plant_growth Derived Type

type, public :: plant_growth

Inherited by

type~~plant_growth~~InheritedByGraph type~plant_growth plant_growth type~plant_community plant_community type~plant_community->type~plant_growth plg


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: cht = 0.

m |canopy height

real, public :: lai = 0.

m2/m2 |leaf area index

real, public :: plet = 0.

mm H2O |actual ET simulated during life of plant

real, public :: plpet = 0.

mm H2O |potential ET simulated during life of plant

real, public :: laimxfr = 0.
real, public :: laimxfr_p = 0.
real, public :: hi_adj = 0.

(kg/ha)/(kg/ha) |temperature adjusted harvest index for current time during growing season

real, public :: hi_prev = 0.

(kg/ha)/(kg/ha) |optimal harvest index for current time during growing season

real, public :: olai = 0.

|leaf area index (0-1) when leaf area decline begins

real, public :: dphu = 0.

|phu accumulated (0-1) when leaf area decline begins

real, public :: d_senes = 0.

days !days since start of senescence

real, public :: leaf_frac = 0.

none |fraction of above ground tree biomass that is leaf

real, public :: root_dep = 0.

mm |root depth

real, public :: root_frac = 0.

kg/ha |root fraction of total plant mass