channel_surf_link.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~channel_surf_link.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~channel_surf_link.f90 channel_surf_link.f90 sourcefile~channel_module.f90 channel_module.f90 sourcefile~channel_surf_link.f90->sourcefile~channel_module.f90 sourcefile~hru_module.f90 hru_module.f90 sourcefile~channel_surf_link.f90->sourcefile~hru_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~channel_surf_link.f90->sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90 sourcefile~maximum_data_module.f90 maximum_data_module.f90 sourcefile~channel_surf_link.f90->sourcefile~maximum_data_module.f90 sourcefile~ru_module.f90 ru_module.f90 sourcefile~channel_surf_link.f90->sourcefile~ru_module.f90 sourcefile~basin_module.f90 basin_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~basin_module.f90 sourcefile~time_module.f90 time_module.f90 sourcefile~hydrograph_module.f90->sourcefile~time_module.f90

Source Code

      subroutine channel_surf_link 
      use hydrograph_module
      use channel_module
      use ru_module
      use maximum_data_module
      use hru_module, only : hru
      implicit none
      character (len=3) :: iobtyp = ""!none          |object type
      integer :: ics = 0            !none          |counter 
      integer :: ii = 0             !none          |counter 
      integer :: i = 0              !units         |description  
      integer :: iob = 0            !units         |description   
      integer :: ihru = 0           !none          |counter 
      integer :: ichan = 0
      real :: tot_ha = 0.           !units         |description 
      integer :: iobtypno = 0

      tot_ha = 0
      do ics = 1, db_mx%ch_surf
        do ii = 1, ch_sur(ics)%num

          ichan =  ch_sur(ics)%chnum
          iobtyp = ch_sur(ics)%obtyp(ii)     !object type
          iobtypno = ch_sur(ics)%obtypno(ii)
          select case (iobtyp)
          case ("hru")   !hru
            ob(ics)%obj_out(ii) = sp_ob1%hru + ob(ics)%obtypno_out(ii) - 1
            iob = ob(ics)%obj_out(ii)
            ob(iob)%flood_ch_lnk = ichan   !pointer back to channel-hru link
            ob(iob)%flood_ch_elem = ics   !pointer to landscape element - 1 nearest to channel
            ihru = ch_sur(ics)%obtypno(ii)
            hru(ihru)%wet_fp = "y"
            tot_ha = tot_ha + ob(iob)%area_ha
          case ("hlt")   !hru_lte
            ob(i)%obj_out(ii) = sp_ob1%hru_lte + ob(i)%obtypno_out(ii) - 1
            iob = ob(i)%obj_out(ii)
            ob(iob)%flood_ch_lnk = ics   !pointer back to channel-hru link
            ob(iob)%flood_ch_elem = ii   !pointer to landscape element - 1 nearest to channel
            ihru = ch_sur(ics)%obtypno(ii)
            tot_ha = tot_ha + ob(iob)%area_ha
          case ("ru")   !routing unit
            iru = ch_sur(ics)%obtypno(ii)

            !set flood plain link and landscape element (1==closest to river)
            do ihru = 1, ru_def(iru)%num_tot
              iob = ru_def(iru)%num(ihru)
              ob(iob)%flood_ch_lnk = ichan   !pointer back to channel
              ob(iob)%flood_ch_elem = ics   !pointer to link
              tot_ha = tot_ha + ob(iob)%area_ha
              hru(iob)%wet_fp = "y"
            end do
          case ("cha")   !channel
          case ("sdc")   !swat-deg channel
          end select
        end do

        !! loop again to get fractions
!        do ii = 1, ch_sur(ics)%num
!          iobtyp = ch_sur(ics)%obtyp(ii)     !object type
!          select case (iobtyp)
!          case ("hru")   !hru
!            ob(i)%obj_out(ii) = sp_ob1%hru + ob(i)%obtypno_out(ii) - 1
!            iob = ob(i)%obj_out(ii)
!            ob(iob)%flood_frac = ob(iob)%area_ha / tot_ha

!          case ("hlt")   !hru_lte
!            ob(i)%obj_out(ii) = sp_ob1%hru_lte + ob(i)%obtypno_out(ii) - 1
!            iob = ob(i)%obj_out(ii)
!            ob(iob)%flood_frac = ob(iob)%area_ha / tot_ha

!          case ("ru")   !routing unit
!            ob(i)%obj_out(ii) = sp_ob1%ru + ob(i)%obtypno_out(ii) - 1
!            iob = ob(i)%obj_out(ii)
!            iru = ch_sur(ics)%obtypno(ii)
 !           ith = ru(iru)%dbs%toposub_db

            !set flood plain link and landscape element (1==closest to river)
 !           do iele = 1, ru_def(iru)%num_tot
 !             iob =  ru_def(iru)%num(ihru)
 !             ob(iob)%flood_frac = (ru_elem(iele)%frac * ob(iob)%area_ha) / tot_ha
 !           end do
 !         case ("cha")   !channel
 !        case ("sdc")   !swat-deg channel
 !         end select
 !       end do
      end do    ! ics = 1, db_mx%ch_surf

      end subroutine channel_surf_link