    =  "     laglatq"
        character (len=12) :: lagsatex   =  "    lagsatex"
        character (len=12) :: wet_evap   =  "    wet_evap"
        character (len=12) :: wet_oflo   =  "    wet_oflo"
        character (len=12) :: wet_stor   =  "    wet_stor"
        character (len=16) :: plt_cov    =  "   plant_cov    "
        character (len=30) :: mgt_ops    =  "   mgt_ops      "
      end type output_waterbal_header      
      type (output_waterbal_header) :: wb_hdr
      type output_waterbal_header_units
        character (len=5) :: day         =  "     "
        character (len=6) :: mo          =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: day_mo      =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: yrc         =  "      "
        character (len=8) :: isd         =  "        "
        character (len=8) :: id          =  "        "
        character (len=16) :: name       =  "                "
        character (len=14) :: precip     =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: snofall    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: snomlt     =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: surq_gen   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: latq       =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: wateryld   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: perc       =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: et         =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: ecanopy    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: eplant     =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: esoil      =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: surq_cont  =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: cn         =  "         ---"
        character (len=12) :: sw_init    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: sw_final   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: sw_ave     =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: sw_300     =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: sno_init   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: sno_final  =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: snopack    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: pet        =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: qtile      =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: irr        =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: surq_runon =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: latq_runon =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: overbank   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: surq_cha   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: surq_res   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: surq_ls    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: latq_cha   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: latq_res   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: latq_ls    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: gwsoilq    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: satex      =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: satex_chan =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: sw_change  =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: lagsurf    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: laglatq    =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: lagsatex   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: wet_evap   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: wet_oflo   =  "          mm"
        character (len=12) :: wet_stor   =  "          mm"
      end type output_waterbal_header_units      
      type (output_waterbal_header_units) :: wb_hdr_units
      type output_nutbal_header
         character (len=5) :: day           =    " jday"
         character (len=6) :: mo            =    "   mon"
         character (len=6) :: day_mo        =    "   day"
         character (len=6) :: yrc           =    "    yr"
         character (len=9) :: isd           =    "    unit "
         character (len=8) :: id            =    " gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name         =    " name           "
         character(len=12) :: grazn         =    " grzn       "
         character(len=12) :: grazp         =    " grzp       "
         character(len=12) :: lab_min_p     =    " lab_min_p  "
         character(len=12) :: act_sta_p     =    " act_sta_p  "
         character(len=17) :: fertn         =    "     fertn       "
         character(len=17) :: fertp         =    "     fertp       "
         character(len=17) :: fixn          =    "     fixn        "
         character(len=17) :: denit         =    "     denit       "
         character(len=17) :: act_nit_n     =    "     act_nit_n   "
         character(len=17) :: act_sta_n     =    "     act_sta_n   "
         character(len=17) :: org_lab_p     =    "     org_lab_p   "
         character(len=17) :: rsd_nitorg_n  =    "     rsd_nitorg_n"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_laborg_p  =    "     rsd_laborg_p"
         character(len=17) :: no3atmo =    "    no3atmo       " 
         character(len=17) :: nh4atmo =    "    nh4atmo       "
         character(len=17) :: nuptake =    "    nuptake       " 
         character(len=17) :: puptake =    "    puptake       "		 
         character(len=17) :: gwsoiln =    "    gwsoiln       "
         character(len=17) :: gwsoilp =    "    gwsoilp       "
        character (len=16) :: plt_cov =    "plant_cov         "
        character (len=30) :: mgt_ops =    "mgt_ops      "
      end type output_nutbal_header         
      type (output_nutbal_header) :: nb_hdr
      type output_nutbal_header_units
         character (len=5) :: day           =    "     "
         character (len=6) :: mo            =    "      "
         character (len=6) :: day_mo        =    "      "
         character (len=6) :: yrc           =    "      "
         character (len=9) :: isd           =    "         "
         character (len=8) :: id            =    "        "
         character (len=16) :: name         =    "                "
         character(len=12) :: grazn         =    " kgha       "
         character(len=12) :: grazp         =    " kgha       "
         character(len=12) :: lab_min_p     =    " kgha       "
         character(len=12) :: act_sta_p     =    " kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: fertn         =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: fertp         =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: fixn          =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: denit         =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: act_nit_n     =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: act_sta_n     =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: org_lab_p     =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: rsd_nitorg_n  =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: rsd_laborg_p  =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: no3atmo       =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: nh4atmo       =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: nuptake       =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: puptake       =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: gwsoiln       =    "      kgha       "
         character(len=17) :: gwsoilp       =    "      kgha       "
      end type output_nutbal_header_units         
      type (output_nutbal_header_units) :: nb_hdr_units
      type output_losses_header
        character (len=6) :: day        =  "  jday"
        character (len=6) :: mo         =  "   mon"
        character (len=6) :: day_mo     =  "   day"
        character (len=6) :: yrc        =  "    yr"
        character (len=8) :: isd        =  "   unit "
        character (len=8) :: id         =  " gis_id "
        character (len=16) :: name      =  " name      "
        character (len=12) :: sedyld    =  "      sedyld"
        character (len=12)  :: sedorgn  =  "     sedorgn"
        character (len=12)  :: sedorgp  =  "     sedorgp"
        character (len=12)  :: surqno3  =  "     surqno3"
        character (len=12)  :: latno3   =  "     lat3no3"
        character (len=12)  :: surqsolp =  "    surqsolp"
        character (len=12)  :: usle     =  "        usle"
        character (len=12)  :: sedminp  =  "     sedminp"
        character (len=12)  :: tileno3  =  "     tileno3"
        character (len=12)  :: lchlabp  =  "     lchlabp"
        character (len=12)  :: tilelabp =  "    tilelabp"
        character (len=12)  :: satexn   =  "      satexn"
        character (len=16)  :: plt_cov  =  "    plant_cov    "
        character (len=30)  :: mgt_ops  =  "    mgt_ops      "
      end type output_losses_header      
      type (output_losses_header) :: ls_hdr
       type output_losses_header_units
        character (len=6) :: day        =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: mo         =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: day_mo     =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: yrc        =  "      "
        character (len=8) :: isd        =  "        "
        character (len=8) :: id         =  "        "
        character (len=16) :: name      =   "                "
        character (len=12)  :: sedyld    =  "         tha"
        character (len=12)  :: sedorgn   =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: sedorgp   =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: surqno3   =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: latno3    =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: surqsolp  =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: usle      =  "        tons"
        character (len=12)  :: sedmin    =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: tileno3   =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: lchlabp   =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: tilelabp  =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12)  :: satexn    =  "        kgha"
      end type output_losses_header_units      
      type (output_losses_header_units) :: ls_hdr_units
      type output_nutcarb_cycling_header
         character (len=5) :: day           =    " jday"
         character (len=6) :: mo            =    "   mon"
         character (len=6) :: day_mo        =    "   day"
         character (len=6) :: yrc           =    "    yr"
         character (len=9) :: isd           =    "    unit "
         character (len=8) :: id            =    " gis_id "
         character (len=9) :: name          =    "    name "
         character(len=17) :: lab_min_p     =    "        lab_min_p"
         character(len=17) :: act_sta_p     =    "        act_sta_p"
         character(len=17) :: act_nit_n     =    "        act_nit_n"
         character(len=17) :: act_sta_n     =    "        act_sta_n"
         character(len=17) :: org_lab_p     =    "        org_lab_p"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_hs_c      =    "         rsd_hs_c"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_nitorg_n  =    "    rsd_nitrorg_n"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_laborg_p  =    "     rsd_laborg_p"
         end type output_nutcarb_cycling_header       
      type (output_nutcarb_cycling_header) :: nb_hdr1
      type output_nutbal_header_units1
         character (len=5) :: day           =    "     "
         character (len=6) :: mo            =    "      "
         character (len=6) :: day_mo        =    "      "
         character (len=6) :: yrc           =    "      "
         character (len=9) :: isd           =    "         "
         character (len=8) :: id            =    "        "
         character (len=9) :: name          =    "         "
         character(len=17) :: lab_min_p     =    "             kgha"
         character(len=17) :: act_sta_p     =    "             kgha"
         character(len=17) :: act_nit_n     =    "             kgha"
         character(len=17) :: act_sta_n     =    "             kgha"
         character(len=17) :: org_lab_p     =    "             kgha"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_hs_c      =    "             kgha"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_nitorg_n  =    "             kgha"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_laborg_p  =    "             kgha"
      end type output_nutbal_header_units1         
      type (output_nutbal_header_units1) :: nb_hdr_units1
!! carbon output
     type output_carbon_header
         character (len=5) :: day           =    " jday"
         character (len=6) :: mo            =    "   mon"
         character (len=6) :: day_mo        =    "   day"
         character (len=6) :: yrc           =    "    yr"
         character (len=9) :: isd           =    "    unit "
         character (len=8) :: id            =    " gis_id "
         character (len=9) :: name          =    "    name "
         character(len=17) :: sed_c         =    "            sed_c"
         character(len=17) :: surq_c        =    "           surq_c"
         character(len=17) :: surq_doc      =    "         surq_doc"
         character(len=17) :: surq_dic      =    "         surq_dic"
         character(len=17) :: latq_c        =    "           latq_c"
         character(len=17) :: latq_doc      =    "         latq_doc"
         character(len=17) :: latq_dic      =    "         latq_dic"
         character(len=17) :: perc_c        =    "           perc_c"
         character(len=17) :: perc_doc      =    "         perc_doc"
         character(len=17) :: perc_dic      =    "         perc_dic"
         character(len=17) :: npp_c         =    "            npp_c"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_c         =    "            rsd_c"
         character(len=17) :: grain_c       =    "          grain_c"
         character(len=17) :: stover_c      =    "         stover_c"
         character(len=17) :: rsp_c         =    "            rsp_c"
         character(len=17) :: emit_c        =    "           emit_c"
         end type output_carbon_header       
      type (output_carbon_header) :: carbon_hdr1
      type output_carbon_header_units1
         character (len=5) :: day           =    "     "
         character (len=6) :: mo            =    "      "
         character (len=6) :: day_mo        =    "      "
         character (len=6) :: yrc           =    "      "
         character (len=9) :: isd           =    "         "
         character (len=8) :: id            =    "        "
         character (len=9) :: name          =    "         "
         character(len=17) :: sed_c         =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: surq_c        =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: surq_doc      =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: surq_dic      =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: latq_c        =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: latq_doc      =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: latq_dic      =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: perc_c        =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: perc_doc      =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: perc_dic      =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: npp_c         =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: rsd_c         =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: grain_c       =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: stover_c      =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: rsp_c         =    "          kg C/ha"
         character(len=17) :: emit_c        =    "          kg C/ha"
      end type output_carbon_header_units1         
      type (output_carbon_header_units1) :: carbon_hdr_units1


