update_parameters Derived Type

type, public :: update_parameters


type~~update_parameters~~InheritsGraph type~update_parameters update_parameters type~calibration_conditions calibration_conditions type~update_parameters->type~calibration_conditions cond


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=25), public :: name = ""

cn2, terrace, land use, mgt, etc.

integer, public :: num_db = 0

crosswalk number of parameter, structure or land use to get database array number

character(len=16), public :: chg_typ = ""

type of change (absval,abschg,pctchg)

real, public :: val = 0.

value of change

integer, public :: conds = 0

number of conditions

integer, public :: lyr1 = 0

first layer in range for soil variables (0 assumes all layers are modified)

integer, public :: lyr2 = 0

last layer in range for soil variables (0 assumes through last layer)

integer, public :: year1 = 0

first year for precip and temp

integer, public :: year2 = 0

last year for precip and temp

integer, public :: day1 = 0

first day in range for precip and temp

integer, public :: day2 = 0

last day in range for precip and temp

integer, public :: num_tot = 0

total number of integers read in

integer, public :: num_elem = 0

total number of elements modified (ie - 1 -5 18; num_tot=3 and num_elem=6)

integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: num
integer, public :: num_cond = 0
type(calibration_conditions), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: cond