subroutine cal_conditions use maximum_data_module use calibration_data_module use conditional_module use hru_lte_module use hru_module, only : hru use soil_module use plant_module use plant_data_module use time_module use climate_module, only : pcp, tmp implicit none character(len=25) :: chg_parm = "" ! | character(len=16) :: chg_typ = "" !variable |type of change (absval, abschg, pctchg) character(len=1) :: cond_met = "" ! | character(len=1) :: pl_find = "" ! | integer :: lyr = 0 !none |counter integer :: iyr = 0 ! | integer :: ichg_par = 0 !none |counter integer :: ispu = 0 !none |counter integer :: ielem = 0 !none |counter real :: chg_val = 0. ! | real :: absmin = 0. ! |minimum range for variable real :: absmax = 0. ! |maximum change for variable integer :: num_db = 0 ! | integer :: ic = 0 !none |counter integer :: ipg = 0 ! | integer :: ipl = 0 ! | integer :: iyear = 0 !none |counter real :: val_cur = 0. !variable |current parameter value ! |the standard temperature (20 degrees C) real :: chg_par !variable |type of change (absval, abschg, pctchg) integer :: iday = 0 !none |counter integer :: ig = 0 ! | integer :: nvar = 0 ! |number of plant cal variables (1=lai_pot, 2=harv_idx) integer :: cal_lyr1 = 0 integer :: cal_lyr2 = 0 integer :: iplant = 0 do ichg_par = 1, db_mx%cal_upd do ispu = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%num_elem ielem = cal_upd(ichg_par)%num(ispu) chg_parm = cal_upd(ichg_par)%name chg_typ = cal_upd(ichg_par)%chg_typ chg_val = cal_upd(ichg_par)%val absmin = cal_parms(cal_upd(ichg_par)%num_db)%absmin absmax = cal_parms(cal_upd(ichg_par)%num_db)%absmax num_db = cal_upd(ichg_par)%num_db !check to see if conditions are met cond_met = "y" do ic = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%conds select case (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%var) case ("hsg") if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc /= soil(ielem)%hydgrp) then cond_met = "n" end if case ("res_typ") if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc /= dtbl_res(ielem)%name) then cond_met = "n" end if case ("texture") if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc /= soil(ielem)%texture) then cond_met = "n" end if case ("plant") !for hru do ipl = 1, pcom(ielem)%npl pl_find = "n" if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc == pcom(ielem)%pl(ipl)) then pl_find = "y" end if if (pl_find == "n") cond_met = "n" exit end do case ("pl_class") if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc /= pl_class(ielem)) then cond_met = "n" end if case ("landuse") !for hru if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc /= hru(ielem)%land_use_mgt_c) then cond_met = "n" exit end if case ("cal_group") !for hru if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc /= hru(ielem)%cal_group) then cond_met = "n" exit end if end select end do ! ic - conditions if (cond_met == "y") then if (cal_parms(num_db)%ob_typ /= "sol" .and. cal_parms(num_db)%ob_typ /= "cli" .and. & cal_parms(num_db)%ob_typ /= "plt" .and. cal_parms(num_db)%ob_typ /= "rdt") then call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) end if select case (cal_parms(num_db)%ob_typ) case ("sol") !! check layers for soil variables cal_lyr1 = cal_upd(ichg_par)%lyr1 cal_lyr1 = Max (cal_lyr1, 1) cal_lyr2 = cal_upd(ichg_par)%lyr2 if (cal_lyr2 <= 0) cal_lyr2 = soil(ielem)%nly cal_lyr2 = Min (cal_lyr2, soil(ielem)%nly) do lyr = cal_lyr1, cal_lyr2 call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) end do case ("rdt") !reservoir decision table !! check storage zones and flood season !! exclusive flood control storage if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%lyr1 /= 0) then lyr = 1 select case (chg_parm) case ("drawdown_days") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) case ("withdraw_rate") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) end select end if !! seasonal flood control storage - non flood season if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%lyr2 /= 0) then lyr = 2 select case (chg_parm) case ("drawdown_days") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) case ("withdraw_rate") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) end select end if !! seasonal flood control storage - flood season if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%year1 /= 0) then lyr = 3 select case (chg_parm) case ("drawdown_days") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) case ("withdraw_rate") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) end select end if !! multiple use storage - non flood season if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%year2 /= 0) then lyr = 4 select case (chg_parm) case ("drawdown_days") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) case ("withdraw_rate") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) end select end if !! multiple use storage - non flood season if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%day1 /= 0) then lyr = 5 select case (chg_parm) case ("drawdown_days") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) case ("withdraw_rate") call cal_parm_select (ielem, lyr, chg_parm, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax, num_db) end select end if case ("plt") nvar = 2 select case (cal_upd(ichg_par)%name) case ("phu_mat") do ipl = 1, pcom(ielem)%npl do ic = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%conds if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc == pcom(ielem)%pl(ipl)) then pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%phumat = chg_par (pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%phumat, chg_typ, chg_val, & absmin, absmax) end if end do end do case ("epco") iplant = 0 !! check to see if conditioned on the plant and only update that plant do ic = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%conds do ipl = 1, pcom(ielem)%npl if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%var == "plant") then pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = chg_par (pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot, chg_typ, chg_val, & absmin, absmax) iplant = 1 end if end do end do if (iplant == 0) then !! not conditioned on plant - change all plants do ipl = 1, pcom(ielem)%npl pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = chg_par (pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot, chg_typ, chg_val, & absmin, absmax) end do end if case ("lai_pot") do ipl = 1, pcom(ielem)%npl do ic = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%conds if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc == pcom(ielem)%pl(ipl)) then pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = chg_par (pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot, chg_typ, chg_val, & absmin, absmax) end if end do end do case ("harv_idx") do ipl = 1, pcom(ielem)%npl do ic = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%conds if (cal_upd(ichg_par)%cond(ic)%targc == pcom(ielem)%pl(ipl)) then pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = chg_par (pcom(ielem)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx, chg_typ, chg_val, & absmin, absmax) end if end do end do end select case ("cli") !! check dates for climate variable select case (cal_upd(ichg_par)%name) case ("precip") do ielem = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%num_elem ipg = cal_upd(ichg_par)%num(ielem) do iyear = cal_upd(ichg_par)%year1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%year2 iyr = iyear - time%yrc + 1 do iday = cal_upd(ichg_par)%day1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%day2 val_cur = pcp(ipg)%ts(iday,iyr) pcp(ipg)%ts(iday,iyr) = chg_par (val_cur, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax) end do end do end do case ("temp") do ielem = 1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%num_elem ipg = cal_upd(ichg_par)%num(ielem) do iyear = cal_upd(ichg_par)%year1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%year2 iyr = iyear - time%yrc + 1 do iday = cal_upd(ichg_par)%day1, cal_upd(ichg_par)%day2 val_cur = tmp(ig)%ts(iday,iyr) tmp(ig)%ts(iday,iyr) = chg_par (val_cur, chg_typ, chg_val, absmin, absmax) end do end do end do end select end select end if end do ! ispu end do ! ichg_par return end subroutine cal_conditions