     type output_soilcarb_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd           =    "            unit"
         character (len=21) :: id            =    "              gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name          =    "    name        "
         character(len=15)  :: sed_c         =    "          sed_c"
         character(len=15)  :: surq_c        =    "         surq_c"
         character(len=15)  :: surq_doc      =    "       surq_doc"
         character(len=15)  :: surq_dic      =    "       surq_dic"
         character(len=15)  :: latq_c        =    "         latq_c"
         character(len=15)  :: latq_doc      =    "       latq_doc"
         character(len=15)  :: latq_dic      =    "       latq_dic"
         character(len=15)  :: perc_c        =    "         perc_c"
         character(len=15)  :: perc_doc      =    "       perc_doc"
         character(len=15)  :: perc_dic      =    "       perc_dic"
         character(len=15)  :: res_decay     =    "      res_decay"
         character(len=15)  :: man_app_c     =    "      man_app_c"
         character(len=15)  :: man_graze_c   =    "    man_graze_c"
         character(len=15)  :: rsp_c         =    "          rsp_c"
         character(len=15)  :: emit_c        =    "         emit_c"
         end type output_soilcarb_header       
      type (output_soilcarb_header) :: soilcarb_hdr
      type output_soilcarb_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "           "
         character (len=16)  :: isd           =  "           "
         character (len=21) :: id             =  "                "
         character (len=16) :: name           =  "           "
         character(len=15) :: sed_c         =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: surq_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: surq_doc      =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: surq_dic      =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: latq_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: latq_doc      =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: latq_dic      =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: perc_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: perc_doc      =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: perc_dic      =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: npp_c         =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: rsd_c         =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: grain_c       =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: rsp_c         =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: emit_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
      end type output_soilcarb_header_units         
      type (output_soilcarb_header_units) :: soilcarb_hdr_units


     type output_rescarb_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd           =    "            unit"
         character (len=21) :: id            =    "              gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name          =    "    name        "
         character(len=15)  :: plant_c       =    "        plant_c"
         character(len=15)  :: rsd_decay_c   =    "    rsd_decay_c"         
         character(len=15)  :: harv_stov_c   =    "    harv_stov_c"
         character(len=15)  :: emit_c        =    "         emit_c"
         end type output_rescarb_header       
      type (output_rescarb_header) :: rescarb_hdr
      type output_rescarb_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day          =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo           =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo       =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc          =    "           "
         character (len=16)  :: isd         =  "           "
         character (len=21) :: id           =  "                "
         character (len=16) :: name         =  "           "
         character(len=15) :: plant_c       =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: rsd_decay_c   =    "        kg C/ha"         
         character(len=15) :: harv_stov_c   =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: emit_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
      end type output_rescarb_header_units         
      type (output_rescarb_header_units) :: rescarb_hdr_units

     type output_plcarb_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd           =    "            unit"
         character (len=21) :: id            =    "              gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name          =    "    name        "
         character(len=15)  :: npp_c     =    "          npp_c"
         character(len=15)  :: harv_c    =    "         harv_c"
         character(len=15)  :: drop_c    =    "         drop_c"
         character(len=15)  :: grazeat_c =    "      grazeat_c"
         character(len=15)  :: emit_c    =    "         emit_c"
         end type output_plcarb_header       
      type (output_plcarb_header) :: plcarb_hdr
      type output_plcarb_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day          =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo           =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo       =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc          =    "           "
         character (len=16)  :: isd         =  "           "
         character (len=21) :: id           =  "                "
         character (len=16) :: name         =  "           "
         character(len=15) :: npp_c         =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: harv_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: drop_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: grazeat_c     =    "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: emit_c        =    "        kg C/ha"
      end type output_plcarb_header_units         
      type (output_plcarb_header_units) :: plcarb_hdr_units

     type output_hscf_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd           =    "            unit"
         character (len=21) :: id            =    "              gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name          =    "    name        "
         character(len=15)  :: meta_micr     =    "      meta_micr"
         character(len=15)  :: str_micr      =    "       str_micr"
         character(len=15)  :: str_hs        =    "         str_hs"
         character(len=15)  :: co2_meta      =    "       co2_meta"
         character(len=15)  :: co2_str       =    "        co2_str"
         character(len=15)  :: micr_hs       =    "        micr_hs"
         character(len=15)  :: micr_hp       =    "        micr_hp"
         character(len=15)  :: hs_micr       =    "        hs_micr"
         character(len=15)  :: hs_hp         =    "        hs_hp"
         character(len=15)  :: hp_micr       =    "        hp_micr"
         character(len=15)  :: co2_micr      =    "       co2_micr"
         character(len=15)  :: co2_hs        =    "         co2_hs"
         character(len=15)  :: co2_hp        =    "         co2_hp"
         end type output_hscf_header       
      type (output_hscf_header) :: hscf_hdr
      type output_hscf_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day          =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo           =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo       =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc          =    "           "
         character (len=16)  :: isd         =  "           "
         character (len=21) :: id           =  "                "
         character (len=16) :: name         =  "           "
         character(len=15) :: meta_micr     =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: str_micr      =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: str_hs        =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: co2_meta      =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: co2_str       =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: micr_hs       =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: micr_hp       =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: hs_micr       =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: hs_hp         =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: hp_micr       =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: co2_micr      =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: co2_hs        =  "        kg C/ha"
         character(len=15) :: co2_hp        =  "        kg C/ha"
      end type output_hscf_header_units         
      type (output_hscf_header_units) :: hscf_hdr_units

