plant_community Derived Type

type, public :: plant_community


type~~plant_community~~InheritsGraph type~plant_community plant_community type~auto_operations auto_operations type~plant_community->type~auto_operations dtbl type~fertilize_future fertilize_future type~plant_community->type~fertilize_future fert_fut type~plant_growth plant_growth type~plant_community->type~plant_growth plg type~plant_mass plant_mass type~plant_community->type~plant_mass plm type~plant_status plant_status type~plant_community->type~plant_status plcur type~plant_stress plant_stress type~plant_community->type~plant_stress plstr


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
integer, public :: npl = 0

number of plants in community

character(len=40), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: pl

N/A |plant name

integer, public :: pcomdb = 0

current plant community database number

integer, public :: rot_yr = 1

rotation year

integer, public :: days_plant = 0

|days since last planting - for conditional scheduling planting

integer, public :: days_harv = 0

|days since last harvest - for conditional scheduling planting

integer, public :: days_irr = 0

|days since last irrigation - for conditional scheduling planting

character(len=40), public :: last_kill = ""

|name of last plant killed

real, public :: cht_mx = 0.

m |height of tallest plant in community for pet calculation

real, public :: lai_sum = 0.

m/m |sum of lai for each plant

real, public :: laimx_sum = 0.

m/m |sum of maximum lai for each plant - for canopy interception

real, public :: rsd_covfac = 0.

|average residue cover factor

type(auto_operations), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: dtbl

d_tble action - to limit number of actions per year

integer, public :: fert_fut_num = 0
type(fertilize_future), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: fert_fut
type(plant_growth), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: plg

plant growth variables

type(plant_stress), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: plstr

plant stress variables

type(plant_status), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: plcur

plant status variables

type(plant_mass), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: plm