reservoir_data_module.f90 Source File

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~reservoir_data_module.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~actions.f90 actions.f90 sourcefile~actions.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~cal_allo_init.f90 cal_allo_init.f90 sourcefile~cal_allo_init.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~cal_parm_select.f90 cal_parm_select.f90 sourcefile~cal_parm_select.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~ch_rtday.f90 ch_rtday.f90 sourcefile~ch_rtday.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~conditions.f90 conditions.f90 sourcefile~conditions.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~cs_divert.f90 cs_divert.f90 sourcefile~cs_divert.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~cs_irrig.f90 cs_irrig.f90 sourcefile~cs_irrig.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~dtbl_lum_read.f90 dtbl_lum_read.f90 sourcefile~dtbl_lum_read.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~dtbl_res_read.f90 dtbl_res_read.f90 sourcefile~dtbl_res_read.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~dtbl_scen_read.f90 dtbl_scen_read.f90 sourcefile~dtbl_scen_read.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~et_act.f90 et_act.f90 sourcefile~et_act.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~gwflow_read.f90 gwflow_read.f90 sourcefile~gwflow_read.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_allo.f90 hru_allo.f90 sourcefile~hru_allo.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_control.f90 hru_control.f90 sourcefile~hru_control.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_fr_change.f90 hru_fr_change.f90 sourcefile~hru_fr_change.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_read.f90 hru_read.f90 sourcefile~hru_read.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~mgt_sched.f90 mgt_sched.f90 sourcefile~mgt_sched.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_allo.f90 res_allo.f90 sourcefile~res_allo.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_control.f90 res_control.f90 sourcefile~res_control.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_cs.f90 res_cs.f90 sourcefile~res_cs.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_hydro.f90 res_hydro.f90 sourcefile~res_hydro.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_initial.f90 res_initial.f90 sourcefile~res_initial.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_nutrient.f90 res_nutrient.f90 sourcefile~res_nutrient.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_pest.f90 res_pest.f90 sourcefile~res_pest.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read.f90 res_read.f90 sourcefile~res_read.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_cs.f90 res_read_cs.f90 sourcefile~res_read_cs.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_csdb.f90 res_read_csdb.f90 sourcefile~res_read_csdb.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_hyd.f90 res_read_hyd.f90 sourcefile~res_read_hyd.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_init.f90 res_read_init.f90 sourcefile~res_read_init.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_nut.f90 res_read_nut.f90 sourcefile~res_read_nut.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_salt.f90 res_read_salt.f90 sourcefile~res_read_salt.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_salt_cs.f90 res_read_salt_cs.f90 sourcefile~res_read_salt_cs.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_saltdb.f90 res_read_saltdb.f90 sourcefile~res_read_saltdb.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_sed.f90 res_read_sed.f90 sourcefile~res_read_sed.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_read_weir.f90 res_read_weir.f90 sourcefile~res_read_weir.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_salt.f90 res_salt.f90 sourcefile~res_salt.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_sediment.f90 res_sediment.f90 sourcefile~res_sediment.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~res_weir_release.f90 res_weir_release.f90 sourcefile~res_weir_release.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~salt_irrig.f90 salt_irrig.f90 sourcefile~salt_irrig.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~swift_output.f90 swift_output.f90 sourcefile~swift_output.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_cs.f90 wet_cs.f90 sourcefile~wet_cs.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_initial.f90 wet_initial.f90 sourcefile~wet_initial.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_irrp.f90 wet_irrp.f90 sourcefile~wet_irrp.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_read.f90 wet_read.f90 sourcefile~wet_read.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_read_hyd.f90 wet_read_hyd.f90 sourcefile~wet_read_hyd.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_read_salt_cs.f90 wet_read_salt_cs.f90 sourcefile~wet_read_salt_cs.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wet_salt.f90 wet_salt.f90 sourcefile~wet_salt.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90 sourcefile~wetland_control.f90 wetland_control.f90 sourcefile~wetland_control.f90->sourcefile~reservoir_data_module.f90

