subroutine gwflow_canl(chan_id) !rtb gwflow !! ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~ !! this subroutine calculates the water exchange volume between irrigation canals and connected grid cells !! (exchange volumes are used in gwflow_simulate, in groundwater balance equations) use gwflow_module use hydrograph_module, only : ch_stor use time_module use constituent_mass_module implicit none integer, intent (in) :: chan_id ! |channel number integer :: c = 0 ! |counter for canals connected to the channel integer :: k = 0 ! |counter for cells connected to a canal integer :: s = 0 ! |counter of groundwater solutes integer :: canal_id = 0 ! |canal in connection with the channel integer :: cell_id = 0 ! |cell in connection with the canal integer :: day_beg = 0 ! |beginning day (julian) of active canal integer :: day_end = 0 ! |ending day (julian) of active canal integer :: isalt = 0 ! |salt ion counter integer :: ics = 0 ! |constituent counter integer :: sol_index = 0 integer :: dum = 0 real :: chan_volume = 0. !m3 |water volume in channel before groundwater exchange occurs real :: width = 0. !m |canal width real :: depth = 0. !m |canal depth real :: thick = 0. !m |canal bed thickness real :: length = 0. !m |length of canal in the cell real :: stage = 0. !m |stage of canal in the cell real :: bed_K = 0. !m/day |hydraulic conductivity of canal bed in the cell real :: flow_area = 0. !m2 |groundwater flow area of water exchange, in cell real :: canal_bed = 0. !m |canal bed elevation in the cell real :: head_diff = 0. !m |head difference between canal stage and groundwater head real :: Q = 0. !m3/day |water exchange flow rate, calculated by Darcy's Law real :: chan_csol(100) = 0. !g/m3 |solute concentration in channel water real :: solmass(100) = 0. !g |solute mass transferred real :: conc_nh3 = 0. real :: conc_no2 = 0. real :: conc_dox = 0. real :: conc_orgn = 0. real :: mass_nh3 = 0. real :: mass_no2 = 0. real :: mass_dox = 0. real :: mass_orgn = 0. !only proceed if canal-cell exchange is active if (gw_canal_flag == 1) then !record starting channel volume (m3) and solute concentrations (g/m3) chan_csol = 0. conc_nh3 = 0. conc_no2 = 0. conc_dox = 0. conc_orgn = 0. chan_volume = ch_stor(chan_id)%flo if (chan_volume > 10.) then chan_csol(1) = (ch_stor(chan_id)%no3 * 1000.) / chan_volume chan_csol(2) = (ch_stor(chan_id)%solp * 1000.) / chan_volume sol_index = 2 !salts if (gwsol_salt == 1) then do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts sol_index = sol_index + 1 chan_csol(sol_index) = (ch_water(chan_id)%salt(isalt) * 1000.) / chan_volume enddo endif !constituents if (gwsol_cons == 1) then do ics=1,cs_db%num_cs sol_index = sol_index + 1 chan_csol(sol_index) = (ch_water(chan_id)%cs(ics) * 1000.) / chan_volume enddo endif conc_nh3 = (ch_stor(chan_id)%nh3 * 1000.) / chan_volume conc_no2 = (ch_stor(chan_id)%no2 * 1000.) / chan_volume conc_dox = (ch_stor(chan_id)%dox * 1000.) / chan_volume conc_orgn = (ch_stor(chan_id)%orgn * 1000.) / chan_volume endif !loop through the canals that are connected to the channel do c=1,gw_chan_canl_info(chan_id)%ncanal !attributes of the canal canal_id = gw_chan_canl_info(chan_id)%canals(c) width = gw_chan_canl_info(chan_id)%wdth(c) depth = gw_chan_canl_info(chan_id)%dpth(c) thick = gw_chan_canl_info(chan_id)%thck(c) day_beg = gw_chan_canl_info(chan_id)%dayb(c) day_end = gw_chan_canl_info(chan_id)%daye(c) !only proceed if canal is "on" if ( .and. time%day.le.day_end) then !loop through the cells that are connected to the current canal do k=1,gw_canl_info(canal_id)%ncon !id of the gwflow cell cell_id = gw_canl_info(canal_id)%cells(k) !only proceed if the cell is active if (gw_state(cell_id)%stat == 1) then !attributes of the cell length = gw_canl_info(canal_id)%leng(k) stage = gw_canl_info(canal_id)%elev(k) bed_K = gw_canl_info(canal_id)%hydc(k) !calculate exchange rate Q (m3/day) flow_area = length * width !m2 = area of seepage canal_bed = stage - depth !m Q = 0. if(gw_state(cell_id)%head < canal_bed) then head_diff = depth Q = bed_K * (head_diff / thick) * flow_area !canal seepage (positive Q: entering aquifer) elseif (gw_state(cell_id)%head > stage) then head_diff = gw_state(cell_id)%head - stage Q = bed_K * (head_diff / thick) * flow_area * (-1) !gw discharge (negative Q: leaving aquifer) elseif (gw_state(cell_id)%head > canal_bed .and. gw_state(cell_id)%head < stage) then head_diff = stage - gw_state(cell_id)%head Q = bed_K * (head_diff / thick) * flow_area !canal seepage (positive Q: entering aquifer) endif !store values in gwflow source/sink arrays if(Q < 0) then !groundwater --> canal !if ((Q*-1 == 1).ge.gw_state(cell_id)%stor) then !can only remove what is there if (-Q .ge. gw_state(cell_id)%stor) then !can only remove what is there Q = -gw_state(cell_id)%stor endif gw_ss(cell_id)%canl = gw_ss(cell_id)%canl + Q gw_state(cell_id)%stor = gw_state(cell_id)%stor + Q !update available groundwater in the cell else !canal --> groundwater (seepage) if(Q > 0) then !canal seepage; remove water from channel if(Q > ch_stor(chan_id)%flo) then !can only remove what is there Q = ch_stor(chan_id)%flo endif gw_ss(cell_id)%canl = gw_ss(cell_id)%canl + Q !store for water balance calculations ch_stor(chan_id)%flo = ch_stor(chan_id)%flo - Q !remove water from channel endif endif gw_ss_sum(cell_id)%canl = gw_ss_sum(cell_id)%canl + Q !store for annual water !calculate solute mass (g/day) transported between cell and channel if (gw_solute_flag == 1) then if(Q < 0) then !mass is leaving the cell --> canal do s=1,gw_nsolute !loop through the solutes solmass(s) = Q * gwsol_state(cell_id)%solute(s)%conc !g if(solmass(s) > gwsol_state(cell_id)%solute(s)%mass) then !can only remove what is there solmass(s) = gwsol_state(cell_id)%solute(s)%mass endif enddo else !mass entering the cell from the canal (i.e., from the channel that provides the canal water) !calculate mass (g) do s=1,gw_nsolute solmass(s) = Q * chan_csol(s) enddo mass_nh3 = Q * conc_nh3 mass_no2 = Q * conc_no2 mass_dox = Q * conc_dox mass_orgn = Q * conc_orgn !check against available solute mass in the channel !no3 if((solmass(1)/1000.) > ch_stor(chan_id)%no3) then solmass(1) = ch_stor(chan_id)%no3 * 1000. !g endif ch_stor(chan_id)%no3 = ch_stor(chan_id)%no3 - (solmass(1)/1000.) !kg !p if((solmass(2)/1000.) > ch_stor(chan_id)%solp) then solmass(2) = ch_stor(chan_id)%solp * 1000. !g endif ch_stor(chan_id)%solp = ch_stor(chan_id)%solp - (solmass(2)/1000.) !kg !nh3 if((mass_nh3/1000.) > ch_stor(chan_id)%nh3) then mass_nh3 = ch_stor(chan_id)%nh3 * 1000. !g endif ch_stor(chan_id)%nh3 = ch_stor(chan_id)%nh3 - (mass_nh3/1000.) !kg !no2 if((mass_no2/1000.) > ch_stor(chan_id)%no2) then mass_no2 = ch_stor(chan_id)%no2 * 1000. !g endif ch_stor(chan_id)%no2 = ch_stor(chan_id)%no2 - (mass_no2/1000.) !kg !dox if((mass_dox/1000.) > ch_stor(chan_id)%dox) then mass_dox = ch_stor(chan_id)%dox * 1000. !g endif ch_stor(chan_id)%dox = ch_stor(chan_id)%dox - (mass_dox/1000.) !kg !orgn if((mass_orgn/1000.) > ch_stor(chan_id)%orgn) then mass_orgn = ch_stor(chan_id)%orgn * 1000. !g endif ch_stor(chan_id)%orgn = ch_stor(chan_id)%orgn - (mass_orgn/1000.) !kg sol_index = 2 !salts if (gwsol_salt == 1) then do isalt=1,cs_db%num_salts sol_index = sol_index + 1 if((solmass(sol_index)/1000.) > ch_water(chan_id)%salt(isalt)) then solmass(sol_index) = ch_water(chan_id)%salt(isalt) * 1000. !g endif ch_water(chan_id)%salt(isalt) = ch_water(chan_id)%salt(isalt) - (solmass(sol_index)/1000.) !kg enddo endif !constituents if (gwsol_cons == 1) then do ics=1,cs_db%num_cs sol_index = sol_index + 1 if((solmass(sol_index)/1000.) > ch_water(chan_id)%cs(ics)) then solmass(sol_index) = ch_water(chan_id)%cs(ics) * 1000. !g endif ch_water(chan_id)%cs(ics) = ch_water(chan_id)%cs(ics) - (solmass(sol_index)/1000.) !kg enddo endif endif !store in mass balance arrays do s=1,gw_nsolute !loop through the solutes gwsol_ss(cell_id)%solute(s)%canl = gwsol_ss(cell_id)%solute(s)%canl + solmass(s) gwsol_ss_sum(cell_id)%solute(s)%canl = gwsol_ss_sum(cell_id)%solute(s)%canl + solmass(s) enddo endif !end solutes endif !check if cell is active enddo !go to next cell connected to the canal endif !check if canal is "on" enddo !go to next canal connected to the channel endif !check if canal-cell exchange is active return end subroutine gwflow_canl