subroutine salt_roadsalt_read !read in road salt loadings (kg/ha) use basin_module use input_file_module use climate_module use time_module use maximum_data_module use constituent_mass_module implicit none character (len=80) :: file = "" ! |filename character (len=80) :: titldum = ""! |title of file character (len=80) :: header = "" ! |header of file character (len=4) :: salt_ion = ""! | character (len=15) :: station_name = "" ! | integer :: eof = 0 ! |end of file integer :: iadep = 0 ! |counter integer :: imo = 0 ! |counter integer :: iyr = 0 ! |counter integer :: imo_atmo = 0 ! | logical :: i_exist !none |check to determine if file exists integer :: iyrc_atmo = 0 ! | integer :: isalt = 0 ! |salt ion counter integer :: imonth = 0 ! |month counter integer :: year_index = 0 integer :: yr_weat = 0 integer :: year_days = 0 integer :: iday = 0 integer :: day_flag(366) = 0 integer :: dum = 0 real :: day_precip = 0. real :: day_temp = 0. real :: year_precip = 0. real :: day_fraction = 0. eof = 0 !only proceed if there are salt ions in the simulation if(cs_db%num_salts > 0) then inquire (file='salt_road',exist=i_exist) if(i_exist) then !open the file; skip first two lines (commentary) open(5051,file='salt_road') read(5051,*) read(5051,*) read(5051,*) read(5051,*) !allocate arrays allocate (rdapp_salt(0:atmodep_cont%num_sta)) !loop through the stations (num_sta is set in cli_read_atmodep subroutine) do iadep = 1, atmodep_cont%num_sta !allocate arrays allocate (rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(cs_db%num_salts)) !average annual values if (atmodep_cont%timestep == "aa") then read(5051,*) station_name !station name --> already read in cli_read_atmodep do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts read(5051,*) salt_ion,rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%road enddo endif !monthly values if (atmodep_cont%timestep == "mo") then read(5051,*) station_name !station name do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts allocate (rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadmo(atmodep_cont%num), source = 0.) read(5051,*) salt_ion,(rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadmo(imo),imo=1,atmodep_cont%num) enddo end if !yearly values if (atmodep_cont%timestep == "yr") then read(5051,*) station_name !station name do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts allocate (rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadyr(atmodep_cont%num), source = 0.) read(5051,*) salt_ion,(rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadyr(iyr),iyr=1,atmodep_cont%num) enddo !loop through the years, partitioning annual salt load to daily salt loadings !(based on precipitation and temperature) do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts allocate (rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadday(366,atmodep_cont%num), source = 0.) rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadday = 0. enddo year_index = atmodep_cont%yr_init yr_weat = 1 !weather year index do iyr=1,atmodep_cont%num !number of days in the year if(mod(year_index,4) == 0) then year_days = 366 else year_days = 365 endif if(year_index .ge. time%yrc_start) then year_precip = 0. day_flag = 0 !first, determine days of snow, and total precipitation on days of snow do iday=1,year_days !determine if there is snow (likely) day_precip = pcp(iadep)%ts(iday,yr_weat) !mm day_temp = (tmp(iadep)%ts(iday,yr_weat) + tmp(iadep)%ts2(iday,yr_weat)) / 2 !average daily temp (oC) if( then if(day_precip > 0 .and. day_temp < 0) then day_flag(iday) = 1 year_precip = year_precip + day_precip !mm endif endif enddo !second, calculate daily salt loading (using fractions (fraction of yearly snow that falls on each day) do iday=1,year_days if(day_flag(iday) == 1) then day_fraction = pcp(iadep)%ts(iday,yr_weat) / year_precip do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadday(iday,iyr) = rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadyr(iyr) * day_fraction !kg/ha enddo endif enddo yr_weat = yr_weat + 1 else !no precipitation data --> set daily values to 0 do iday=1,year_days do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts rdapp_salt(iadep)%salt(isalt)%roadday(iday,iyr) = 0. enddo enddo endif year_index = year_index + 1 enddo end if end do !go to next station endif endif return end subroutine salt_roadsalt_read