Source Code

    module reservoir_data_module
    implicit none      

      type reservoir_data_char_input
        character (len=25) :: name = "default"
        character (len=25) :: init = ""             !initial data-points to initial.res
        character (len=25) :: hyd = ""              !points to hydrology.res for hydrology inputs
        character (len=25) :: release = ""          !0=simulated; 1=measured outflow
        character (len=25) :: sed = ""              !sediment inputs-points to sediment.res
        character (len=25) :: nut = ""              !nutrient inputs-points to nutrient.res    
      end type reservoir_data_char_input
      type (reservoir_data_char_input), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_dat_c
      type (reservoir_data_char_input), dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_dat_c

      !rtb salt/cs
      type reservoir_data_char_input_cs  
        character (len=25) :: pst = ""              !pesticide inputs-points to pesticide.res    
        character (len=25) :: weir = ""             !weir inputs-points to weir.res    Jaehak 2022
        character (len=25) :: salt = ""             !salt inputs - points to salt_res rtb salt
        character (len=25) :: cs = ""               !constituent inputs - points to cs_res rtb cs
      end type reservoir_data_char_input_cs
      type (reservoir_data_char_input_cs), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_dat_c_cs
      type (reservoir_data_char_input_cs), dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_dat_c_cs
      type reservoir_data
        character(len=25) :: name = "default"
        integer :: init = 0                   !initial data-points to initial.res
        integer :: hyd = 0                    !points to hydrology.res for hydrology inputs
        integer :: release = 0                !0=simulated; 1=measured outflow
        integer :: sed = 0                    !sediment inputs-points to sediment.res
        integer :: nut = 0                    !nutrient inputs-points to nutrient.res
        integer :: pst = 0                    !pesticide inputs-points to pesticide.res
        integer :: salt = 0                   !salt input-points to salt.res
        integer :: cs = 0                     !constituent inputs-points to cs.res
        character (len=25) :: weir = ""       !weir inputs-points to weir.res  Jaehak 2022  
      end type reservoir_data
      type (reservoir_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_dat
      type (reservoir_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_dat
      type (reservoir_data) :: res_datz
      type reservoir_init_data_char
        character (len=25) :: init = ""            !initial data-points to initial.cha
        character (len=25) :: org_min = ""         !points to initial organic-mineral input file
        character (len=25) :: pest = ""            !points to initial pesticide input file
        character (len=25) :: path = ""            !points to initial pathogen input file
        character (len=25) :: hmet = ""            !points to initial heavy metals input file
        character (len=25) :: salt = ""            !points to initial salt input file
      end type reservoir_init_data_char
      type (reservoir_init_data_char), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_init_dat_c
      type reservoir_init_data
        integer :: init = 1                 !initial data-points to initial.cha
        integer :: org_min = 1              !points to initial organic-mineral input file
        integer :: pest = 1                 !points to initial pesticide input file
        integer :: path = 1                 !points to initial pathogen input file
        integer :: hmet = 1                 !points to initial heavy metals input file
        integer :: salt = 1                 !points to initial salt input file
        integer :: cs = 1                   !points to initial constituent input file (rtb cs)
      end type reservoir_init_data
      type (reservoir_init_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_init
      type (reservoir_init_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_init
      type reservoir_hyd_data
        character(len=25) :: name = "default"
        integer :: iyres = 0      !none          |year of the sim that the res becomes operational
        integer :: mores = 0      !none          |month the res becomes operational
        real :: psa = 0.          !ha            |res surface area when res is filled to princ spillway
        real :: pvol = 0.         !ha-m          |vol of water needed to fill the res to the princ spillway (read in as ha-m
                                  !                and converted to m^3)
        real :: esa = 0.          !ha            |res surface area when res is filled to emerg spillway 
        real :: evol = 0.         !ha-m          |vol of water needed to fill the res to the emerg spillway (read in as ha-m
                                  !                and converted to m^3)