     type output_plc_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd           =    "            unit"
         character (len=21) :: id            =    "              gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name          =    "    name        "
         character(len=15)  :: tot_c     =    "        total_c"
         character(len=15)  :: ab_gr_c   =    "        ab_gr_c"
         character(len=15)  :: leaf_c    =    "         leaf_c"
         character(len=15)  :: stem_c    =    "         stem_c"
         character(len=15)  :: seed_c    =    "         seed_c"
         character(len=15)  :: root_c    =    "         root_c"
         end type output_plc_header       
      type (output_plc_header) :: plc_hdr
      type output_plc_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day          =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo           =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo       =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc          =    "           "
         character (len=16)  :: isd         =  "           "
         character (len=21) :: id           =  "                "
         character (len=16) :: name         =  "           "
         character(len=15)  :: tot_c     =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: ab_gr_c   =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: leaf_c    =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: stem_c    =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: seed_c    =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: root_c    =    "          kg/ha"
        end type output_plc_header_units         
      type (output_plc_header_units) :: plc_hdr_units

     type output_rsdc_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd           =    "            unit"
         character (len=21) :: id            =    "              gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name          =    "    name        "
         character(len=15)  :: tot_surf_c    =    "     tot_surf_c"
         character(len=15)  :: meta_surf_c   =    "     meta_surf_c"         
         character(len=15)  :: str_surf_c    =    "     str_surf_c"  
         character(len=15)  :: lig_surf_c    =    "     lig_surf_c"      
         character(len=15)  :: tot_soil_c    =    "     tot_soil_c"
         character(len=15)  :: meta_soil_c   =    "     meta_soil_c"         
         character(len=15)  :: str_soil_c    =    "     str_soil_c"  
         character(len=15)  :: lig_soil_c    =    "     lig_soil_c"

         end type output_rsdc_header       
      type (output_rsdc_header) :: rsdc_hdr
      type output_rsdc_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day          =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo           =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo       =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc          =    "           "
         character (len=16)  :: isd         =  "           "
         character (len=21) :: id           =  "                "
         character (len=16) :: name         =  "           "
         character(len=15)  :: tot_c     =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: meta_c    =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: str_c     =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: lig_c     =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: tot_soil_c     =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: meta_soil_c    =    "          kg/ha"         
         character(len=15)  :: str_soil_c     =    "          kg/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: lig_soil_c     =    "          kg/ha"
        end type output_rsdc_header_units         
      type (output_rsdc_header_units) :: rsdc_hdr_units

     type output_soilc_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo            =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo        =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd           =    "            unit"
         character (len=21) :: id            =    "              gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name          =    " name        "         
         character(len=15)  :: tot_org_c     =    "      tot_org_c"
         character(len=15)  :: humus_slow_c  =    "   humus_slow_c"
         character(len=15)  :: humus_pass_c  =    "   humus_pass_c"
         character(len=15)  :: microb_c      =    "       microb_c"
         character(len=15)  :: meta_c        =    "         meta_c"
         character(len=15)  :: str_c         =    "          str_c"         
         character(len=15)  :: lig_c         =    "          lig_c"  
         character(len=15)  :: man_c         =    "          man_c"
         end type output_soilc_header       
      type (output_soilc_header) :: soilc_hdr
      type output_soilc_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day          =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo           =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo       =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc          =    "           "
         character (len=16)  :: isd         =  "           "
         character (len=21) :: id           =  "                "
         character (len=16) :: name         =  "       "         
         character(len=15)  :: tot_org_c    =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: humus_slow_c  =    "          kg/ha"         
         character(len=15)  :: humus_pass_c  =    "          kg/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: microb_c      =    "          kg/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: meta_c        =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: str_c         =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: lig_c         =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: man_c         =    "          kg/ha"
        end type output_soilc_header_units         
      type (output_soilc_header_units) :: soilc_hdr_units

     type output_soil_org_flux_header     
         character (len=11) :: day       =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: mo        =    "        mon"
         character (len=11) :: day_mo    =    "        day"
         character (len=11) :: yrc       =    "         yr"
         character (len=16) :: isd       =    "            unit"
         character (len=22) :: id        =    "               gis_id "
         character (len=16) :: name      =    " name           "
         character(len=15)  :: cfmets1   =    "        cfmets1"
         character(len=15)  :: cfstrs1   =    "        cfstrs1"
         character(len=15)  :: cfstrs2   =    "        cfstrs2"
         character(len=15)  :: efmets1   =    "        efmets1"
         character(len=15)  :: efstrs1   =    "        efstrs1"
         character(len=15)  :: efstrs2   =    "        efstrs2"
         character(len=15)  :: immmets1  =    "       immmets1"
         character(len=15)  :: immstrs1  =    "       immstrs1" 
         character(len=15)  :: immstrs2  =    "       immstrs2" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrmets1  =    "       mnrmets1" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrstrs1  =    "       mnrstrs1" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrstrs2  =    "       mnrstrs2"  
         character(len=15)  :: co2fmet   =    "        co2fmet" 
         character(len=15)  :: co2fstr   =    "        co2fstr" 
         character(len=15)  :: cfs1s2    =    "         cfs1s2"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs1s3    =    "         cfs1s3"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs2s1    =    "         cfs2s1"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs2s3    =    "         cfs2s3"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs3s1    =    "         cfs3s1"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs1s2    =    "         efs1s2"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs1s3    =    "         efs1s3"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs2s1    =    "         efs2s1"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs2s3    =    "         efs2s3"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs3s1    =    "         efs3s1"  
         character(len=15)  :: imms1s2   =    "        imms1s2" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms1s3   =    "        imms1s3" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms2s1   =    "        imms2s1" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms2s3   =    "        imms2s3" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms3s1   =    "        imms3s1" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs1s2   =    "        mnrs1s2" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs1s3   =    "        mnrs1s3" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs2s1   =    "        mnrs2s1" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs2s3   =    "        mnrs2s3" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs3s1   =    "        mnrs3s1" 
         character(len=15)  :: co2fs1    =    "         co2fs1" 
         character(len=15)  :: co2fs2    =    "         co2fs2"  
         character(len=15)  :: co2fs3    =    "         co2fs3" 

        !  character(len=15)  :: tot_org_c     =    "      tot_org_c"
        !  character(len=15)  :: str_c         =    "          str_c"
        !  character(len=15)  :: lig_c         =    "          lib_c"
        !  character(len=15)  :: meta_c        =    "         meta_c"
        !  character(len=15)  :: man_c         =    "          man_c"
        !  character(len=15)  :: humus_low_c   =    "    humus_low_c"
        !  character(len=15)  :: humus_pass_c  =    "   humus_pass_c"
        !  character(len=15)  :: microb_c      =    "       microb_c"
         end type output_soil_org_flux_header
      type (output_soil_org_flux_header) :: soil_org_flux_hdr

