pathogen_data_module.f90 Source File

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~pathogen_data_module.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~ch_rtpath.f90 ch_rtpath.f90 sourcefile~ch_rtpath.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~constit_db_read.f90 constit_db_read.f90 sourcefile~constit_db_read.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~path_apply.f90 path_apply.f90 sourcefile~path_apply.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~path_ls_process.f90 path_ls_process.f90 sourcefile~path_ls_process.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~path_ls_runoff.f90 path_ls_runoff.f90 sourcefile~path_ls_runoff.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~path_ls_swrouting.f90 path_ls_swrouting.f90 sourcefile~path_ls_swrouting.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~path_parm_read.f90 path_parm_read.f90 sourcefile~path_parm_read.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~pathogen_init.f90 pathogen_init.f90 sourcefile~pathogen_init.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~sd_channel_read.f90 sd_channel_read.f90 sourcefile~sd_channel_read.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90 sourcefile~sep_biozone.f90 sep_biozone.f90 sourcefile~sep_biozone.f90->sourcefile~pathogen_data_module.f90

Source Code

      module pathogen_data_module
      implicit none
      type pathogen_db
        character(len=16) :: pathnm = ""
        real :: do_soln = 0.       !! 1/day         |Die-off factor for pers bac in soil solution
        real :: gr_soln = 0.       !! 1/day         |Growth factor for pers bac in soil solution
        real :: do_sorb = 0.       !! 1/day         |Die-off factor for pers bac adsorbed to soil part
        real :: gr_sorb = 0.       !! 1/day         |Growth factor for pers bac adsorbed to soil part
        real :: kd = 0.            !! none          |Pathogen part coeff bet sol and sorbed phase in surf runoff
        real :: t_adj = 0.         !! none          |temp adj factor for bac die-off/growth
        real :: washoff = 0.       !! none          |frac of pers bac on foliage washed off by a rainfall event
        real :: do_plnt = 0.       !! 1/day         |Die-off factor for pers bac on foliage
        real :: gr_plnt = 0.       !! 1/day         |Growth factor for persistent pathogen on foliage
        real :: fr_manure = 0.     !! none          |frac of manure containing active colony forming units (cfu)
        real :: perco = 0.         !! none          |Pathogen perc coeff ratio of solution bacteria in surf layer
        real :: det_thrshd = 0.    !! # cfu/m^2     |Threshold detection level for less pers bac when pathogen levels
                                                    !drop to this amt the model considers bac in the soil to be 
                                                    !insignificant and sets the levels to zero
        real :: do_stream = 0.     !! 1/day         |Die-off factor for persistent pathogen in streams
        real :: gr_stream = 0.     !! 1/day         |growth factor for persistent pathogen in streams
        real :: do_res = 0.        !! 1/day         |Die-off factor for less persistent pathogen in reservoirs
        real :: gr_res = 0.        !! 1/day         |growth factor for less persistent pathogen in reservoirs
        real :: conc_min = 0.      !!               |minimum pathogen concentration
      end type pathogen_db
      type (pathogen_db), dimension(:), allocatable  :: path_db

      end module pathogen_data_module