basin_control_codes Derived Type

type, public :: basin_control_codes


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=16), public :: petfile = '         pet.cli'

potential et filename

character(len=16), public :: wwqfile = ""

watershed stream water quality filename

integer, public :: pet = 0

potential ET method code 0 = Priestley-Taylor 1 = Penman-Monteith 2 = Hargreaves method

integer, public :: event = 0

not used

integer, public :: crk = 0

crack flow code 1 = compute flow in cracks

integer, public :: swift_out = 0

write to SWIFT input file 0 = do not write 1 = write to swift_hru.inp

integer, public :: sed_det = 0

peak rate method 0 = NRCS dimensionless hydrograph with PRF 1 = half hour rainfall intensity method

integer, public :: rte = 0

water routing method 0 variable storage method 1 Muskingum method

integer, public :: deg = 0

not used

integer, public :: wq = 0

not used

integer, public :: nostress = 0

redefined to the sequence number -- changed to no nutrient stress 0 = all stresses applied 1 = turn off all plant stress 2 = turn off nutrient plant stress only

integer, public :: cn = 0

not used

integer, public :: cfac = 0

not used

integer, public :: cswat = 0

carbon code = 0 Static soil carbon (old mineralization routines) = 1 C-FARM one carbon pool model = 2 Century model

integer, public :: lapse = 0

precip and temperature lapse rate control 0 = do not adjust for elevation 1 = adjust for elevation

integer, public :: uhyd = 1

Unit hydrograph method: 0 = triangular UH 1 = gamma function UH

integer, public :: sed_ch = 0

not used

integer, public :: tdrn = 0

tile drainage eq code 0 = tile flow using drawdown days equation 1 = tile flow using drainmod equations

integer, public :: wtdn = 0

shallow water table depth algorithms code 0 = depth using orig water table depth routine - fill to upper limit 1 = depth using drainmod water table depth routine

integer, public :: sol_p_model = 0

0 = original soil P model in SWAT documentation 1 = new soil P model in Vadas and White (2010)

integer, public :: gampt = 0

0 = curve number; 1 = Green and Ampt

character(len=1), public :: atmo = "a"

not used

integer, public :: smax = 0

not used

integer, public :: qual2e = 0

0 = instream nutrient routing using QUAL2E 1 = instream nutrient routing using QUAL2E - with simplified nutrient transformations

integer, public :: gwflow = 0

0 = gwflow module not active; 1 = gwflow module active