     type output_soil_org_flux_header_units     
         character (len=11) :: day       =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: mo        =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: day_mo    =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc       =    "           "
         character (len=16) :: isd       =    "                "
         character (len=22) :: id        =    "                      "
         character (len=16) :: name      =    "                "
         character(len=15)  :: cfmets1   =    "        kg_C/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: cfstrs1   =    "        kg_C/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: cfstrs2   =    "        kg_C/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: efmets1   =    "        kg_N/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: efstrs1   =    "        kg_N/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: efstrs2   =    "        kg_N/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: immmets1  =    "        kg_N/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: immstrs1  =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: immstrs2  =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrmets1  =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrstrs1  =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrstrs2  =    "        kg_N/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: co2fmet   =    "        kg_C/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: co2fstr   =    "        kg_C/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: cfs1s2    =    "        kg_C/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs1s3    =    "        kg_C/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs2s1    =    "        kg_C/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs2s3    =    "        kg_C/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: cfs3s1    =    "        kg_C/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs1s2    =    "        kg_N/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs1s3    =    "        kg_N/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs2s1    =    "        kg_N/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs2s3    =    "        kg_N/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: efs3s1    =    "        kg_N/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: imms1s2   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms1s3   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms2s1   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms2s3   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: imms3s1   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs1s2   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs1s3   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs2s1   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs2s3   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: mnrs3s1   =    "        kg_N/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: co2fs1    =    "        kg_C/ha" 
         character(len=15)  :: co2fs2    =    "        kg_C/ha"  
         character(len=15)  :: co2fs3    =    "        kg_C/ha" 
         end type output_soil_org_flux_header_units
      type (output_soil_org_flux_header_units) :: soil_org_flux_hdr_units

     type output_bsn_carb_header     
         character (len=11) :: day           =    "       jday"
         character (len=11) :: yrc           =    "         yr"
         character (len=6)  :: blnk          =    "      "
         character (len=15)  :: org_soilc    =    "      org_soilc"
         character (len=15)  :: org_plc      =    "        org_plc"
         character (len=15)  :: org_resc     =    "       org_resc"
         end type output_bsn_carb_header       
      type (output_bsn_carb_header) :: bsn_carb_hdr
      type output_bsn_carb_header_units      
         character (len=11) :: day          =    "           "
         character (len=11) :: yrc          =    "           "
         character (len=6)  :: blnk         =    "      "
         character(len=15)  :: org_soilc    =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: org_plc      =    "          kg/ha"
         character(len=15)  :: org_resc     =    "          kg/ha"
        end type output_bsn_carb_header_units         
      type (output_bsn_carb_header_units) :: bsn_carb_hdr_units


      type output_losses_header1
        character (len=6) :: day        =  "  jday"
        character (len=6) :: mo         =  "   mon"
        character (len=6) :: day_mo     =  "   day"
        character (len=6) :: yrc        =  "    yr"
        character (len=9) :: isd        =  "   unit "
        character (len=8) :: id         =  " gis_id "
        character (len=9) :: name      =  " name    "
        character (len=17) :: sedyld    =  "           sedyld"
        character (len=17)  :: usle     =  "             usle"
        character (len=17) :: sedorgc  =  "          sedorgc"
        character (len=17)  :: sedorgn  =  "          sedorgn"
        character (len=17)  :: sedorgp  =  "          sedorgp"
        character (len=17)  :: surqno3  =  "          surqno3"
        character (len=17)  :: latno3   =  "          lat3no3"
        character (len=17)  :: surqsolp =  "         surqsolp"
        character (len=17)  :: sedminp   =  "         sedminp"
        character (len=17)  :: tileno3  =  "          tileno3"
        character (len=17)  :: no3atmo  =  "          no3atmo"
        character (len=17)  :: nh4atmo  =  "          nh4atmo"
        character (len=17)  :: manurec  =  "          manurec"
        character (len=17)  :: manuren  =  "          manuren"
        character (len=17)  :: manurep  =  "          manurep"
        character (len=17)  :: fertc    =  "            fertc"
        character (len=17)  :: fertn    =  "            fertn"
        character (len=17)  :: fertp    =  "            fertp"
        character (len=17)  :: grazc_eat=  "        grazc_eat"
        character (len=17)  :: gracn_eat=  "        grazn_eat"
        character (len=17)  :: gracp_eat=  "        gracp_eat"
        character (len=17)  :: grazc_man=  "        grazc_man"
        character (len=17)  :: gracn_man=  "        grazn_man"
        character (len=17)  :: gracp_man=  "        gracp_man"
        character (len=17)  :: fixn     =  "             fixn"
        character (len=17)  :: denit    =  "            denit"
        character (len=17)  :: yieldc   =  "           yieldc"
        character (len=17)  :: yieldn   =  "           yieldn"
        character (len=17)  :: yieldp   =  "           yieldp"
      end type output_losses_header1      
      type (output_losses_header1) :: ls_hdr1
       type output_losses_header_units1
        character (len=6) :: day        =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: mo         =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: day_mo     =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: yrc        =  "      "
        character (len=9) :: isd        =  "        "
        character (len=8) :: id         =  "        "
        character (len=9) :: name      =  "         "
        character (len=17) :: sedyld    =  "             tons"
        character (len=17)  :: usle     =  "              tha"
        character (len=17)  :: sedorgc  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: sedorgn  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: sedorgp  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: surqno3  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: latno3   =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: surqsolp =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: sedmin   =  "             ----"
        character (len=17)  :: tileno3  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)   :: no3atmo =  "          no3atmo"
        character (len=17)  :: nh4atmo  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: manurec  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: manuren  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: manurep  =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: fertc    =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: fertn    =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: fertp    =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: grazc_eat=  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: gracn_eat=  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: gracp_eat=  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: grazc_man=  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: gracn_man=  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: gracp_man=  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: fixn     =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: denit    =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: yieldc   =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: yieldn   =  "             kgha"
        character (len=17)  :: yieldp   =  "             kgha"
      end type output_losses_header_units1      
      type (output_losses_header_units1) :: ls_hdr_units1   
      type output_plantweather_header
        character (len=6) :: day        =  "  jday"
        character (len=6) :: mo         =  "   mon"
        character (len=6) :: day_mo     =  "   day"
        character (len=6) :: yrc        =  "    yr"
        character (len=8) :: isd        =  "   unit "
        character (len=8) :: id         =  " gis_id "
        character (len=16) :: name      =  " name           "
        character (len=13) :: lai       =  "          lai"
        character (len=12) :: bioms     =  "       bioms"
        character (len=12) :: yield     =  "       yield"
        character (len=12) :: residue   =  "     residue"
        character (len=12) :: sol_tmp   =  "     sol_tmp"
        character (len=12) :: strsw     =  "       strsw"
        character (len=12) :: strsa     =  "       strsa"
        character (len=12) :: strstmp   =  "     strstmp"
        character (len=12) :: strsn     =  "       strsn"
        character (len=12) :: strsp     =  "       strsp"
        character (len=12) :: strss     =  "       strss"
        character (len=12) :: nplnt     =  "        nplt"
        character (len=12) :: percn     =  "       percn"
        character (len=12) :: pplnt     =  "       pplnt"
        character (len=12) :: tmx       =  "         tmx"
        character (len=12) :: tmn       =  "         tmn"
        character (len=12) :: tmpav     =  "       tmpav"
        character (len=12) :: solrad    =  "     solarad"
        character (len=12) :: wndspd    =  "      wndspd"
        character (len=12) :: rhum      =  "        rhum"
        character (len=12) :: phubase0  =  "     phubas0"
        character (len=12) :: lai_max   =  "     lai_max"
        character (len=12) :: bm_max    =  "      bm_max"
        character (len=12) :: bm_grow   =  "     bm_grow"
        character (len=12) :: c_gro     =  "       c_gro"
        character (len=16) :: plt_cov   =  "   plant_cov    "
        character (len=30) :: mgt_ops   =  "   mgt_ops      "
      end type output_plantweather_header 
      type (output_plantweather_header) :: pw_hdr
      type output_plantweather_header_units
        character (len=6) :: day        =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: mo         =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: day_mo     =  "      "
        character (len=6) :: yrc        =  "      "
        character (len=8) :: isd        =  "        "
        character (len=8) :: id         =  "        "
        character (len=16) :: name      =  "                "
        character (len=13) :: lai       =  "    m**2/m**2"
        character (len=12) :: bioms     =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12) :: yield     =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12) :: residue   =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12) :: sol_tmp   =  "        degc"
        character (len=12) :: strsw     =  "        ----"
        character (len=12) :: strsa     =  "        ----"
        character (len=12) :: strstmp   =  "        ----"
        character (len=12) :: strsn     =  "        ----"
        character (len=12) :: strsp     =  "        ----"
        character (len=12) :: strss     =  "        ----"
        character (len=12) :: nplnt     =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12) :: percn     =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12) :: pplnt     =  "        kgha"
        character (len=12) :: tmx       =  "        degc"
        character (len=12) :: tmn       =  "        degc"
        character (len=12) :: tmpav     =  "        degc"
        character (len=12) :: solrad    =  "      mj/m^2"
        character (len=12) :: wndspd    =  "         m/s"
        character (len=12) :: rhum      =  "        frac"
        character (len=12) :: phubase0  =  "        degc"
        character (len=12) :: lai_max   =  "   m**2/m**2"
        character (len=12) :: bm_max    =  "       kg/ha"
        character (len=12) :: bm_grow   =  "       kg/ha"
        character (len=12) :: c_gro     =  "       kg/ha"
      end type output_plantweather_header_units     
      type (output_plantweather_header_units) :: pw_hdr_units
      interface operator (+)
        module procedure hruout_waterbal_add
      end interface

