pl_rootfr.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~pl_rootfr.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~pl_rootfr.f90 pl_rootfr.f90 sourcefile~hru_module.f90 hru_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_rootfr.f90->sourcefile~hru_module.f90 sourcefile~plant_module.f90 plant_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_rootfr.f90->sourcefile~plant_module.f90 sourcefile~soil_module.f90 soil_module.f90 sourcefile~pl_rootfr.f90->sourcefile~soil_module.f90

Source Code

      subroutine pl_rootfr	
	!! This subroutine distributes dead root mass through the soil profile
	!! code developed by Armen R. Kemanian in 2008 
	!! March, 2009 further adjustments expected
    use hru_module, only : ihru
    use soil_module
    use plant_module
    implicit none    

	real :: sol_thick(soil(ihru)%nly) !            |
	real :: cum_rd = 0.               !            |
    real :: cum_d = 0.                !            | 
    real :: cum_rf = 0.               !            |
    real :: x1 = 0.                   !            |
    real :: x2 = 0.                   !            |
	integer :: k = 0                  !            |
    integer :: l = 0                  !none        |number of soil layer that manure applied
    integer :: jj = 0                 !none        |counter
    real :: a = 0.                    !            |
    real :: b = 0.                    !            |
    real :: c = 0.                    !            | 
    real :: d = 0.                    !            |
    real :: rtfr = 0.                 !none        |root fraction
    real :: xx1 = 0.                  !            |
    real :: xx2 = 0.                  !            |
    real :: xx = 0.                   !            |
	jj = ihru
      if (pcom(jj)%plg(1)%root_dep < 1.e-6) then
         soil(jj)%ly(1)%rtfr = 1

	! Normalized Root Density = 1.15*exp[-11.7*NRD] + 0.022, where NRD = normalized rooting depth
	! Parameters of Normalized Root Density Function from Dwyer et al 19xx
	a = 1.15
	b = 11.7
	c = 0.022
	d = 0.12029 ! Integral of Normalized Root Distribution Function 
				! from 0 to 1 (normalized depth) = 0.12029

	l = 0
	k = 0
	cum_d = 0.
	cum_rf = 0.
         sol_thick(:) = 0.
         rtfr = 0.

	do l = 1, soil(jj)%nly
	  if (l == 1) then
	    sol_thick(l) = soil(jj)%phys(l)%d
	    sol_thick(l) = soil(jj)%phys(l)%d - soil(jj)%phys(l-1)%d
	  end if
	  cum_d = cum_d + sol_thick(l)
	  if (cum_d >= pcom(jj)%plg(1)%root_dep) cum_rd = pcom(jj)%plg(1)%root_dep
	  if (cum_d < pcom(jj)%plg(1)%root_dep) cum_rd = cum_d
	  x1 = (cum_rd - sol_thick(l)) / pcom(jj)%plg(1)%root_dep
	  x2 = cum_rd / pcom(jj)%plg(1)%root_dep
           xx1 = -b * x1
	  if (xx1 > 20.) xx1 = 20.
           xx2 = -b * x2
           if (xx2 > 20.) xx2 = 20.
	     soil(jj)%ly(l)%rtfr = (a/b*(Exp(xx1) - Exp(xx2)) + c *(x2 - x1))/d
           xx = cum_rf
	       cum_rf = cum_rf + soil(jj)%ly(l)%rtfr
           if (cum_rf > 1.) then
	       soil(jj)%ly(l)%rtfr = 1. - xx
             cum_rf = 1.0
           end if
	  k = l
	  if (cum_rd >= pcom(jj)%plg(1)%root_dep) Exit
	end do

	!!	 ensures that cumulative fractional root distribution = 1
	do l = 1, soil(jj)%nly
		soil(jj)%ly(l)%rtfr = soil(jj)%ly(l)%rtfr / cum_rf
		If (l == k) Exit ! exits loop on the same layer as the previous loop
    end do
       end subroutine pl_rootfr