urban_db Derived Type

type, public :: urban_db


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: urbnm = ""
real, public :: fimp = 0.05

fraction |fraction of HRU area that is imp

real, public :: fcimp = 0.05

fraction |fraction of HRU that is classified as directly connected imp

real, public :: curbden = 0.0

km/ha |curb length density

real, public :: urbcoef = 0.0

1/mm |wash-off coefficient for removal of constituents from an imp surface

real, public :: dirtmx = 1000.0

kg/curb km |max amt of solids allowed to build up on imp surfaces

real, public :: thalf = 1.0

days |time for the amt of solids on imp areas to build up to 1/2 max level

real, public :: tnconc = 0.0

mg N/kg sed |conc of total nitrogen in suspended solid load from imp areas

real, public :: tpconc = 0.0

mg P/kg sed |conc of total phosphorus in suspened solid load from imp areas

real, public :: tno3conc = 0.0

mg NO3-N/kg sed |conc of NO3-N in suspended solid load from imp areas

real, public :: urbcn2 = 98.0

none |moisture condition II curve number for imp areas