      interface operator (+)
        module procedure hruout_nutbal_add
      end interface
      interface operator (+)
        module procedure hruout_losses_add
      end interface
      interface operator (+)
        module procedure hruout_plantweather_add
      end interface
      interface operator (/)
        module procedure hruout_waterbal_div
      end interface
      interface operator (*)
        module procedure hruout_waterbal_mult
      end interface
      interface operator (//)
        module procedure hruout_waterbal_ave
      end interface
      interface operator (/)
        module procedure hruout_nutbal_div
      end interface
      interface operator (+)
        module procedure hruout_nut_cycling_add
      end interface
      interface operator (+)
        module procedure hruout_nut_gain_loss_add
      end interface  

      interface operator (/)
        module procedure hruout_nut_cycling_div
      end interface
      interface operator (/)
        module procedure hruout_nut_gain_loss_div
      end interface  
      interface operator (*)
        module procedure hruout_nut_cycling_mult
      end interface
      interface operator (*)
        module procedure hruout_nut_gain_loss_mult
      end interface  
      interface operator (*)
        module procedure hruout_nutbal_mult
      end interface
      interface operator (/)
        module procedure hruout_losses_div
      end interface
      interface operator (*)
        module procedure hruout_losses_mult
      end interface
      interface operator (/)
        module procedure hruout_plantweather_div
        end interface
      interface operator (//)
        module procedure hruout_plantweather_ave
        end interface
      interface operator (*)
        module procedure hruout_plantweather_mult
        end interface

      function hruout_waterbal_add (hru1, hru2) result (hru3)
        type (output_waterbal), intent (in) :: hru1
        type (output_waterbal), intent (in) :: hru2
        type (output_waterbal) :: hru3
        hru3%precip = hru1%precip + hru2%precip
        hru3%snofall = hru1%snofall + hru2%snofall
        hru3%snomlt = hru1%snomlt + hru2%snomlt
        hru3%surq_gen = hru1%surq_gen + hru2%surq_gen
        hru3%latq = hru1%latq + hru2%latq
        hru3%wateryld = hru1%wateryld + hru2%wateryld
        hru3%perc = hru1%perc + hru2%perc
        hru3%et = hru1%et + hru2%et
        hru3%ecanopy = hru1%ecanopy + hru2%ecanopy
        hru3%eplant = hru1%eplant + hru2%eplant
        hru3%esoil = hru1%esoil + hru2%esoil
        hru3%surq_cont = hru1%surq_cont + hru2%surq_cont
        hru3%cn = hru1%cn + hru2%cn
        hru3%sw_init = hru1%sw_init
        hru3%sw_final = hru1%sw_final
        hru3%sw = hru1%sw + hru2%sw
        hru3%sw_300 = hru1%sw_300 + hru2%sw_300
        hru3%sno_init = hru1%sno_init
        hru3%sno_final = hru1%sno_final
        hru3%snopack = hru1%snopack + hru2%snopack
        hru3%pet = hru1%pet + hru2%pet
        hru3%qtile = hru1%qtile + hru2%qtile
        hru3%irr = hru1%irr + hru2%irr
        hru3%surq_runon = hru1%surq_runon + hru2%surq_runon
        hru3%latq_runon = hru1%latq_runon + hru2%latq_runon
        hru3%overbank = hru1%overbank + hru2%overbank
        hru3%surq_cha = hru1%surq_cha + hru2%surq_cha
        hru3%surq_res = hru1%surq_res + hru2%surq_res
        hru3%surq_ls = hru1%surq_ls + hru2%surq_ls
        hru3%latq_cha = hru1%latq_cha + hru2%latq_cha
        hru3%latq_res = hru1%latq_res + hru2%latq_res
        hru3%latq_ls = hru1%latq_ls + hru2%latq_ls
        hru3%gwsoil= hru1%gwsoil + hru2%gwsoil
        hru3%satex = hru1%satex + hru2%satex
        hru3%satex_chan = hru1%satex_chan + hru2%satex_chan
        hru3%delsw = hru1%delsw + hru2%delsw
        hru3%lagsurf = hru1%lagsurf + hru2%lagsurf
        hru3%laglatq = hru1%laglatq + hru2%laglatq
        hru3%lagsatex = hru1%lagsatex + hru2%lagsatex
        hru3%wet_evap = hru1%wet_evap + hru2%wet_evap
        hru3%wet_out = hru1%wet_out + hru2%wet_out
        hru3%wet_stor = hru1%wet_stor + hru2%wet_stor
      end function hruout_waterbal_add
      function hruout_nutbal_add (hru1, hru2) result (hru3)
        type (output_nutbal), intent (in) :: hru1
        type (output_nutbal), intent (in) :: hru2
        type (output_nutbal) :: hru3
        hru3%grazn = hru1%grazn + hru2%grazn
        hru3%grazp = hru1%grazp + hru2%grazp
        hru3%lab_min_p = hru1%lab_min_p + hru2%lab_min_p
        hru3%act_sta_p = hru1%act_sta_p + hru2%act_sta_p
        hru3%fertn = hru1%fertn + hru2%fertn
        hru3%fertp = hru1%fertp + hru2%fertp
        hru3%fixn = hru1%fixn + hru2%fixn
        hru3%denit = hru1%denit + hru2%denit
        hru3%act_nit_n = hru1%act_nit_n + hru2%act_nit_n
        hru3%act_sta_n = hru1%act_sta_n + hru2%act_sta_n
        hru3%org_lab_p = hru1%org_lab_p + hru2%org_lab_p
        hru3%rsd_nitorg_n = hru1%rsd_nitorg_n + hru2%rsd_nitorg_n
        hru3%rsd_laborg_p = hru1%rsd_laborg_p + hru2%rsd_laborg_p
        hru3%no3atmo = hru1%no3atmo + hru2%no3atmo
        hru3%nh4atmo = hru1%nh4atmo + hru2%nh4atmo
        hru3%nuptake = hru1%nuptake + hru2%nuptake
        hru3%puptake = hru1%puptake + hru2%puptake
        hru3%gwsoiln = hru1%gwsoiln + hru2%gwsoiln
        hru3%gwsoilp = hru1%gwsoilp + hru2%gwsoilp
      end function hruout_nutbal_add

