subroutine gwflow_ppex !rtb gwflow !! ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~ !! this subroutine determines the volume of groundwater that is extracted !! from gwflow grid cells, for groundwater that is lost to the system !! (pumping volume are used in gwflow_simulate, in groundwater balance equations) use gwflow_module implicit none integer :: i = 0 ! |counter integer :: j = 0 ! |counter integer :: s = 0 ! |solute counter integer :: cell_id = 0 ! |gwflow cell integer :: pumpex_start_date = 0 ! |starting date of pumping period integer :: pumpex_end_date = 0 ! |ending date of pumping period real :: Q = 0. !m3 |pumping rate real :: solmass(100) = 0. !g |solute mass in pumped groundwater !only proceed if external pumping has been specified if (gw_pumpex_flag == 1) then !loop through pumps and specified pumping periods; apply rate to the associated grid cells do i=1,gw_npumpex !cell where pumping occurs cell_id = gw_pumpex_cell(i) !only proceed if pumping cell is active if(gw_state(cell_id)%stat == 1) then !loop through the pumping periods of the cell do j=1,gw_pumpex_nperiods(i) !determine if the current day of the simulation is within the pumping period; if so, apply the pumping rate to the cell pumpex_start_date = gw_pumpex_dates(i,1,j) pumpex_end_date = gw_pumpex_dates(i,2,j) if( .and. gw_daycount.le.pumpex_end_date) then !check to make sure there is enough groundwater to satisfy the pumping rate Q = gw_pumpex_rates(i,j) if( then Q = gw_state(cell_id)%stor gw_state(cell_id)%stor = gw_state(cell_id)%stor - Q endif gw_ss(cell_id)%ppex = gw_ss(cell_id)%ppex - Q !negative = leaving the aquifer gw_ss_sum(cell_id)%ppex = gw_ss_sum(cell_id)%ppex - Q !if chemical transport simulated, calculate the mass of N and P removed via pumping if (gw_solute_flag == 1) then do s=1,gw_nsolute !loop through the solutes solmass(s) = Q * gwsol_state(cell_id)%solute(s)%conc !g gwsol_ss(cell_id)%solute(s)%ppex = gwsol_ss(cell_id)%solute(s)%ppex - solmass(s) gwsol_ss_sum(cell_id)%solute(s)%ppex = gwsol_ss_sum(cell_id)%solute(s)%ppex - solmass(s) enddo endif endif enddo !go to next pumping period endif !check if cell is active enddo !go to next pump endif end subroutine gwflow_ppex