module channel_velocity_module implicit none type channel_velocity_parameters real :: area = 0. !m^2 |cross sectional area of flow at bankfull depth real :: vel_bf = 0. !m^3/s |flow rate when reach is at bankful depth real :: wid_btm = 0. !m |bottom width of main channel real :: dep_bf = 0. !m |depth of water when reach is at bankfull depth real :: velav_bf = 0. !m/s |average velocity when reach is at bankfull depth real :: celerity_bf = 0. !m/s |wave celerity when reach is at bankfull depth real :: st_dis = 0. !hr |storage time constant for reach at bankfull depth real :: vel_1bf = 0. !m/s |average velocity when reach is at 0.1 bankfull depth (low flow) real :: celerity_1bf = 0. !m/s |wave celerity when reach is at 0.1 bankfull depth (low flow) real :: stor_dis_1bf = 0. !hr |storage time constant for reach at 0.1 bankfull depth (low flow) end type channel_velocity_parameters type (channel_velocity_parameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: ch_vel type (channel_velocity_parameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: sd_ch_vel type (channel_velocity_parameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: grwway_vel end module channel_velocity_module