subroutine salt_plant_read !rtb salt use constituent_mass_module use input_file_module use maximum_data_module use salt_data_module implicit none character (len=80) :: titldum = "" character (len=80) :: header = "" character (len=12) :: plant_name = "" integer :: isalt = 0 integer :: iplant = 0 logical :: i_exist !none |check to determine if file exists !read plant salt tolerance data inquire (file="salt_plants", exist=i_exist) if (i_exist) then !open the file and read first line open(107,file="salt_plants") read(107,*) titldum !read TDS-->EC conversion factor read(107,*) header read(107,*) salt_tds_ec !read plant salinity tolerance parameters (a,b parameters from relative yield equations) read(107,*) read(107,*) salt_tol_sim !flag to simulate salt effect on plant growth read(107,*) salt_soil_type !soil type (1 = CaSO4 soils; 2 = NaCl soils) read(107,*) salt_effect !method for applying salt stress: 1 = applied after other stresses; 2 = included with other stresses (min) read(107,*) read(107,*) read(107,*) read(107,*) read(107,*) header allocate (salt_stress_a(db_mx%plantparm), source = 0.) allocate (salt_stress_b(db_mx%plantparm), source = 0.) do iplant=1,db_mx%plantparm read(107,*) plant_name,salt_stress_a(iplant),salt_stress_b(iplant) enddo !close the file close(107) endif return end subroutine salt_plant_read