constituent_rct Derived Type

type, public :: constituent_rct


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: kd_seo4 = 0.

| |sorption partition coefficient for seo4

real, public :: kd_seo3 = 0.

| |sorption partition coefficient for seo3

real, public :: kd_born = 0.

| |sorption partition coefficient for boron

real, public :: kseo4 = 0.

|1/day |first-order rate constant for seo4 reduction to seo3

real, public :: kseo3 = 0.

|1/day |first-order rate constant for seo3 reduction to elemental se

real, public :: se_ino3 = 0.

| |selenium reduction inhibition factor

real, public :: oxy_soil = 0.

|mg/L |oxygen concentration in soil water

real, public :: oxy_aqu = 0.

|mg/L |oxygen concentration in groundwater

real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: shale

| |fraction of object area that is occupied by shale formations (source of se)

real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: sseratio

| |sulfur/se ratio in shale material

real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: ko2a

|1/day |first-order rate constant for autotrophic reduction of dissolved oxygen

real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: kno3a

|1/day |first-order rate constant for autotrophic reduction of no3