sep_biozone Subroutine

subroutine sep_biozone()


  • proc~~sep_biozone~~UsesGraph proc~sep_biozone sep_biozone module~basin_module basin_module proc~sep_biozone->module~basin_module module~hru_module hru_module proc~sep_biozone->module~hru_module module~organic_mineral_mass_module organic_mineral_mass_module proc~sep_biozone->module~organic_mineral_mass_module module~pathogen_data_module pathogen_data_module proc~sep_biozone->module~pathogen_data_module module~septic_data_module septic_data_module proc~sep_biozone->module~septic_data_module module~soil_module soil_module proc~sep_biozone->module~soil_module module~time_module time_module proc~sep_biozone->module~time_module

~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~ This subroutine conducts biophysical processes occuring in the biozone layer of a septic HRU.

~ ~ ~ INCOMING VARIABLES ~ ~ ~ name |units |definition ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bio_bd(:) |kg/m^3 |density of biomass bio_bod(:) |kg/ha |BOD concentration in biozone biom(:) |kg/ha |biomass of live bacteria in biozone
bz_thk(:) |mm |thickness of biozone
coeff_bod_dc(:) |m^3/day |BOD decay rate coefficient coeff_bod_conv(:)|none |BOD to live bacteria biomass conversion factor coeff_denitr(:) |none |Denitrification rate coefficient coeff_fc1(:) |none |field capacity calibration parameter 1 coeff_fc2(:) |none |field capacity calibration parameter 2
coeff_fecal(:) |m^3/day |Fecal coliform bacteria decay rate coefficient
coeff_mrt(:) |none |mortality rate coefficient
coeff_nitr(:) |none |Nitrification rate coefficient coeff_plq(:) |none |Conversion factor for plaque from TDS
coeff_rsp(:) |none |respiration rate coefficient
coeff_slg1(:) |none |slough-off calibration parameter coeff_slg2(:) |none |slough-off calibration parameter fcoli(:) |cfu/100ml |concentration of the fecal coliform in the biozone | |septic tank effluent ihru |none |HRU number i_sep(:) |none |soil layer where biozone exists
isep_opt(:) |none |Septic system operation flag (1=active,2=failing,0=not operated)
plqm |kg/ha |plaque in biozone rbiom(:) |kg/ha |daily change in biomass of live bacteria ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Coded by J.Jeong and C.Santhi. BRC, Temple TX Septic algorithm adapted from Siegrist et al., 2005

J.Jeong 3/09/09 Failing system: STE saturates upper soil layers Active system

Water content(eqn 4-12), biozone hydraulic conductivity(eqn 4-9), and percolation (eqn 4-8,10,11) are computed in percmain/percmicro

Field capacity in the biozone Eq. 4-6 ! Saturated water content in the biozone - Eq. 4-7

Respiration rate(kg/ha) Eq. 4-2
Mortality rate(kg/ha) Eq. 4-3
Slough-off rate(kg/ha)
Build up of plqm(kg/ha) Eq.4-5

Add build up to plqm ! kg/ha = kg/ha + kg/ha Add STE f.coli concentration by volumetric averaging nutrients reaction rate (Equation 4-13) BOD (kg/ha) 4-14 ! Fecal coliform(cfu/100ml) Eq 4-14, J.Jeong 3/09/09 change in nh3 & no3 in soil pools due to nitrification(kg/ha) Eq.4-13, 4-14
J.Jeong 4/03/09 denitrification,(kg/ha) Eq 4-14
daily change in live bacteria biomass(kg/ha) Eq. 4-1

total live biomass in biozone(kg/ha)