        real :: k = .01           !mm/hr         |hydraulic conductivity of the res bottom
        real :: evrsv = .7        !none          |lake evap coeff
        real :: br1 = 0.          !none          |vol-surface area coefficient for reservoirs (model estimates if zero)
        real :: br2 = 0.          !none          |vol-surface area coefficient for reservoirs (model estimates if zero)
      end type reservoir_hyd_data
      type (reservoir_hyd_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_hyd
      type (reservoir_hyd_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_hyddb
      type wetland_hyd_data
        character(len=25) :: name = "default"
        real :: psa = 0.          !frac          |fraction of hru area at principal spillway (ie: when surface inlet riser flow starts)
        real :: pdep = 0.         !mm            |average depth of water at principal spillway
        real :: esa = 0.          !frac          |fraction of hru area at emergency spillway (ie: when starts to spill into ditch)
        real :: edep = 0.         !mm            |average depth of water at emergency spillway
        real :: k = .01           !mm/hr         |hydraulic conductivity of the wetland bottom
        real :: evrsv = .7        !none          |wetland evap coeff
        real :: acoef = 1.        !none          |vol-surface area coefficient for hru impoundment
        real :: bcoef = 1.        !none          |vol-depth coefficient for hru impoundment
        real :: ccoef = 1.        !none          |vol-depth coefficient for hru impoundment
        real :: frac = .5         !none          |fraction of hru that drains into impoundment
      end type wetland_hyd_data
      type (wetland_hyd_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_hyd
      type (wetland_hyd_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: wet_hyddb
      type reservoir_sed_data
        character(len=25) :: name = ""
        real :: nsed = 0.           !kg/L       |normal amt of sed in res (read in as mg/L and convert to kg/L)
        real :: d50 = 0.            !um         |median particle size of suspended and benthic sediment
        real :: carbon = 0.         !%          |organic carbon in suspended and benthic sediment
        real :: bd = 0.             !t/m^3      |bulk density of benthic sediment
        real :: sed_stlr = 0.       !none       |sediment settling rate
        real :: velsetlr = 0.       !m/d        |sediment settling velocity
      end type reservoir_sed_data
      type (reservoir_sed_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_sed
      type reservoir_nut_data
        character(len=25) :: name = ""
        integer :: ires1 = 0        !none       |beg of mid-year nutrient settling "season"
        integer :: ires2 = 0        !none       |end of mid-year nutrient settling "season"
        real :: nsetlr1 = 0.        !frac       |nit mass loss rate for mid-year period 
        real :: nsetlr2 = 0.        !frac       |nit mass loss rate for remainder of year
        real :: psetlr1 = 0.        !frac       |phos mass loss rate for mid-year period
        real :: psetlr2 = 0.        !frac       |phos mass loss rate for remainder of year
        real :: chlar = 1.          !none       |chlorophyll-a production coeff for res
        real :: seccir = 1.0        !none       |water clarity coeff for res
        real :: theta_n = 1.        !none       |temperature adjustment for nitrogen loss (settling)
        real :: theta_p = 1.        !none       |temperature adjustment for phosphorus loss (settling)
        real :: conc_nmin = .1      !ppm        |minimum nitrogen concentration for settling
        real :: conc_pmin = .01     !ppm        |minimum phosphorus concentration for settling
      end type reservoir_nut_data
      type (reservoir_nut_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: res_nut
      type water_body_data_parameters
        type (reservoir_sed_data) :: sed
        type (reservoir_nut_data) :: nut
        real :: sed_stlr_co = 0.                     !none       |
      end type water_body_data_parameters
      type (water_body_data_parameters), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: res_prm
      type (water_body_data_parameters), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: wet_prm
      type (water_body_data_parameters), pointer :: wbody_prm       !! used for reservoir and wetlands
      type reservoir_weir_outflow
        character(len=25) :: name = ""
        real :: c = 1.84              !none          |weir discharge linear coefficient 
        real :: k = 2.6               !none          |weir discharge exponential coefficient
        real :: w = 2.5               !m             |width
        real :: h = 0.0               !m             |height of weir above bottoom of impoundment
      end type reservoir_weir_outflow
      type (reservoir_weir_outflow),dimension(:),allocatable :: res_weir   
      end module reservoir_data_module