ch_rtmusk Subroutine

subroutine ch_rtmusk()


~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
this subroutine routes a daily flow through a reach using the
Muskingum method

code provided by Dr. Valentina Krysanova, Pottsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research, Germany
Modified by Balaji Narasimhan
Spatial Sciences Laboratory, Texas A&M University

jga ob(icmd)%tsin = (/0., 800., 2000., 4200., 5200., 4400., 3200., 2500., 2000., 1500., 1000., 700., 400., & 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1000000., 1000000., 1000000., 1000000., 1000000., 1000000./) total wetland volume at start of day set for daily time step subdaily time step water entering reach during time step - substeps for stability add inflow to total storage subdaily inflow interpolate rating curve using inflow rates if no water in channel - skip routing and set rating curves to zero Muskingum flood routing method save inflow/outflow volumes for next time step (and day) for Muskingum Variable Storage Coefficent method - sc=2dt/(2ttime+dt) - ttime=(in2+out1)/2 compute outflow rating curve for next time step add outflow to daily hydrograph and subdaily flow subtract outflow from total storage set rating curve for next time step partition channel and flood plain based on bankfull volume fill channel to bank full if below compute water balance - evap and seep calculate transmission losses (seepage) mm/hr * km * m * 24. = m3 subtract transmission loses from outflow calculate evaporation losses calculate width of channel at water level - flood plain evap calculated in wetlands

mm/day * m2 / 1000. check water balance at end of day total wetland volume at end of day




proc~~ch_rtmusk~~CallsGraph proc~ch_rtmusk ch_rtmusk rcurv_interp_flo rcurv_interp_flo proc~ch_rtmusk->rcurv_interp_flo