plant_stress Derived Type

type, public :: plant_stress

Inherited by

type~~plant_stress~~InheritedByGraph type~plant_stress plant_stress type~plant_community plant_community type~plant_community->type~plant_stress plstr


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: reg = 0.

none |stress factor that most limits plant growth on current day

real, public :: strsw = 1.

none |frac of potential plant growth achieved on the day where the reduction is caused by water stress

real, public :: strsa = 1.

|frac of potential plant growth achieved on the day where the reduction is caused by air stress

real, public :: strsn = 1.

none |frac of potential plant growth achieved on the day where the reduction is caused by nit stress

real, public :: strsp = 1.

none |frac of potential plant growth achieved on the day where the reduction is caused by phos stress

real, public :: strst = 1.

none |frac of potential plant growth achieved on the day where the reduction is caused by temp stress

real, public :: strss = 1.

none |frac of potential plant growth achieved on the day where the reduction is caused by salt stress (rtb salt)

real, public :: sum_w = 0.

none |sum of water stress

real, public :: sum_tmp = 0.

none |sum of temperature stress

real, public :: sum_n = 0.

none |sum of nitrogen stress

real, public :: sum_p = 0.

none |sum of phosphorus stress

real, public :: sum_a = 0.

none |sum of aeration stress