      function hruout_losses_add (hru1, hru2) result (hru3)
        type (output_losses), intent (in) :: hru1
        type (output_losses), intent (in) :: hru2
        type (output_losses) :: hru3
        hru3%sedyld = hru1%sedyld + hru2%sedyld
        hru3%sedorgn = hru1%sedorgn + hru2%sedorgn
        hru3%sedorgp = hru1%sedorgp + hru2%sedorgp
        hru3%surqno3 = hru1%surqno3 + hru2%surqno3
        hru3%latno3 = hru1%latno3 + hru2%latno3
        hru3%surqsolp = hru1%surqsolp + hru2%surqsolp
        hru3%usle = hru1%usle + hru2%usle
        hru3%sedminp = hru1%sedminp + hru2%sedminp
        hru3%tileno3 = hru1%tileno3 + hru2%tileno3
        hru3%lchlabp = hru1%lchlabp + hru2%lchlabp
        hru3%tilelabp = hru1%tilelabp + hru2%tilelabp
        hru3%satexn = hru1%satexn + hru2%satexn !rtb gwflow
      end function hruout_losses_add
      function hruout_nut_cycling_add (hru1, hru2) result (hru3)
        type (output_nutcarb_cycling), intent (in) :: hru1
        type (output_nutcarb_cycling), intent (in) :: hru2
        type (output_nutcarb_cycling) :: hru3
        hru3%lab_min_p = hru1%lab_min_p + hru2%lab_min_p
        hru3%act_sta_p = hru1%act_sta_p + hru2%act_sta_p
        hru3%act_nit_n = hru1%act_nit_n + hru2%act_nit_n
        hru3%act_sta_n = hru1%act_sta_p + hru2%act_sta_n
        hru3%org_lab_p = hru1%org_lab_p + hru2%org_lab_p
        hru3%rsd_hs_c = hru1%rsd_hs_c + hru2%rsd_hs_c
        hru3%rsd_nitorg_n = hru1%rsd_nitorg_n + hru2%rsd_nitorg_n
        hru3%rsd_laborg_p = hru1%rsd_laborg_p + hru2%rsd_laborg_p
      end function hruout_nut_cycling_add
      function hruout_nut_gain_loss_add (hru1, hru2) result (hru3)
        type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), intent (in) :: hru1
        type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), intent (in) :: hru2
        type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss) :: hru3
        hru3%sedyld = hru1%sedyld + hru2%sedyld
        hru3%usle = hru1%usle + hru2%usle
        hru3%sedorgc = hru1%sedorgc + hru2%sedorgc
        hru3%sedorgn = hru1%sedorgn + hru2%sedorgn
        hru3%sedorgp = hru1%sedorgp + hru2%sedorgp
        hru3%surqno3 = hru1%surqno3 + hru2%surqno3
        hru3%latno3 = hru1%latno3 + hru2%latno3
        hru3%surqsolp = hru1%surqsolp + hru2%surqsolp
        hru3%sedmin = hru1%sedmin + hru2%sedmin
        hru3%tileno3 = hru1%tileno3 + hru2%tileno3
        hru3%no3atmo = hru1%no3atmo + hru2%no3atmo
        hru3%nh4atmo = hru1%nh4atmo + hru2%nh4atmo
        hru3%manurec = hru1%manurec + hru2%manurec
        hru3%manuren = hru1%manuren + hru2%manuren
        hru3%manurep = hru1%manurep + hru2%manurep
        hru3%fertc = hru1%fertc + hru2%fertc
        hru3%fertn = hru1%fertn + hru2%fertn
        hru3%fertp = hru1%fertp + hru2%fertp
        hru3%grazc_eat = hru1%grazc_eat + hru2%grazc_eat
        hru3%grazn_eat = hru1%grazn_eat + hru2%grazn_eat
        hru3%grazp_eat = hru1%grazp_eat + hru2%grazp_eat
        hru3%grazc_man = hru1%grazc_man + hru2%grazc_man
        hru3%grazn_man = hru1%grazn_man + hru2%grazn_man
        hru3%grazp_man = hru1%grazp_man + hru2%grazp_man
        hru3%fixn = hru1%fixn + hru2%fixn
        hru3%denit = hru1%denit + hru2%denit
        hru3%yieldc = hru1%yieldc + hru2%yieldc
        hru3%yieldn = hru1%yieldn + hru2%yieldn
        hru3%yieldp = hru1%yieldp + hru2%yieldp
      end function hruout_nut_gain_loss_add
      function hruout_nut_cycling_mult (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_nutcarb_cycling), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_nutcarb_cycling) :: hru2     
        hru2%lab_min_p = hru1%lab_min_p * const
        hru2%act_sta_p = hru1%act_sta_p * const
        hru2%act_nit_n = hru1%act_nit_n * const
        hru2%act_sta_n = hru1%act_sta_p * const
        hru2%org_lab_p = hru1%org_lab_p * const
        hru2%rsd_hs_c = hru1%rsd_hs_c * const
        hru2%rsd_nitorg_n = hru1%rsd_nitorg_n * const
        hru2%rsd_laborg_p = hru1%rsd_laborg_p * const
      end function hruout_nut_cycling_mult
      function hruout_nut_gain_loss_mult (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss) :: hru2               
        hru2%sedyld = hru1%sedyld * const
        hru2%usle = hru1%usle * const
        hru2%sedorgc = hru1%sedorgc * const
        hru2%sedorgn = hru1%sedorgn * const
        hru2%sedorgp = hru1%sedorgp * const
        hru2%surqno3 = hru1%surqno3 * const
        hru2%latno3 = hru1%latno3 * const
        hru2%surqsolp = hru1%surqsolp * const
        hru2%sedmin = hru1%sedmin * const
        hru2%tileno3 = hru1%tileno3 * const
        hru2%no3atmo = hru1%no3atmo * const
        hru2%nh4atmo = hru1%nh4atmo * const
        hru2%manurec = hru1%manurec * const
        hru2%manuren = hru1%manuren * const
        hru2%manurep = hru1%manurep * const
        hru2%fertc = hru1%fertc * const
        hru2%fertn = hru1%fertn * const
        hru2%fertp = hru1%fertp * const
        hru2%grazc_eat = hru1%grazc_eat * const
        hru2%grazn_eat = hru1%grazn_eat * const
        hru2%grazp_eat = hru1%grazp_eat * const
        hru2%grazc_man = hru1%grazc_man * const
        hru2%grazn_man = hru1%grazn_man * const
        hru2%grazp_man = hru1%grazp_man * const
        hru2%fixn = hru1%fixn * const
        hru2%denit = hru1%denit * const
        hru2%yieldc = hru1%yieldc * const
        hru2%yieldn = hru1%yieldn * const
        hru2%yieldp = hru1%yieldp * const
      end function hruout_nut_gain_loss_mult
      function hruout_nut_cycling_div (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_nutcarb_cycling), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_nutcarb_cycling) :: hru2     
        hru2%lab_min_p = hru1%lab_min_p / const
        hru2%act_sta_p = hru1%act_sta_p / const
        hru2%act_nit_n = hru1%act_nit_n / const
        hru2%act_sta_n = hru1%act_sta_p / const
        hru2%org_lab_p = hru1%org_lab_p / const
        hru2%rsd_hs_c = hru1%rsd_hs_c / const
        hru2%rsd_nitorg_n = hru1%rsd_nitorg_n / const
        hru2%rsd_laborg_p = hru1%rsd_laborg_p / const
      end function hruout_nut_cycling_div
      function hruout_nut_gain_loss_div (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_nutcarb_gain_loss) :: hru2               
        hru2%sedyld = hru1%sedyld / const
        hru2%usle = hru1%usle / const
        hru2%sedorgc = hru1%sedorgc / const
        hru2%sedorgn = hru1%sedorgn / const
        hru2%sedorgp = hru1%sedorgp / const
        hru2%surqno3 = hru1%surqno3 / const
        hru2%latno3 = hru1%latno3 / const
        hru2%surqsolp = hru1%surqsolp / const
        hru2%sedmin = hru1%sedmin / const
        hru2%tileno3 = hru1%tileno3 / const
        hru2%no3atmo = hru1%no3atmo / const
        hru2%nh4atmo = hru1%nh4atmo / const
        hru2%manurec = hru1%manurec / const
        hru2%manuren = hru1%manuren / const
        hru2%manurep = hru1%manurep / const
        hru2%fertc = hru1%fertc / const
        hru2%fertn = hru1%fertn / const
        hru2%fertp = hru1%fertp / const
        hru2%grazc_eat = hru1%grazc_eat / const
        hru2%grazn_eat = hru1%grazn_eat / const
        hru2%grazp_eat = hru1%grazp_eat / const
        hru2%grazc_man = hru1%grazc_man / const
        hru2%grazn_man = hru1%grazn_man / const
        hru2%grazp_man = hru1%grazp_man / const
        hru2%fixn = hru1%fixn / const
        hru2%denit = hru1%denit / const
        hru2%yieldc = hru1%yieldc / const
        hru2%yieldn = hru1%yieldn / const
        hru2%yieldp = hru1%yieldp / const
      end function hruout_nut_gain_loss_div
      function hruout_plantweather_add (hru1, hru2) result (hru3)
        type (output_plantweather), intent (in) :: hru1
        type (output_plantweather), intent (in) :: hru2
        type (output_plantweather) :: hru3
        hru3%lai = hru1%lai + hru2%lai
        hru3%bioms = hru1%bioms + hru2%bioms
        hru3%yield = hru1%yield + hru2%yield
        hru3%residue = hru1%residue + hru2%residue
        hru3%sol_tmp = hru1%sol_tmp + hru2%sol_tmp
        hru3%strsw = hru1%strsw + hru2%strsw
        hru3%strsa = hru1%strsa + hru2%strsa
        hru3%strstmp = hru1%strstmp + hru2%strstmp
        hru3%strsn = hru1%strsn + hru2%strsn
        hru3%strsp = hru1%strsp + hru2%strsp
        hru3%strss = hru1%strss + hru2%strss
        hru3%nplnt = hru1%nplnt + hru2%nplnt
        hru3%percn = hru1%percn + hru2%percn
        hru3%tmx = hru1%tmx + hru2%tmx
        hru3%tmn = hru1%tmn + hru2%tmn
        hru3%tmpav = hru1%tmpav + hru2%tmpav
        hru3%wndspd = hru1%wndspd + hru2%wndspd
        hru3%rhum = hru1%rhum + hru2%rhum
        hru3%solrad = hru1%solrad + hru2%solrad
        hru3%phubase0 = hru1%phubase0 + hru2%phubase0
      end function hruout_plantweather_add

