septic_db Derived Type

type, public :: septic_db


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=20), public :: sepnm = ""
real, public :: qs = 0.

m3/d |flow rate of the septic tank effluent per capita (sptq)

real, public :: bodconcs = 0.

mg/l |biological oxygen demand of the septic tank effluent

real, public :: tssconcs = 0.

mg/l |concentration of total suspended solid in the septic tank effluent

real, public :: nh4concs = 0.

mg/l |concentration of total phosphorus in the septic tank effluent

real, public :: no3concs = 0.

mg/l |concentration of nitrate in the septic tank effluent

real, public :: no2concs = 0.

mg/l |concentration of nitrite in the septic tank effluent

real, public :: orgnconcs = 0.

mg/l |concentration of organic nitrogen in the septic tank effluent

real, public :: minps = 0.

mg/l |concentration of mineral phosphorus in the septic tank effluent

real, public :: orgps = 0.

mg/l |concentration of organic phosphorus in the septic tank effluent

real, public :: fcolis = 0.

mg/l |concentration of fecal coliform in the septic tank effluent