data_files_max_elements Derived Type

type, public :: data_files_max_elements


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: topo = 0


integer, public :: hyd = 0


integer, public :: soil = 0

none |number of types of soils

integer, public :: landuse = 0

none |number of landuse types

integer, public :: mgt_ops = 0

none |number of records in management

integer, public :: cn_lu = 0

none |number of records in cntable.lum

integer, public :: cons_prac = 0

none |number of records in conservation practice table

integer, public :: pothole = 0

none |number of potholes

integer, public :: sdr = 0

none |number of types of susbsurface drain systems

integer, public :: str_ops = 0

none |number of management ops

integer, public :: urban = 0

none |number of urban land use types in urban.urb

integer, public :: ovn = 0

none |number of overland flow n types in ovn_table.lum

integer, public :: septic = 0

none |number of types of septic systems

integer, public :: plantparm = 0

none |number of total plants in plants.plt

integer, public :: fertparm = 0

none |number of total fertilizer in fertilizer.frt

integer, public :: manureparm = 0

none |number of total manures in manure.frt

integer, public :: tillparm = 0

none |number of total tillages in tillage.til

integer, public :: pestparm = 0

none !number of total pesticides in pesticide.pes

integer, public :: pestcom = 0

none !number of total pesticides communities in

integer, public :: plantcom = 0

none |number of plant communities

integer, public :: soiltest = 0

none |number of soiltest

integer, public :: sno = 0

none |number of snow props

integer, public :: field = 0

none |number of field props

integer, public :: atmodep = 0

none |atmospheric deposition props

integer, public :: chemapp_db = 0

none |chemical application (fert and pest) operations

integer, public :: grazeop_db = 0

none |grazing operations

integer, public :: harvop_db = 0

none |harvest only operations

integer, public :: irrop_db = 0

none |irrigation operations

integer, public :: sweepop_db = 0

none |sweep operations

integer, public :: filtop_db = 0

none |filter strip data

integer, public :: fireop_db = 0

none |fire data

integer, public :: grassop_db = 0

none |grassed waterways data

integer, public :: plparmop_db = 0

none |plant parms update data

integer, public :: rsdmgtop_db = 0

none |residue mangement data

integer, public :: bmpuserop_db = 0

none |user defined upland CP removal

integer, public :: cond = 0

none |conditional data

integer, public :: initop_db = 0

none |initial.str

integer, public :: wgnsta = 0

none |max wgn stations included in weather-wgn.cli

integer, public :: wst = 0

none |max weather stations include in weather-sta.cli

integer, public :: pcpfiles = 0

none |max pcp files included in pcp.cli

integer, public :: tmpfiles = 0

none |max tmp files included in tmp.cli

integer, public :: rhfiles = 0

none |max relative humidity files included in hmd.cli

integer, public :: slrfiles = 0

none |max solar radiation files included in slr.cli

integer, public :: petfiles = 0

none |max pet files included in pet.cli

integer, public :: wndfiles = 0

none |max wind files included in the wnd.cli

integer, public :: cal_parms = 0

none |max number of calibration parameters in cal_parms_upd

integer, public :: cal_upd = 0

none |max number of calibration parameter updates

integer, public :: sched_up = 0

none |max number of scheduled updates (paramters, structures, land_use_mgt)

integer, public :: cond_up = 0

none |max number of conditional updates (paramters, structures, land_use_mgt)

integer, public :: d_tbl = 0

none |max number of decision tables

integer, public :: dtbl_lum = 0

none |max number of decision tables

integer, public :: dtbl_res = 0

none |max number of decision tables

integer, public :: dtbl_flo = 0

none |max number of decision tables

integer, public :: dtbl_scen = 0

none |max number of decision tables

integer, public :: cs_db = 0
integer, public :: pathcom = 0
integer, public :: hmetcom = 0
integer, public :: saltcom = 0
integer, public :: ru_elem = 0
integer, public :: lsu_elem = 0
integer, public :: lsu_out = 0

none |max number of landscape regions for output

integer, public :: reg_elem = 0
integer, public :: lsu_reg = 0

none |max number of landscape regions for soft cal and output by lum

integer, public :: lscal_reg = 0

none |max number of soft data for landscape calibration (for each cal region)

integer, public :: aqu_elem = 0
integer, public :: aqu_out = 0

none |max number of aquifer regions for output

integer, public :: aqu_reg = 0

none |max number of aquifer regions for soft cal and output by aquifer type

integer, public :: cha_out = 0

none |max number of channel regions for output

integer, public :: cha_reg = 0

none |max number of channel regions for soft cal and output by channel order

integer, public :: res_out = 0

none |max number of reservoir regions for output

integer, public :: res_reg = 0

none |max number of reservoir regions for soft cal and output by reservoir type

integer, public :: rec_out = 0

none |max number of recall regions for output

integer, public :: rec_reg = 0

none |max number of recall regions for soft cal and output by recall type

integer, public :: plcal_reg = 0

none |max number of regions for plant calibration

integer, public :: ch_reg = 0

none |max number of regions for channel calibration

integer, public :: lscal_prms = 0

none |max number of parameters for landscape hru calibration

integer, public :: res_dat = 0
integer, public :: res_init = 0
integer, public :: res_hyd = 0
integer, public :: res_sed = 0
integer, public :: res_nut = 0
integer, public :: res_salt = 0
integer, public :: res_cs = 0
integer, public :: res_weir = 0
integer, public :: wet_dat = 0
integer, public :: wet_hyd = 0
integer, public :: ch_surf = 0
integer, public :: ch_dat = 0
integer, public :: ch_init = 0
integer, public :: ch_init_cs = 0
integer, public :: ch_hyd = 0
integer, public :: ch_sed = 0
integer, public :: ch_nut = 0
integer, public :: ch_temp = 0
integer, public :: path = 0
integer, public :: exco = 0
integer, public :: exco_om = 0
integer, public :: exco_pest = 0
integer, public :: exco_path = 0
integer, public :: exco_hmet = 0
integer, public :: exco_salt = 0
integer, public :: dr = 0
integer, public :: dr_om = 0
integer, public :: trt_om = 0
integer, public :: dr_pest = 0
integer, public :: dr_path = 0
integer, public :: dr_hmet = 0
integer, public :: dr_salt = 0
integer, public :: sol_plt_ini = 0
integer, public :: pest_ini = 0
integer, public :: path_ini = 0
integer, public :: hmet_ini = 0
integer, public :: salt_ini = 0
integer, public :: salt_gw_ini = 0
integer, public :: cs_ini = 0
integer, public :: pestw_ini = 0
integer, public :: pathw_ini = 0
integer, public :: hmetw_ini = 0
integer, public :: salt_cha_ini = 0
integer, public :: cs_cha_ini = 0
integer, public :: sep = 0
integer, public :: ch_lte = 0
integer, public :: om_water_init = 0
integer, public :: sdc_dat = 0
integer, public :: aqudb = 0
integer, public :: aqu2d = 0
integer, public :: wallo_db = 0
integer, public :: mallo_db = 0
integer, public :: transplant = 0
integer, public :: pudl_db = 0
integer, public :: recall_max = 0
integer, public :: object_prt = 0
integer, public :: ctbl_res = 0
integer, public :: ch_sednut = 0