      function hruout_waterbal_div (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_waterbal), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_waterbal) :: hru2
        hru2%precip = hru1%precip / const
        hru2%snofall = hru1%snofall / const
        hru2%snomlt= hru1%snomlt / const
        hru2%surq_gen = hru1%surq_gen / const
        hru2%latq = hru1%latq / const
        hru2%wateryld = hru1%wateryld / const
        hru2%perc = hru1%perc / const
        hru2%et = hru1%et / const
        hru2%ecanopy = hru1%ecanopy / const
        hru2%eplant = hru1%eplant / const
        hru2%esoil = hru1%esoil / const
        hru2%surq_cont = hru1%surq_cont / const 
        hru2%cn = hru1%cn
        hru2%sw = hru1%sw
        hru2%sw_300 = hru1%sw_300
        hru2%snopack = hru1%snopack
        hru2%pet = hru1%pet / const 
        hru2%qtile = hru1%qtile / const 
        hru2%irr = hru1%irr / const
        hru2%surq_runon = hru1%surq_runon / const 
        hru2%latq_runon = hru1%latq_runon / const 
        hru2%overbank = hru1%overbank / const
        hru2%surq_cha = hru1%surq_cha / const 
        hru2%surq_res = hru1%surq_res / const 
        hru2%surq_ls = hru1%surq_ls / const
        hru2%latq_cha = hru1%latq_cha / const 
        hru2%latq_res = hru1%latq_res / const 
        hru2%latq_ls = hru1%latq_ls / const
        hru2%gwsoil = hru1%gwsoil / const
        hru2%satex = hru1%satex / const
        hru2%satex_chan = hru1%satex_chan / const
        hru2%delsw = hru1%delsw / const
        hru2%lagsurf = hru1%lagsurf / const
        hru2%laglatq = hru1%laglatq / const
        hru2%lagsatex = hru1%lagsatex / const
        hru2%wet_evap = hru1%wet_evap / const
        hru2%wet_out = hru1%wet_out / const
        hru2%wet_stor = hru1%wet_stor
      end function hruout_waterbal_div
      function hruout_waterbal_ave (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_waterbal), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_waterbal) :: hru2   
        hru2%precip = hru1%precip
        hru2%snofall = hru1%snofall
        hru2%snomlt= hru1%snomlt
        hru2%surq_gen = hru1%surq_gen
        hru2%latq = hru1%latq
        hru2%wateryld = hru1%wateryld
        hru2%perc = hru1%perc
        hru2%et = hru1%et
        hru2%ecanopy = hru1%ecanopy
        hru2%eplant = hru1%eplant
        hru2%esoil = hru1%esoil
        hru2%surq_cont = hru1%surq_cont
        hru2%cn = hru1%cn / const
        hru2%sw_init = hru1%sw_init
        hru2%sw_final = hru1%sw_final
        hru2%sw = hru1%sw / const
        hru2%sw_300 = hru1%sw_300 / const
        hru2%sno_init = hru1%sno_init
        hru2%sno_final = hru1%sno_final
        hru2%snopack = hru1%snopack / const
        hru2%pet = hru1%pet
        hru2%qtile = hru1%qtile
        hru2%irr = hru1%irr
        hru2%surq_runon = hru1%surq_runon
        hru2%latq_runon = hru1%latq_runon
        hru2%overbank = hru1%overbank
        hru2%surq_cha = hru1%surq_cha
        hru2%surq_res = hru1%surq_res
        hru2%surq_ls = hru1%surq_ls
        hru2%latq_cha = hru1%latq_cha
        hru2%latq_res = hru1%latq_res
        hru2%latq_ls = hru1%latq_ls
        hru2%gwsoil= hru1%gwsoil
        hru2%satex = hru1%satex
        hru2%satex_chan = hru1%satex_chan
        hru2%delsw = hru1%delsw
        hru2%lagsurf = hru1%lagsurf
        hru2%laglatq = hru1%laglatq
        hru2%lagsatex = hru1%lagsatex
        hru2%wet_evap = hru1%wet_evap
        hru2%wet_out = hru1%wet_out
        hru2%wet_stor = hru1%wet_stor / const
      end function hruout_waterbal_ave

