climate_measured_data Derived Type

type, public :: climate_measured_data


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=50), public :: filename = ""
real, public :: lat = 0.

latitude of raingage

real, public :: long = 0.

longitude of raingage

real, public :: elev = 0.

elevation of raingage

integer, public :: nbyr = 0

number of years of daily rainfall

integer, public :: tstep = 0

timestep of precipitation

integer, public :: days_gen = 0

number of missing days - generated

integer, public :: yrs_start = 1

number of years of simulation before record starts

integer, public :: start_day = 0

daily precip start julian day

integer, public :: start_yr = 0

daily precip start year

integer, public :: end_day = 0

daily precip end julian day

integer, public :: end_yr = 0

daily precip end year

real, public, dimension (12) :: mean_mon = 0.

same as variable unit |mean monthly measured value

real, public, dimension (12) :: max_mon = 0.

same as variable unit |maximum monthly measured value

real, public, dimension (12) :: min_mon = 0.

same as variable unit |minimum monthly measured value

real, public, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: ts
real, public, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: ts2
real, public, dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: tss