subroutine basin_aqu_pest_output use output_ls_pesticide_module use aqu_pesticide_module use plant_module use plant_data_module use time_module use basin_module use output_landscape_module use constituent_mass_module use hydrograph_module, only : sp_ob, sp_ob1, ob implicit none integer :: ipest = 0 integer :: iaq = 0 integer :: iob = 0 real :: const = 0. real :: stor_init = 0. !kg |store initial pesticide when entire object is zero'd !! ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~ !! this subroutine outputs HRU variables on daily, monthly and annual time steps iob = sp_ob1%aqu !! print balance for each pesticide do ipest = 1, cs_db%num_pests baqupst_d%pest(ipest) = aqu_pestbz do iaq = 1, sp_ob%aqu baqupst_d%pest(ipest) = baqupst_d%pest(ipest) .sum. aqupst_d(iaq)%pest(ipest) !! reset pesticide at start of next time step aqupst_d(iaq)%pest(ipest)%stor_init = aqupst_d(iaq)%pest(ipest)%stor_final end do baqupst_m%pest(ipest) = baqupst_m%pest(ipest) + baqupst_d%pest(ipest) !! daily print if (pco%day_print == "y" .and. pco%int_day_cur == pco%int_day) then if (pco%pest%d == "y") then write (3000,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", ob(iob)%name, cs_db%pests(ipest), & baqupst_d%pest(ipest) !! pesticide balance if (pco%csvout == "y") then write (3004,'(*(G0.3,:","))') time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", ob(iob)%name, & cs_db%pests(ipest), baqupst_d%pest(ipest) end if end if end if !! zero daily output !! check end of month if (time%end_mo == 1) then baqupst_y%pest(ipest) = baqupst_y%pest(ipest) + baqupst_m%pest(ipest) const = float (ndays(time%mo + 1) - ndays(time%mo)) baqupst_m%pest(ipest) = baqupst_m%pest(ipest) // const baqupst_m%pest(ipest)%stor_final = baqupst_d%pest(ipest)%stor_final !! monthly print if (pco%pest%m == "y") then write (3001,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", ob(iob)%name, & cs_db%pests(ipest), baqupst_m%pest(ipest) if (pco%csvout == "y") then write (3005,'(*(G0.3,:","))') time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", & ob(iob)%name, cs_db%pests(ipest), baqupst_m%pest(ipest) end if end if !! reset pesticide at start of next time step stor_init = baqupst_d%pest(ipest)%stor_final baqupst_m%pest(ipest) = aqu_pestbz baqupst_m%pest(ipest)%stor_init = stor_init end if !! check end of year if (time%end_yr == 1) then baqupst_a%pest(ipest) = baqupst_a%pest(ipest) + baqupst_y%pest(ipest) const = time%day_end_yr baqupst_y%pest(ipest) = baqupst_y%pest(ipest) // const baqupst_y%pest(ipest)%stor_final = baqupst_d%pest(ipest)%stor_final !! yearly print if (time%end_yr == 1 .and. pco%pest%y == "y") then write (3002,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", ob(iob)%name, & cs_db%pests(ipest), baqupst_y%pest(ipest) if (pco%csvout == "y") then write (3006,'(*(G0.3,:","))') time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", & ob(iob)%name, cs_db%pests(ipest), baqupst_y%pest(ipest) end if end if !! reset pesticide at start of next time step stor_init = baqupst_d%pest(ipest)%stor_final baqupst_y%pest(ipest) = aqu_pestbz baqupst_y%pest(ipest)%stor_init = stor_init end if !!!!! average annual print if (time%end_sim == 1 .and. pco%pest%a == "y") then baqupst_a%pest(ipest) = baqupst_a%pest(ipest) / time%yrs_prt baqupst_a%pest(ipest) = baqupst_a%pest(ipest) // time%days_prt baqupst_a%pest(ipest)%stor_final = baqupst_d%pest(ipest)%stor_final write (3003,100) time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", ob(iob)%name, & cs_db%pests(ipest), baqupst_a%pest(ipest) if (pco%csvout == "y") then write (3007,'(*(G0.3,:","))') time%day, time%mo, time%day_mo, time%yrc, " 1", " 1", & ob(iob)%name, cs_db%pests(ipest), baqupst_a%pest(ipest) end if baqupst_a%pest(ipest) = aqu_pestbz end if end do !pesticide loop return 100 format (4i6,2a,2x,2a,14e12.4) end subroutine basin_aqu_pest_output