      function hruout_waterbal_mult (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_waterbal), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_waterbal) :: hru2
        hru2%precip = hru1%precip * const
        hru2%snofall = hru1%snofall * const
        hru2%snomlt= hru1%snomlt * const
        hru2%surq_gen = hru1%surq_gen * const
        hru2%latq = hru1%latq * const
        hru2%wateryld = hru1%wateryld * const
        hru2%perc = hru1%perc * const
        hru2%et = hru1%et * const
        hru2%ecanopy = hru1%ecanopy * const
        hru2%eplant = hru1%eplant * const
        hru2%esoil = hru1%esoil * const
        hru2%surq_cont = hru1%surq_cont * const 
        hru2%cn = hru1%cn * const 
        hru2%sw = hru1%sw * const
        hru2%sw_300 = hru1%sw_300 * const
        hru2%snopack = hru1%snopack * const
        hru2%pet = hru1%pet * const 
        hru2%qtile = hru1%qtile * const 
        hru2%irr = hru1%irr * const
        hru2%surq_runon = hru1%surq_runon * const 
        hru2%latq_runon = hru1%latq_runon * const 
        hru2%overbank = hru1%overbank * const
        hru2%surq_cha = hru1%surq_cha * const 
        hru2%surq_res = hru1%surq_res * const 
        hru2%surq_ls = hru1%surq_ls * const
        hru2%latq_cha = hru1%latq_cha * const 
        hru2%latq_res = hru1%latq_res * const 
        hru2%latq_ls = hru1%latq_ls * const
        hru2%gwsoil = hru1%gwsoil * const
        hru2%satex = hru1%satex * const
        hru2%satex_chan = hru1%satex_chan * const
        hru2%delsw = hru1%delsw * const
        hru2%lagsurf = hru1%lagsurf * const
        hru2%laglatq = hru1%laglatq * const
        hru2%lagsatex = hru1%lagsatex * const
        hru2%wet_evap = hru1%wet_evap * const
        hru2%wet_out = hru1%wet_out * const
        hru2%wet_stor = hru1%wet_stor * const
      end function hruout_waterbal_mult
      function hruout_nutbal_div (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_nutbal), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_nutbal) :: hru2
        hru2%grazn = hru1%grazn / const
        hru2%grazp = hru1%grazp / const
        hru2%lab_min_p = hru1%lab_min_p / const
        hru2%act_sta_p = hru1%act_sta_p / const
        hru2%fertn = hru1%fertn / const
        hru2%fertp = hru1%fertp / const
        hru2%fixn = hru1%fixn / const
        hru2%denit = hru1%denit / const
        hru2%act_nit_n = hru1%act_nit_n / const
        hru2%act_sta_n = hru1%act_sta_n / const
        hru2%org_lab_p = hru1%org_lab_p / const
        hru2%rsd_nitorg_n = hru1%rsd_nitorg_n / const
        hru2%rsd_laborg_p = hru1%rsd_laborg_p / const
        hru2%no3atmo = hru1%no3atmo / const
        hru2%nh4atmo = hru1%nh4atmo / const
        hru2%nuptake = hru1%nuptake / const
        hru2%puptake = hru1%puptake / const
        hru2%gwsoiln = hru1%gwsoiln / const
        hru2%gwsoilp = hru1%gwsoilp / const
      end function hruout_nutbal_div
      function hruout_nutbal_mult (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_nutbal), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_nutbal) :: hru2
        hru2%grazn = hru1%grazn * const
        hru2%grazp = hru1%grazp * const
        hru2%lab_min_p = hru1%lab_min_p * const
        hru2%act_sta_p = hru1%act_sta_p * const
        hru2%fertn = hru1%fertn * const
        hru2%fertp = hru1%fertp * const
        hru2%fixn = hru1%fixn * const
        hru2%denit = hru1%denit * const
        hru2%act_nit_n = hru1%act_nit_n * const
        hru2%act_sta_n = hru1%act_sta_n * const
        hru2%org_lab_p = hru1%org_lab_p * const
        hru2%rsd_nitorg_n = hru1%rsd_nitorg_n * const
        hru2%rsd_laborg_p = hru1%rsd_laborg_p * const
        hru2%no3atmo = hru1%no3atmo * const
        hru2%nh4atmo = hru1%nh4atmo * const
        hru2%nuptake = hru1%nuptake * const
        hru2%puptake = hru1%puptake * const
        hru2%gwsoiln = hru1%gwsoiln * const
        hru2%gwsoilp = hru1%gwsoilp * const
      end function hruout_nutbal_mult
      function hruout_losses_div (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_losses), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_losses) :: hru2
        hru2%sedyld = hru1%sedyld / const
        hru2%sedorgn = hru1%sedorgn/ const
        hru2%sedorgp = hru1%sedorgp / const
        hru2%surqno3 = hru1%surqno3 / const
        hru2%latno3 = hru1%latno3 / const
        hru2%surqsolp = hru1%surqsolp / const
        hru2%usle = hru1%usle / const        
        hru2%sedminp = hru1%sedminp / const
        hru2%tileno3 = hru1%tileno3 / const
        hru2%lchlabp = hru1%lchlabp / const
        hru2%tilelabp = hru1%tilelabp / const
        hru2%satexn = hru1%satexn / const !rtb gwflow
      end function hruout_losses_div
      function hruout_losses_mult (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_losses), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_losses) :: hru2
        hru2%sedyld = hru1%sedyld * const
        hru2%sedorgn = hru1%sedorgn * const
        hru2%sedorgp = hru1%sedorgp * const
        hru2%surqno3 = hru1%surqno3 * const
        hru2%latno3 = hru1%latno3 * const
        hru2%surqsolp = hru1%surqsolp * const
        hru2%usle = hru1%usle * const        
        hru2%sedminp = hru1%sedminp * const
        hru2%tileno3 = hru1%tileno3 * const
        hru2%lchlabp = hru1%lchlabp * const
        hru2%tilelabp = hru1%tilelabp * const
        hru2%satexn = hru1%satexn * const
      end function hruout_losses_mult
      function hruout_plantweather_div (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_plantweather), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_plantweather) :: hru2
        hru2%lai = hru1%lai
        hru2%bioms = hru1%bioms
        hru2%yield = hru1%yield / const
        hru2%residue = hru1%residue
        hru2%sol_tmp = hru1%sol_tmp
        hru2%strsw = hru1%strsw / const
        hru2%strsa = hru1%strsa / const
        hru2%strstmp = hru1%strstmp / const
        hru2%strsn = hru1%strsn / const
        hru2%strsp = hru1%strsp / const
        hru2%strss = hru1%strss / const
        hru2%nplnt = hru1%nplnt
        hru2%percn = hru1%percn / const
        hru2%pplnt = hru1%pplnt
        hru2%tmx = hru1%tmx
        hru2%tmn = hru1%tmn
        hru2%tmpav = hru1%tmpav
        hru2%solrad = hru1%solrad
        hru2%wndspd = hru1%wndspd
        hru2%rhum = hru1%rhum
        hru2%phubase0 = hru1%phubase0
      end function hruout_plantweather_div
      function hruout_plantweather_ave (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_plantweather), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_plantweather) :: hru2
        hru2%lai = hru1%lai / const
        hru2%bioms = hru1%bioms / const
        hru2%yield = hru1%yield
        hru2%residue = hru1%residue / const
        hru2%sol_tmp = hru1%sol_tmp / const
        hru2%strsw = hru1%strsw
        hru2%strsa = hru1%strsa
        hru2%strstmp = hru1%strstmp
        hru2%strsn = hru1%strsn
        hru2%strsp = hru1%strsp
        hru2%strss = hru1%strss
        hru2%nplnt = hru1%nplnt / const
        hru2%percn = hru1%percn
        hru2%pplnt = hru1%pplnt / const
        hru2%tmx = hru1%tmx / const
        hru2%tmn = hru1%tmn / const
        hru2%tmpav = hru1%tmpav / const
        hru2%wndspd = hru1%wndspd / const
        hru2%rhum = hru1%rhum / const
        hru2%solrad = hru1%solrad / const
        hru2%phubase0 = hru1%phubase0 / const
      end function hruout_plantweather_ave
      function hruout_plantweather_mult (hru1,const) result (hru2)
        type (output_plantweather), intent (in) :: hru1
        real, intent (in) :: const
        type (output_plantweather) :: hru2
        hru2%lai = hru1%lai * const
        hru2%bioms = hru1%bioms * const
        hru2%yield = hru1%yield * const
        hru2%residue = hru1%residue * const
        hru2%sol_tmp = hru1%sol_tmp * const
        hru2%strsw = hru1%strsw * const
        hru2%strsa = hru1%strsa * const
        hru2%strstmp = hru1%strstmp * const
        hru2%strsn = hru1%strsn * const
        hru2%strsp = hru1%strsp * const
        hru2%strss = hru1%strss * const
        hru2%nplnt = hru1%nplnt * const
        hru2%percn = hru1%percn * const
        hru2%pplnt = hru1%pplnt * const
        hru2%tmx = hru1%tmx * const
        hru2%tmn = hru1%tmn * const
        hru2%tmpav = hru1%tmpav * const
        hru2%solrad = hru1%solrad * const
        hru2%wndspd = hru1%wndspd * const
        hru2%rhum = hru1%rhum * const
        hru2%phubase0 = hru1%phubase0 * const
      end function hruout_plantweather_mult
      end module output_landscape_module