soft_calibration_codes Derived Type

type, public :: soft_calibration_codes


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=1), public :: hyd_hru = "n"

if a, calibrate all hydrologic balance processes for hru by land use in each region if b, calibrate baseflow and total runoff for hru by land use in each region if y, defaults to b for existing NAM simulations

character(len=1), public :: hyd_hrul = "n"

if y, calibrate hydrologic balance for hru_lte by land use in each region

character(len=1), public :: plt = "n"

if y, calibrate plant growth by land use (by plant) in each region

character(len=1), public :: sed = "n"

if y, calibrate sediment yield by land use in each region

character(len=1), public :: nut = "n"

if y, calibrate nutrient balance by land use in each region

character(len=1), public :: chsed = "n"

if y, calibrate channel widening and bank accretion by stream order

character(len=1), public :: chnut = "n"

if y, calibrate channel nutrient balance by stream order

character(len=1), public :: res = "n"

if y, calibrate reservoir budgets by reservoir