output_ls_pathogen_module Module

Used by

  • module~~output_ls_pathogen_module~~UsedByGraph module~output_ls_pathogen_module output_ls_pathogen_module proc~ch_pathogen_output ch_pathogen_output proc~ch_pathogen_output->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~header_path header_path proc~header_path->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~hru_output_allo hru_output_allo proc~hru_output_allo->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~hru_pathogen_output hru_pathogen_output proc~hru_pathogen_output->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~path_apply path_apply proc~path_apply->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~path_ls_process path_ls_process proc~path_ls_process->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~path_ls_runoff path_ls_runoff proc~path_ls_runoff->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~path_ls_swrouting path_ls_swrouting proc~path_ls_swrouting->module~output_ls_pathogen_module proc~pathogen_init pathogen_init proc~pathogen_init->module~output_ls_pathogen_module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(pathogen_balance), public :: pathbz
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: hpath_bal
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: hpathb_m
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: hpathb_y
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: hpathb_a
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: rupathb_d
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: rupathb_m
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: rupathb_y
type(object_pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: rupathb_a
type(object_pathogen_balance), public :: bpathb_d
type(object_pathogen_balance), public :: bpathb_m
type(object_pathogen_balance), public :: bpathb_y
type(object_pathogen_balance), public :: bpathb_a
type(output_pathbal_header), public :: pathb_hdr


public interface operator (+)

public interface operator (/)

public interface operator (//)

Derived Types

type, public ::  pathogen_balance


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: plant = 0.

|kg/ha |pathogen on plant foliage

real, public :: soil = 0.

|kg/ha |pathogen enrichment ratio

real, public :: sed = 0.

|kg/ha |pathogen loading from HRU sorbed onto sediment

real, public :: surq = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen type lost in surface runoff on current day in HRU

real, public :: latq = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen in lateral flow in HRU for the day

real, public :: perc1 = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen leached past first layer

real, public :: apply_sol = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen applied to soil

real, public :: apply_plt = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen applied to plant

real, public :: regro = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen regrowth

real, public :: die_off = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen die-off

real, public :: wash = 0.

|kg/ha |amount of pathogen washed off from plant to soil

type, public ::  object_pathogen_balance


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(pathogen_balance), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: path

type, public ::  output_pathbal_header


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=5), public :: day = " jday"
character(len=6), public :: mo = "   mon"
character(len=6), public :: day_mo = "   day"
character(len=6), public :: yrc = "    yr"
character(len=8), public :: isd = "    unit"
character(len=8), public :: id = "  gis_id"
character(len=16), public :: name = "  name          "
character(len=14), public :: plant = "  plant_kg/h"
character(len=12), public :: soil = "  soil_kg/h"
character(len=12), public :: sed = "   sed_kg/h"
character(len=12), public :: surq = "  surq_kg/h"
character(len=12), public :: latq = "  latq_kg/h"
character(len=12), public :: perc = "  perc_kg/h"
character(len=12), public :: apply = " apply_kg/h"
character(len=12), public :: decay = " decay_kg/h"


public function hruout_pathbal_add(hru1, hru2) result(hru3)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(pathogen_balance), intent(in) :: hru1
type(pathogen_balance), intent(in) :: hru2

Return Value type(pathogen_balance)

public function hruout_pathbal_div(hru1, const) result(hru2)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(pathogen_balance), intent(in) :: hru1
real, intent(in) :: const

Return Value type(pathogen_balance)

public function hruout_pathbal_ave(hru1, const) result(hru2)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(pathogen_balance), intent(in) :: hru1
real, intent(in) :: const

Return Value type(pathogen_balance)