manure_allocation_read.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~manure_allocation_read.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90 manure_allocation_read.f90 sourcefile~conditional_module.f90 conditional_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~conditional_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_module.f90 hru_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~hru_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~input_file_module.f90 input_file_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~input_file_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_module.f90 manure_allocation_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~manure_allocation_module.f90 sourcefile~maximum_data_module.f90 maximum_data_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~maximum_data_module.f90 sourcefile~mgt_operations_module.f90 mgt_operations_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~mgt_operations_module.f90 sourcefile~sd_channel_module.f90 sd_channel_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_read.f90->sourcefile~sd_channel_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_module.f90 basin_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~basin_module.f90 sourcefile~time_module.f90 time_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~time_module.f90 sourcefile~fertilizer_data_module.f90 fertilizer_data_module.f90 sourcefile~manure_allocation_module.f90->sourcefile~fertilizer_data_module.f90

Source Code

      subroutine manure_allocation_read
      use input_file_module
      use manure_allocation_module
      use mgt_operations_module
      use maximum_data_module
      use hydrograph_module
      use sd_channel_module
      use conditional_module
      use hru_module, only : hru
      implicit none 
      character (len=80) :: titldum = ""!           |title of file
      character (len=80) :: header = "" !           |header of file
      integer :: eof = 0              !           |end of file
      integer :: imax = 0             !none       |determine max number for array (imax) and total number in file
      logical :: i_exist              !none       |check to determine if file exists
      integer :: i = 0                !none       |counter
      integer :: k = 0                !none       |counter
      integer :: isrc = 0             !none       |counter
      integer :: imro = 0             !none       |number of manure allocation objects
      integer :: num_objs = 0
      integer :: idmd = 0
      integer :: idb = 0
      integer :: ihru = 0
      integer :: idb_man = 0
      eof = 0
      imax = 0
      !! read water allocation inputs

      inquire (file="manure_allo.mnu", exist=i_exist)
      if (.not. i_exist .or. "manure_allo.mnu" == "null") then
        allocate (mallo(0:0))
        open (107,file="manure_allo.mnu")
        read (107,*,iostat=eof) titldum
        if (eof < 0) exit
        read (107,*,iostat=eof) imax
        db_mx%mallo_db = imax
        if (eof < 0) exit
        allocate (mallo(imax))
        do imro = 1, imax
          read (107,*,iostat=eof) header
          if (eof < 0) exit
          read (107,*,iostat=eof) mallo(imro)%name, mallo(imro)%rule_typ, mallo(imro)%src_obs, &
          if (eof < 0) exit
          read (107,*,iostat=eof) header
          if (eof < 0) exit
          num_objs = mallo(imro)%src_obs
          allocate (mallo(imro)%src(num_objs))
          num_objs = mallo(imro)%dmd_obs
          allocate (mallo(imro)%dmd(num_objs))
          !! read source object data
          do isrc = 1, mallo(imro)%src_obs
            read (107,*,iostat=eof) i
            mallo(imro)%src(i)%num = i
            if (eof < 0) exit
            backspace (107)
            read (107,*,iostat=eof) k, mallo(imro)%src(i)%mois_typ, mallo(imro)%src(i)%manure_typ,      &
                   mallo(imro)%src(i)%lat, mallo(imro)%src(i)%long, mallo(imro)%src(i)%stor_init,       & 
                   mallo(imro)%src(i)%stor_max, mallo(imro)%src(i)%prod_mon
            !xwalk fert name with fertilizer data base
            do idb = 1, db_mx%fertparm
              if (mallo(imro)%src(i)%manure_typ == fertdb(idb)%fertnm) then
                mallo(imro)%src(i)%fertdb = idb
            end do
          end do
          !! read demand object data
          read (107,*,iostat=eof) header
          if (eof < 0) exit
          do idmd = 1, num_objs
            isrc = mallo(imro)%src_obs
            allocate (mallo(imro)%dmd(idmd)%withdr(isrc), source = 0.)
            allocate (mallo(imro)%dmd(idmd)%withdr_m(isrc), source = 0.)
            allocate (mallo(imro)%dmd(idmd)%withdr_y(isrc), source = 0.)
            allocate (mallo(imro)%dmd(idmd)%withdr_a(isrc), source = 0.)
            read (107,*,iostat=eof) i
            mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%num = i
            if (eof < 0) exit
            backspace (107)
            read (107,*,iostat=eof) k, mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%ob_typ, mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%ob_num,            &
              mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%dtbl, mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%right
            !! for hru irrigtion, need to xwalk with irrigation demand decision table
            if (mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%ob_typ == "hru") then
              ihru = mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%ob_num
              !! xwalk with lum decision table
              do idb = 1, db_mx%dtbl_lum
                if (mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%dtbl == dtbl_lum(idb)%name) then
                  mallo(imro)%dmd(i)%dtbl_num = idb
                  hru(ihru)%man_dmd_dtbl = idb
                  do idb_man = 1, db_mx%chemapp_db 
                    if (dtbl_lum(idb)%act(1)%option == chemapp_db(idb_man)%name) then
                      mallo(imro)%dmd(idmd)%manure_amt%app_method = idb_man
                    end if
                  end do
                end if
              end do
            end if

          end do
        end do      !loop for number of manure allocation objects

      end do    !loop for end of file exit
      end if    !if manure allocation file exists 

      end subroutine manure_allocation_read