cs_balance_aqu Derived Type

type, public :: cs_balance_aqu

Inherited by

type~~cs_balance_aqu~~InheritedByGraph type~cs_balance_aqu cs_balance_aqu type~object_cs_balance_aqu object_cs_balance_aqu type~object_cs_balance_aqu->type~cs_balance_aqu cs


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: csgw = 0.

|kg |mass loaded to streams from the aquifer

real, public :: rchrg = 0.

|kg |mass reaching the water table (recharge)

real, public :: seep = 0.

|kg |mass seepage out of aquifer

real, public :: irr = 0.

|kg |mass removed via irrigation (groundwater pumping)

real, public :: div = 0.

|kg |mass removed or added via diversion

real, public :: sorb = 0.

|kg |mass transferred from sorbed phase to dissolved phase

real, public :: rctn = 0.

|kg |mass transferred by chemical reaction

real, public :: mass = 0.

|kg !mass stored in aquifer

real, public :: conc = 0.

|g/m3 |concentration in groundwater

real, public :: srbd = 0.

|kg |mass sorbed to aquifer material