cs_lch Subroutine

subroutine cs_lch()


  • proc~~cs_lch~~UsesGraph proc~cs_lch cs_lch module~basin_module basin_module proc~cs_lch->module~basin_module module~constituent_mass_module constituent_mass_module proc~cs_lch->module~constituent_mass_module module~gwflow_module gwflow_module proc~cs_lch->module~gwflow_module module~hru_module hru_module proc~cs_lch->module~hru_module module~soil_module soil_module proc~cs_lch->module~soil_module

~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~ this subroutine simulates the loss of constituent mass via surface runoff, lateral flow, tile flow, and percolation out of the profile

~ ~ ~ LOCAL DEFINITIONS ~ ~ ~ name |units |definition ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j |none |HRU number jj |none |counter (soil layers) cocs |kg cs/mm |concentration of constituent in solution cosurfcs |kg cs/mm |concentration of constituent in surface runoff perccslyr |kg cs/ha |constituent mass leached to next lower layer with percolation gwupcslyr |kg cs/ha |constituent mass added to soil profile from groundwater ssfcslyr |kg cs/ha |constituent mass transported in lateral flow from layer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ SUBROUTINES/FUNCTIONS CALLED ~ ~ ~ Intrinsic: Exp, Max, Min

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

add constituent mass leached from layer above determine concentration of constituent in mobile water calculate constituent mass in surface runoff calculate constituent mass in tile flow calculate constituent masss in lateral flow calculate constituent mass in percolate water calculate constituent mass leaching from soil profile if gwflow: store in array for use input_file_module gwflow_rech calculate concentration (mg/L) of constituent in each soil layer

